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Help with ClassPaths and Skills

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So I'm on chapter 12 of Awakening and I have a smallish list of characters I really want to completely optimize....what skills should they be getting to be the best they can be?

Chrom (I want his final class to be Great Lord but I already promoted him without thinking)

Olivia( Chrom's Wife, I want her to be kind of like an offensive dancer, so I think she should grab some skills before finally going back to Dancer)

Avatar( I think I want him to end up as Grandmaster, not sure which skills to get from other class beforehand)

Lissa( I want her to be an offensive healer, I think Sage is good or maybe war Monk?)

Virion( Made him a Sniper without thinking, might leave it at that)

Maribelle( Virion's Wife, Is she good as Valkyrie? I think that fits her...)

Donell is going to be a Hero, he's already a Mercenary right now....

Nowi will just reclass into Manekete whenever she maxes out...

Is it really necessary to go thorugh so many class changes for all my characters? Sumia is already a great Falcon Knight, will she need to go through more classes to be good for the last chapters and DLC?

I want to be able to complete the newest DLC which I heard is pretty impossible. I might be being a little too perfectionist with this game....

Edited by YoshiYogurt
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Do one more chapter, a handful of Paralogues and ask again. You'll be getting some new units very soon who are a lot better than the ones you're using now, and they'll be more worthy of your time optimizing.

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Do one more chapter, a handful of Paralogues and ask again. You'll be getting some new units very soon who are a lot better than the ones you're using now, and they'll be more worthy of your time optimizing.

I would also recommend doing a few Paralogues before worrying about grinding. Honestly, you could go the entire game without reclassing. Does reclassing give the unit better stats? Yes, but it isn't entirely necessary until you get into higher difficulties where you spend more time grinding out exp. If I could recommend a skill worth having in any difficulty is Relief and Galeforce (they can be obtained by going through the same class tree: Peg Knight -> Dark Flyer).

Class path comes down to what stat or skill you want. For instance, Sumia needs more Strength; reclass into Knight and promote into General. I would reclass at level cap (more stats blah blah blah). It all comes down to what stat you want the character to have and working with their class tree.

Check the links below for a complete list of skills and the second link will tell you what level skills are learned at:



Edited by raz0r
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To complete the game, reclassing isn't really needed. If you want to brave the Apotheosis DLC, you're going to need to reclass. A lot

I may or may not brave that. I'm planning on buying all the DLC eventually. I think I will just enjoy the game and optmize the characters I really like(MU, Lucina, Tharja, Donnel etc) and then mess with others after I actually finish the game.

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