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Oras Rating

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Soz bout my other post cause internet was bad and 2 got posted :D

Alright so since we are probably very close to a new pokemon game being revealed probably. How was Oras for you guys? For me this was my least favourite remake and screwed up the Gen 6 Metagame with all those stupid legends and mega out. So yeah still like cause its Pokemon but it was disappointing...

What are your thoughts?


Edited by Only Fe Fan in Malta(Prob)
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I thought it made nice improvements over the original gen 3, which I hated. So it's alright. But since it's still just a remake of those awful games, well, it couldn't be a favorite.

Give us XY sequels and Sinnoh remakes asap, GF.

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Ok this is me making an overview of Gen 6 Gen 3 Gen 4 and Gen 5

Out of this gen 3 (at least in my opinion) is the best due to its pacing and well... better gameplay then Black/White metagame wise its sort of in the middle by being better then most of X/Y being way better then B2/W2

Gen 4 is the worst gameplay wise pacing is slow the story is the 2nd worst in the series but platinum fixes most of the problems in Gen 4 metagame wise gen 4 is the best time smogon ever had the tiers were balanced alot of varied play styles birth to the phys/spec split overall gen 4 stands as the best in the metagame department

Gen 5 V1 Its the only pokemon game with serviceable story its pacing is preety bad and the map design is roughly on the same level as gen 4 (slightly better) metagame wise its 2nd best because it has many elements from gen 4 but introduction of items like eviolite (basicly creating shitty gimmicks everywhere) makes it slightly worse

Gen 5 V2 maingame wise this game is like one huge fix for all the pacing problems in gen 5 (the 1st hour is kinda slow but thats it) and it has preety good gym design along with post game the story takes a dive to become allmost cringe worthy and it has some cringe worthy dialouge and for the meta game department this is how Ill sum up B2/W2 metagame

Weather wars is the best thing Ever Rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain sun rain rain rain rain sun sand rain rain rain rain rain rain rain lol hail rain rain politoad is king of the meta

Gen 6 is rather wierd its roughly as enjoyable as black 1 its worse then black 2 in allmost all gameplay departments I hate megas as an Idea and the metagame was really bad until late x and y when they finally got rid of all the misbalance but 1 month later ORAS

ORAS is preety much a varaint of gen 3 which is slightly easier and shittier paced it has better postgame then x and y with the normal breed/grind and some new events (black 2 had the best postgame in the series) but new surf is cool I guess metagame wise its the 2nd worse even currently as we speak its preety shitty and unbalanced for most of it the new greninja shitted on everything that isnt full stall or HO megagross shenigans but it seems to be getting better

Overall Gen3>Gen 5v2>Platinum>Gen6Oras>X and Y=Gen 5V1>Gen 4

Uber gen 6 is preety horrid so im not going to touch on it

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Anyways Back on the topic, I agree Sinnoh reamke is needed since I started with gen 4 so im pretty biased on that so yeah xD

The first Pokemon games I ever played were gen 1 stuff on the N64, but Diamond and Pearl were my first mainstream games, so I have a bit of bias there too. The only issues I had with D/P were a lack of Fire types and the slow gameplay and Platinum fixed all that, so it remains my fav in the series along with X.

I fear, though, given how the story in ORAS was handled, the D/P remakes won't have the Distortion World, Looker, or any other Platinum exclusive content. :( The least I hope for is Looker since Eusine is in HGSS, and Looker is totally awesome. GF seems to think so as well though, thankfully, since they keep bringing him back. :D

Edited by Anacybele
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I'll admit I haven't finished the games but so far it's pretty amazing and my favourite pokemon game is AS. I loved generation 3 and man it's so cool to see hoen remastered. Also I like the fact that you literally never have to grind but have the option to like in x and y because of the exp share. Best pokemon game IMO.

