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Are you for customs or against them?


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I'm for both custom moves and stats. In fact unless I have to I have no plans on going back to normal matches. I also really like them because it makes Lucina not as much as a bother to play as. I don't like how Marth plays but I wanted to main Lucina and with customs I can make different enough from Marth I can use her.

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No please don't recreate Poisoned Melee (PM)

So, tell us... What's so great about having little to no hitstun and ledge stealing?
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could you elaborate on what makes it so much better? I feel like both have their own merits

edgehog mechanics punish players for being in a situation they shouldn't have gotten into in the first place (being edgeguarded) / reward players for putting their opponents in unfavorable situations, giving the advantage squarely to the attacking party

on the other hand, it can also punish players that overextend, and allow the opponent that had been trying to recover to grab the ledge and prevent the attacking player from returning to safety

I mean as a player, I like ledge trumping, but I feel like a lot of that might be due to sucking at edgehogging - in theory, tho, I think I prefer edgehogging

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I always felt like getting a kill off edge hogging was a developer oversight. This alone doesn't make it a bad strategy per se, but there's little more annoying when playing casually (as I always have) than being killed because your opponent grabbed the ledge when you were trying to recover.

Overall, it's not so much that edge hogging is objectively bad (I hate it and think it's more of an exploit than an intended mechanic, but that's all I can really say), but that I believe the new edge mechanics are much, much better. Ledge trumping and getting a follow up takes more skill and precise timing than holding the edge, it allows for more intense off-stage play than ever before, and not getting invincibility back without landing ensures no one can endlessly re-grab the ledge.

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yeah I definitely see where you're coming from wrt "wow that asshole killed me just by holding onto the ledge" although at least amongst my group of friends I don't think any of us were good enough to implement it as a strategy
in high-level smash, tho, I find myself appreciating, quick, "clean" edgehogs
basically I'm entirely ambivalent

(but I don't think it's an oversight, since it was in three separate official games)

I like ledge trumping but I can't say I don't find it annoying when I just hit someone off again and again and then they FINALLY recover after all my hard work
so I guess I'm ambivalent both ways


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Ledge trumping and getting a follow up takes more skill and precise timing than holding the edge, it allows for more intense off-stage play than ever before, and not getting invincibility back without landing ensures no one can endlessly re-grab the ledge.

then you haven't done much edgeguarding in the other games. doing it properly so people don't have a chance to get back on stage is very hard.

Edited by Comet
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Ledge trumping is way better than being able to just hold the ledge so your opponent can't.

I agree with this 100%. If PM has edge-hogging, then that's just yet another reason for me to stay away from it. I always hated edge-hogging, almost as much as I hate Kirbycide/Dededecide/Bowsercide.

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can you imagine how bad little mac would be with the ledge mechanics of the old games? Like he's already pretty horrible but man he'd be useless. Same with other low tiers like ganondorf and dr mario.

it'll be interesting how customs will be handled if mewtwo ends up not getting customs in the future (although I think he will)

Edited by General Horace
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can you imagine how bad little mac would be with the ledge mechanics of the old games? Like he's already pretty horrible but man he'd be useless.

I'm pretty sure that a bThrow into bAir works. Or it goes into nAir/dAir.
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can you imagine how bad little mac would be with the ledge mechanics of the old games? Like he's already pretty horrible but man he'd be useless. Same with other low tiers like ganondorf and dr mario.

it'll be interesting how customs will be handled if mewtwo ends up not getting customs in the future (although I think he will)

EVO is just having customs for everyone but Mewtwo anyways, so

I'm pretty sure that a bThrow into bAir works. Or it goes into nAir/dAir.

What does this have to do with ledge mechanics?
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can you imagine how bad little mac would be with the ledge mechanics of the old games? Like he's already pretty horrible but man he'd be useless. Same with other low tiers like ganondorf and dr mario.

it'll be interesting how customs will be handled if mewtwo ends up not getting customs in the future (although I think he will)

he gets edgeguarded anyway, so it woudn't matter

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