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What good is a judge without a jury or an executioner?

I'll execute you. B)

'Fraid I don't know you well enough. I know you're into TTGL, so that's a plus.

I know you seem fairly nice though.

7.2/10, make more of an impression on me and you're golden.

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No fuck you

No, you.

I think Sophia voiced my exact opinion on you:

I think you are very annoying, you tend to act very immature and obnoxious in my eyes.

I dislike all of the threads you make, they tend to serve no real purpose and in a way clutter FFtF much more than it already is.

You sometimes improve but you seem to decline again just as fast.

I honestly try to make attempts to talk to you sometimes but it ends up more of a headache.

4/10, you have room for improvement but have not been making an effort to.

This. You're really annoying in the Post a Fact thread too, not even making an effort to follow the only rule, usually only talking about yourself. Come on.

FEif does look great I agree

Least you admit that~

Okay, I'm gonna be kinda blunt here, so be prepared for that. Do note that I don't dislike you, just some of the impressions you've made on me.

I think... you have kind of a bad temper and hostile attitude, and it seems like you're aware of this. It seems like you haven't made a whole lot of an effort to improve yourself. I think you're kind of annoying too, with some of the posts I've seen in HHH consisting solely of "Yawn..." or "And so it begins...".

With the latter, when I or any other person asks what you mean, you kind of evade the question and act like we're horrible people for caring, or act like we're not aloud to care.

And with the former, it's just a one word onomatopoeia that has no real substance and is contributing nothing. Sooo.

I didn't realize you were into FMA, though. And probably the thing that's helping my opinion of you the most, is that if you've done any of the above within the last 2 or so weeks, I haven't seen it.

5.7/10, would be lower if you hadn't been doing better, so good job on that.

Wait, this is an actual fad?

Kinda. There was only 2 threads of this nature within the past month, but I made this one today and a bunch of people started copying me.

I think you're a cool dude. During the crappy RP thing, you were my favorite person to speak with in the Skype chat thing. You're a pretty friendly guy, definitely, and you sent me that one pick-me-up PM thing that made me feel a lot better when I was down.


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Sure. Why not?

I literally have no idea who yo-


OH, you're Waluigi!

haha okay. Still I don't really know you very well. You can be kind of annoying at times, used to be, at least, but I think you're pretty sympathetic with some of the crap you used to get. I think you've matured a bit too. I don't really have a rating for you, though. Sorry.

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What you got for me?

Not much, I'm afraid. I've seen you exclusively in the Post a Fact thread, and even then, I haven't seen much of you there.

You had a Nyaruko avi once, though!

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Oh, an opinions thread, basically. Thats cool. What do you think of me then?

Hard to say, really.

I've seen you around a little bit? Mostly in IPC which I hardly use anymore. Usually it seems like you're doing that weird japanese-honorifics, bodyguard, onii-chan thing with Zoe and that gets a lttle obnoxious. I know there's more to you than that but I haven't really seen it a lot, which is my fault for not IPC-ing. But you called me 'charming' once and that's cool.

I think I had more I wanted to say? I don't remember it, though.

Edited by Dracocoa
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Hi Draco.


You're a cool dude. You seem really polite and well mannered, never seeming to get angry or annoyed. I dunno, you seem like the kind of dude you could sit down and have a cup of tea with. You're also one of my favorite people to Smash with, if I remember right, because you seem to make it fun. It's been awhile since our last match so I feel like there was more, but as usual, I'm forgetting.

8.9/10, you're quite the cool guy, keep it up. Sorry about killing you in the Hunger Games. D:

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tbh I think most the time you're too horny and hit on me too much and that just kinda gets obnoxious. Can be cool at times though. Oh and you're doing the former thing a lot less as of late so that's kinda helping. 6.9/10 (mostly unintentional).

This thread went from 0 to 50 way too fast.

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This thread went from 0 to 50 way too fast.

epic breakfast cereallllll

Seems like you're a pretty chill but friendly guy. Like the kind of person you could hang out with and have fun doing so. You're probably pretty helpful too, as evidenced by your willing to help in my "I'm starting Lunatic!" and "I'm starting FE4!" threads. also you're beautiful.

8.5/10, you're a cool dude.

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