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to quote IGN


Srsly, like my interpretation of the original Gen3, it's just an Eh pokemon game. I haven't yet made it to postgame but the game itself feels short, predictable and easy. It looks nice though

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I fear, though, given how the story in ORAS was handled, the D/P remakes won't have the Distortion World, Looker, or any other Platinum exclusive content. :( The least I hope for is Looker since Eusine is in HGSS, and Looker is totally awesome. GF seems to think so as well though, thankfully, since they keep bringing him back. :D

I loved the distortion world! And platinum was my first and only Sinnoh game....first mainstream pokemon was yellow. But I'll have to disagree with you: ruby and sapphire were awesome.

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It served as a great remake that fixed a lot of the issues XY had, though they need to let us customize our trainers again

I wanna be fashionable ;-;

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Honestly, I do have to agree with IGN that Hoenn has too much water. But I wouldn't bump the game's overall rating down that much just for that. :/

But I hated Hoenn's water routes so much. They're long, there's not a whole lot to see on them, and I'm just not a big fan of water routes in general. Also, in the original gen 3 games, surfing was so SLOOOW. Diamond and Pearl had this problem too, but it wasn't as big a deal because of less water. Heck, only two out of five main water areas were actually not optional (the route to Canalave City and the route to Victory Road). Although, if you wanted to use the Pal Park, you DID need to cross two more of those routes. But that wasn't until the post-game. The fifth main water route, the river leading to Fuego Ironworks, was entirely optional. Though, if you wanted the Flamethrower TM, you had to go there.

So yeah, each Pokemon game has its flaws, and imo, not even my favorite games in the series are perfect. Platinum and X/Y are the most perfect to me though. In categories, here are what the games did best, imo.

Best Story: Platinum (Black/White and Black 2/White 2 as runner-ups)

Best New Pokemon: Diamond/Pearl/Platinum (X/Y as runner-up)

Best Gameplay: X/Y, ORAS

Best Region: Diamond/Pearl/Platinum (Sinnoh is lovely!)

Best Characters: Platinum, XY (LOOKER <3 I also like Cynthia and Shauna. :3)

Best Post-Game: HG/SS (come on, you get a whole new region and set of gym badges to get here!)

Best Player Characters: Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, XY, Black 2/White 2 (the female only for the third one)

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Honestly, I do have to agree with IGN that Hoenn has too much water. But I wouldn't bump the game's overall rating down that much just for that. :/

But I hated Hoenn's water routes so much. They're long, there's not a whole lot to see on them, and I'm just not a big fan of water routes in general. Also, in the original gen 3 games, surfing was so SLOOOW. Diamond and Pearl had this problem too, but it wasn't as big a deal because of less water. Heck, only two out of five main water areas were actually not optional (the route to Canalave City and the route to Victory Road). Although, if you wanted to use the Pal Park, you DID need to cross two more of those routes. But that wasn't until the post-game. The fifth main water route, the river leading to Fuego Ironworks, was entirely optional. Though, if you wanted the Flamethrower TM, you had to go there.

So yeah, each Pokemon game has its flaws, and imo, not even my favorite games in the series are perfect. Platinum and X/Y are the most perfect to me though. In categories, here are what the games did best, imo.

Best Story: Platinum (Black/White and Black 2/White 2 as runner-ups)

Best New Pokemon: Diamond/Pearl/Platinum (X/Y as runner-up)

Best Gameplay: X/Y, ORAS

Best Region: Diamond/Pearl/Platinum (Sinnoh is lovely!)

Best Characters: Platinum, XY (LOOKER <3 I also like Cynthia and Shauna. :3)

Best Post-Game: HG/SS (come on, you get a whole new region and set of gym badges to get here!)

Best Player Characters: Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, XY, Black 2/White 2 (the female only for the third one)

I agree on most of this list but I have to say Story wise BlackWhite2 takes the cake and for characters I'll say Tie Between Looker & N IMO.

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N was okay. I can see the appeal for him. But for some reason, I've always been neutral to him. Dunno why he didn't appeal to me so much, honestly...

