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Hello guys, I'm quite new to fire emblem, and I'm saying this because my first game was awakening (yes I know Im an awakening casual noob .-.), I've had the game since early 2014, and I'm still really confused on the mechanics, I see people talking about modifiers and all that tacticianal mumbo jumbo and it's just throwing me off. So anyone mind informing me on this stuff, I've already beaten the game a few times just so you know (Not on hard sadly .3.).

Thank you.

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Not sure what you need specifics on but...

In the past games, the caps (max stat) anyone could have in any stat was based on class and pretty much solely on class. Yes, there were cases like Paladin (F) and Paladin (M) for genders; those were considered classes. Gender classes for stat differences was removed for Awakening.
In Awakening, there is still this principle of class caps but now each character has exclusive modifiers to these stats. The class caps for a character are unique to each character.

Let's go into an example. Chrom/Sully as Paladins.
Here are the default caps for a Paladin:

80 HP, 42 Strength, 30 Magic, 40 Skill, 40 Speed, 45 Luck, 42 Defense, 42 Resistance.

Modifiers are listed on this page. Chrom and Sully's modifiers are:

Chrom: +1 Strength, +1 Skill, +1 Speed, +1 Luck, -1 Defense, -1 Resistance

Sully: -1 Strength, -1 Magic, +2 Skill, +2 Speed, -1 Defense

When applying modifiers, these affect the caps. So...

Chrom (Paladin): 80+0 HP, 42+1 Strength, 30+0 Magic, 40+1 Skill, 40+1 Speed, 45+1 Luck, 42-1 Defense, 42-1 Resistance

Sully (Paladin): 80+0 HP, 42-1 Strength, 30-1 Magic, 40+2 Skill, 40+2 Speed, 45+0 Luck, 42-1 Defense, 42+0 Resistance

Their caps as Paladins:

Chrom (Paladin): 80 HP, 43 Strength, 30 Magic, 41 Skill, 41 Speed, 46 Luck, 41 Defense, 41 Resistance

Sully (Paladin): 80 HP, 41 Strength, 29 Magic, 42 Skill, 42 Speed, 45 Luck, 41 Defense, 42 Resistance

So even though these two are Paladins, they are unique.

Modifiers are also considered for children, hence, when paired correctly, they can end up much more powerful than their parents. A child's modifiers are the sum of their parents' modifiers + 1 to all. Exception is Avatar if s/he marries a child character, where it is just the sum of the modifiers.

Let's go back to Chrom/Sully and have them be the parents of Lucina (Kjelle will end up the same so no example for her) and then a Male Avatar with +Speed Asset and -Luck Flaw marries Lucina to make Morgan.

Lucina's modifiers (Sully): 1-1 Strength, 0-1 Magic, 1+2 Skill, 1+2 Speed, -1-1 Defense, 0-1 Resistance, so...

Lucina's modifiers (Sully): -1 Magic, +3 Skill, +3 Speed, -2 Defense, -1 Resistance, and then add one to all stats except HP

Lucina's modifiers (Sully): +1 Strength, +4 Skill, +4 Speed, -1 Defense

While Lucina suffers from -1 Defense, just look at that Speed difference. That means an enemy with 39 Speed will get doubled by Lucina.

Now Lucina and Avatar marry to get Morgan.

Avatar's modifiers (+Spd, -Lck): -1 Strength, -1 Magic, +2 Skill, +4 Speed, -1 Luck

Morgan's modifiers: 1-1 Strength, 0-1 Magic, 4+2 Skill, 4+4 Speed, 0-1 Luck, 0-1 Defense

Morgan's modifiers: -1 Magic, +6 Skill, +8 Speed, -1 Luck, -1 Defense, and remember that since Avatar married a child character the +1 to all stats doesn't apply.

Morgan can get powerful very quickly because of Veteran and cap modifiers. +8 Speed as a Paladin means a 43 Speed enemy is getting doubled.

Hope that explained better about modifiers. I'm not sure what else you want to know but this can be the start.

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It would help if you knew what you wanted to do with the knowledge. Because it's a lot to take in, and IMO it would serve you better if your 3DS was in front of you so you could see the effects.

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