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Fossil Fighters Frontier


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Anyone else have this wonderful game? See, apparently Fossil Fighters has been a thing since the DS era, and I'm just now getting a game in the series. It's all right up my alley, dinosaurs, having your dinosaurs beat down other dinosaurs, EXCAVATING fossils. Currently in the game I'm in America looking for raptor fossils. I really want a raptor.

Nate sucks

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I've never actually played the series, but I know someone who did. It looks pretty fun honestly, also Fossil Fighters did get a trophy on Smash 4 as well.

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The game's got a 56 on Metacritic.


Is it really good?

It's decent, not very good but still fun and playable. It's the user review you should look at. In this case, 65 is fine.

I have to remind you that all of those so-called "professional reviewers" are nothing but scam. Gamespot, IGN, Nexus or PCgame are all paid to give positive reviews or play for 1 or 2 hours at most to give a general review and make up the rest. They also dont care about stuff like how many hours of gameplay this game has, how expensive it is, how ridiculous the dlc's prices are, ect....ect.... Sometimes, they choose a random title and give it a really low rating to work up the crowd, just like pro-wrestling.


With only 2000 players left after just 2 months. There is no debate about the quality of Evolve but look, all of the "professional reviewers" give it 77 while users give it 4,3. See?

Edited by Magical Amber
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I have to remind you that all of those so-called "professional reviewers" are nothing but scam. Gamespot, IGN, Nexus or PCgame are all paid to give positive reviews or play for 1 or 2 hours at most to give a general review and make up the rest. They also dont care about stuff like how many hours of gameplay this game has, how expensive it is, how ridiculous the dlc's prices are, ect....ect.... Sometimes, they choose a random title and give it a really low rating to work up the crowd, just like pro-wrestling.

IGN and Gamespot DO have good reviews - you just have to look reeeally hard for them. But if reviewers are gonna review games, they should at least kill the final boss or something. I have a written review of Yoshi's Island finished - but I won't post it until I complete the game, in case my opinion changes.

The top three reviews for this are from NintendoWorldReport, Nintendo Enthusiast, and Nintendo Life. And the game is published by Nintendo. Suspicion levels rising.

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The top three reviews for this are from NintendoWorldReport, Nintendo Enthusiast, and Nintendo Life. And the game is published by Nintendo. Suspicion levels rising.

That is exactly why you dont believe in them.

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