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Please help me come up with a male Avatar build! (aesthetics, not stats)


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Soon I'm going to make a grinding file that I want to keep permanently. I plan to put a lot of hours into maxing stats and making the strongest team possible, so the decisions I make at the beginning of the game will stay with me for a long time.

The problem is that I am not creative about this kind of thing. I would appreciate it if you guys could give me suggeations for the appearance, voice, and name of the Avatar.

If it seems worthwhile, I'll make a poll for the appearance, and then once the appearance is decided a poll to name the Avatar.

I may veto names, but not appearances. Unless I change my mind.

Stuff that may or may not factor into your decisions:

I usually use Japanese voices. This Avatar will marry Sumia!Lucina. He will be either +Str -Def or +Mag -Def. I'll post which one it is when I've decided.


Edited by isetrh
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The medium build and blue hair is my vote. The biggest one is way too scary looking to be with Lucina. The smaller guy looks too much like Morgan so that's creepy too. And who doesn't want a family of blue haired people out there?

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The medium build and blue hair is my vote. The biggest one is way too scary looking to be with Lucina. The smaller guy looks too much like Morgan so that's creepy too. And who doesn't want a family of blue haired people out there?

Thanks. Do you have a hairstyle or eye shape in mind to go with that?

I like the medium build too, by the way.

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Well he looks good, me gusta. Lucius is also a name that springs to mind if you want that kind of alliteration. Or you could pull a name from a fantasy book (if you are into that like myself) and name him that.

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I'm... not really into names that similar, personally. Sorry. I like the fantasy book idea. I can probably find something that way.

Thanks everyone for giving me ideas and putting up with my lack of creativity!

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