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Fe PoR: God Run

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Thanks to the fail memory card that i had for my GameCube, i can't save the game...AT ALL. And since i bought the game for over $100 i will most definitely be playing it. Thanks even more to my utter hatred for not perfecting a chapter i will be on hard/maniac mode: 1.) Doing it as fast as possible since i'm assuming i can't leave an old gamecube on for long periods of time 2.)Completely mastering the chapters ( nobody dies, everyone possibly recruited is recruited, no missed treasure, i might just leave Stefan in the desert for his douchbagary though ^-^) 3.) Not saving at all, meaning if i screw up once i start ALL OVER. Thought i would post this on the forums in case anyone felt like suffering with me

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I'm sure you can get a Gamecube memory somewhere, like amazon or Ebay. That just sounds needlessly awful, but on the plust side, at least it's not Path of Radiance.

Erm. . .this IS the Path of Radiance subforum. . . :P:

TC, check out some of the TAS clears. It should give you some ideas as to how to play the game in a single segment. Good luck~!

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