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Also, in the original gen 3 games, surfing was so SLOOOW.

Wait, what? Surfing has never been faster than it was in the gen 3 games.

Honestly, I find the "too much water" complaint to be just a holdover from the originals that doesn't apply to ORAS. The real problem was more that it was so easy to get lost, but that doesn't happen now with the map on the bottom screen and better designed water routes in general.

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Wait, what? Surfing has never been faster than it was in the gen 3 games.

What are you talking about? I remember it being slow as hell in both RSE and Diamond and Pearl. Also, apparently surfing on a Sharpedo is REALLY fast in ORAS.

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Wait, what? Surfing has never been faster than it was in the gen 3 games.

Honestly, I find the "too much water" complaint to be just a holdover from the originals that doesn't apply to ORAS. The real problem was more that it was so easy to get lost, but that doesn't happen now with the map on the bottom screen and better designed water routes in general.

I think the "Too much water" problem comes from the part were you head to Sootopolis and from what I remember their was a ton of water trainers which what I think made this compliant from IGN a thing and since I can pretty much understand them a bit since I like to 100% a game and at a point it gets frustrating.

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I think the "Too much water" problem comes from the part were you head to Sootopolis and from what I remember their was a ton of water trainers which what I think made this compliant from IGN a thing and since I can pretty much understand them a bit since I like to 100% a game and at a point it gets frustrating.

I'm fully aware of where it comes from. Point is, ORAS addressed this problem with the originals with the matters I already stated as well as adding non-water trainers to the water routes.
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So... I'm guessing this is the new general thread for ORAS, so I'm gonna ask a couple of quick questions.

I'm going to evolve a one-star male Eevee I caught into an Espeon and teach it Morning Sun so I can breed it with a three-star female Ponyta I caught and get a high IV Flash Fire Ponyta with Morning Sun. I want the Rapidash I'd like for my team to have Morning Sun, Flare Blitz, Megahorn, and... I forget what the fourth move I planned was, but I'll figure it out eventually (Poison Jab, maybe? Would give me coverage against Fairy types).

Anyway, my question is that the Ponyta I breed should always hatch with Morning Sun in this case, right? Also, there are items that increase the chances of passing down high IV counts, aren't there? Or are there only items that increase the chance of passing down a certain ability or nature? I always forget this stuff because I don't breed very often for those things. >_< And I've a feeling that the Ponyta I wish for will want one or two of those high IVs on the Eevee and Ponyta I caught.

Oh, and I'll hatch as many Ponyta as I need, I don't mind since Rapidash is my favorite Pokemon other than Keldeo. <3 This also means I might have a bunch of spare Ponyta I can trade to peeps here, if they want one. :)

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As long as one of Ponyta's parents know Morning Sun, the child will always inherit it.

The items that pass down IVs are as follows:

Power Weight - HP

Power Bracer - Attack

Power Belt - Defense

Power Lens - Special Attack

Power Band - Special Defense

Power Anklet - Speed

Each of these only pass down one guaranteed stat, and only the parent that holds the item will have its IV passed down. Of course other IVs can be passed down, but these are the only guaranteed IVs. There is also the incredibly valuable Destiny Knot, which passes down a total of 5 IVs of the parents to the child at random. Like one time 4 IVs come from the father and 1 from the mother, and another time 2 IVs come from the father and 3 from the mother. I don't think it's possible for the Destiny Knot to take 5 IVs from one parent though.

The Everstone is the item that passes down Natures, and there isn't any item that guarantees Abilities. Any Pokémon that has two normal Abilities has a 50/50 chance of passing down the one it has to the child. However, if the mother has their Hidden Ability and breeds with a male in the same egg group, the chances that the child will inherit the Hidden Ability becomes 80%. The father has a 20% chance to pass down their Hidden Ability, but only when they're bred with a Ditto, otherwise they can't pass down the HA, even when bred with a member of the same species/egg group.

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