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SSB4 Ike Compilation


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So a few days before the Mewtwo patch, I decided to go through and record what replays I had and make a short compilation video of some highlights. I thought I'd share the video here with you guys. I'm still working on improving my Ike further, but please enjoy!


Let me know what you think! =)

Edited by Booton
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Very nice work there! How do you get replays from 3DS to YouTube? I have a funny Dedede mirror match that I want to upload before I get the update.

Edited by Zera
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The Ike-copter cannot be defeated.

Hurricane Ike strikes again!

Very nice I'd love to face off against you sometime as an Ike main myself. Maybe even with customs.

Sure, that sounds like fun! I don't play with customs though. I haven't had much experience against other Ike users. Out of 300+ For Glory matches, I've only faced two that seemed like they semi-understood how Ike works. The other three raged picked him to show me "how cheap" he is.

Great stuff, Respect goes to you..


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Sure, that sounds like fun! I don't play with customs though. I haven't had much experience against other Ike users. Out of 300+ For Glory matches, I've only faced two that seemed like they semi-understood how Ike works. The other three raged picked him to show me "how cheap" he is.

I'd love the chance to Ike ditto with some competent Ike's. I oft feel I'm one of the few who can utilize him properly lol. He isn't used too often though in the first place sadly.

Shame bout my current net situation. Also if you try customs out I'd highly recommend looking into Close Combat, Tempest and some others.

Edited by Jedi
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That was pretty amazing. Ike's not one of my best characters, but I do enjoy using him. Run-off fair is always satisfying.

I like this too, also do you enjoy popping off bairs? Because its surprisingly quick too.

Also I forgot to compliment the video itself whoops. ^^; It was grand.

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That was pretty amazing. Ike's not one of my best characters, but I do enjoy using him. Run-off fair is always satisfying.

Walk off fairs are great, I love throwing them out when people least expect it.

I'd love the chance to Ike ditto with some competent Ike's. I oft feel I'm one of the few who can utilize him properly lol. He isn't used too often though in the first place sadly.

Shame bout my current net situation. Also if you try customs out I'd highly recommend looking into Close Combat, Tempest and some others.

I agree, I think Ike is better than people give credit for. But I do think there are a few buffs he could use, such as auto canceled nair, a faster ftilt and grabbing the ledge backwards during Aether.

I have all of his customs, but I haven't really bothered with them. Mainly because I think tournaments will ultimately not use them in the end.

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YAY! We like Ike! :D

Awesome compilation there, you're very skilled! I main Ike too, but I'm not close to being that good, I think. But I think your vid there can teach me a few things! I'll be sure to keep looking at it. ^^

Ike also just had his 10th anniversary on the 18th, so this is also a nice way to celebrate it. :3

Edited by Anacybele
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  • 2 weeks later...

Good clips. I see you like abusing Ike's Eruption edgeguarding as much as I do. And the double off-stage fair was pretty sweet.

Ike ditto matches are fun since you don't have to worry about projectiles and Ike's slowness, but they are also very strange. All of Ike's weaknesses are reduced, but so to are his advantages. You no longer outreach the opponent, and you can't just outright overpower them either. Not to mention that Ike's Aether thwarts Eruption edgeguarding. You need to switch up your whole strategy. Dittos in general always require a lot of mindgames, but given that Ike is already a character with a heavy reliance on prediction, his dittos in particular are super intense.

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Good clips. I see you like abusing Ike's Eruption edgeguarding as much as I do. And the double off-stage fair was pretty sweet.

Ike ditto matches are fun since you don't have to worry about projectiles and Ike's slowness, but they are also very strange. All of Ike's weaknesses are reduced, but so to are his advantages. You no longer outreach the opponent, and you can't just outright overpower them either. Not to mention that Ike's Aether thwarts Eruption edgeguarding. You need to switch up your whole strategy. Dittos in general always require a lot of mindgames, but given that Ike is already a character with a heavy reliance on prediction, his dittos in particular are super intense.

I agree they are quite fun. It becomes a mind game alot of baiting and countering and punishing waiting for the other Ike to screw up or getting them to rashly attack.

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