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Air force academy RP


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Three wyverns carrying riders landed in front of a large gated structure. The orange and white ones, as well as their riders, were smaller than the blue one and its rider, indicating that they were younger. Another indication was that they didn't move as gracefully through the sky as their elder.

The man on the blue wyvern was tall and lanky. He had blue hair, short and neatly combed, and green eyes. He walked up to the gate guard and smiled. "Private Ethan, here to enroll my children." He said, gesturing to the two behind him. They were clearly twins. Both had their father's eye color, but their hair was red.

"They both decided on wyverns, I see..." The guard nodded and smiled. "I kind of thought the girl would want a pegasus. But that's cool, we don't have very many wyvern women."

"That's the main reason why! By now, I wouldn't give up Blaze for the world!"

Ethan ruffled his daughter's hair. She pulled away slightly. "That's my girl, always wanting to stand out."

The guard chuckled. "Your mother's right inside. She's eager. Go on in while we get the paperwork settled."


Captain Riara hadn't seen her husband and children for a month because she was needed at the academy to act as a teacher. During this month, the twins had recieved and bonded with their new steeds in Crimea, until it was time for enrollment. Their adopted laguz son could fend for himself mostly, but other relatives were nearby anyway.

She smiled and waved to her twins as they approached. "Those look like fine wyverns! What did you name them?"



Riara's pegasus whinnied and greeted the wyverns. The pegasus was a stormy gray color, and her name was Raincloud. Steeds often picked up the personality traits of their riders, so Raincloud was friendly and likeable. She had also been looking forward to this day. It seemed like only yesterday that the twins were tiny enough to ride next to their mother without taking up much space.

"So..." Leo scratched Frostbite's muzzle. "Some people were saying you'll be the teacher, Mom?"

Riara nodded. "Yes. They've already told me not to pull a teacher's pet thing with my own kids. Is your father coming?"

"He's signing papers." Cerai said.

"Okay. The other students should be arriving soon..."

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Soon after they walked inside, a red haired boy showed up, him and his father riding a black wyvern adorned with orange eyes and markings, covered with scratches and dents on its armor. The guards almost immediately recognized the older man riding upon the wyvern. "General Idris," one of the guards began to question, "has your son finally come of age?"

Idris nodded, and said gleefully, "Yes. I plan to put him into the same path that I went through, just as I said when I retired from my service".

Lemming sighed, dismounting the wyvern. "Now, Lemming, you don't have to be so disappointed about this. You'll enjoy this, I'm sure," his father said, causing Lemming to sigh once again.

"If you don't mind, Idris, you'll have some paperwork to do for his enrollment", one of the guards said, "so just take your son inside and take your first left. There will be some people to help you inside the office".

"Alright. Lemming, let's go," he replied, taking the reluctant child inside.

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"..." Eques sighed, uncertain as to how he even intended to enter the academy. Would he lie to the guards, claiming that he was an orphan? No, that would be implausible. They would ask him who he was, and how he got his hands on a wyvern, then Eques would be compelled to explain, and then they would most certainly know he was not an orphan, and that the child had some explaining to do.

The wyvern beside the boy only snorted in response.

"V-very well then, Michalis," Eques nodded reluctantly. Remounting his steed, the boy bade the wyvern to fly towards the gates.

If all went well, it'd be okay... or so it was thought.

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Raymond looks around and mumbles somewhat loudly to himself saying "I heard a new batch of trainees is coming. I remember when I was in one of those batches about three months ago." He soon starts to realize some people approaching the front gate of the academy, and the wyvern near him starts growling rather about as audibly as to hear it from twenty feet away. Raymond then says "What is it Solaire? An enemy attack?".

He looks more closely at the group Solaire thought was suspicious, and realizes it was just some of the new recruits, judging by the fact their equpment did not resemble that of any known armor worn by any soldiers in armies that are enemies of Beginon, so he soon realized they were the batch of new recruits after noticing were mostly with wyverns, with about two or three having pegasi with them

Raymond had soon said in a harsh tone "Solaire, they were just the new recruits! Don't scare off the new guys!"

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Allison looked out upon the school as she clutched the reigns to Winifred's saddle tightly, trying her best to keep her head down. Unlike the others here she had no one to sign the papers for her and had to fill them out herself. Unlike the others here she did not have some friend or family-member wishing them good luck. She had just herself.

"Come on Winifred." she said, patting the peggy lightly as she approached the front gates, only to see a man with a wyvern growling at the group. As the growl came Allison quietly shrunk down, keeping her form small and hoping that the brute would not single her out.

"This is my last chance. I can't afford to blow it here."

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Vyse wasn't exactly looking great when he had noticed the number of students that had appeared around him and even less so due to being one of the last to arrive himself. There was some good news that he wouldn't be noticed so easily, but then he had to find a way to properly enroll in the first place. Without any other option readibly available he took the bullet and showed himself towards the guard and filled out everything maybe not correctly, but it was there. "Not everything had to be the complete truth, am I right, Zerogan?" he mumbled to his wyvern

Everything was set, he had enrolled and things were finally about to start when a loud amount of growling broke his concentration making him vigilant. His wyvern partner wasn't exactly pleased either as she began to growl right back towards Solaire.

''Hey, what's the big idea? You trying to scare us?'' He taunted

Although smaller than Solaire, it seems Zerogan was adamant in protecting her rider, but Vyse soon realized it was an accident as he heard him reprimand the beast later on and to stop a fight from going on, he calmed down his own wyvern until the instructors decided to move them elsewhere.

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Blaze lashed her tail violently, nearly knocking over her human companion. A nearby yellow wyvern was being...not friendly. Cerai patted the orange wyvern, this calmed her down, but she was still glaring at the growler.

"That's Raymond and Solaire." Riara explained. Raincloud folded her wings smugly, snorting and stomping once. "Nothing to worry about, Solaire is just a bit untrusting."

Before either could respond, a gray wyvern growled back and her master, a spikey black haired boy, blurted out exactly what both twins were thinking. He looked like another newbie, and Riara didn't seem to know him.

Leo decided to go explain the situation. He walked over with Frostbite following behind him, he hadn't reacted to the growling, so Leo allowed him to come. "Hey, my mom says this isn't anything to worry about." After a pause, he added: "The teacher. Yeah, that's my mom..."

"My mom too, but that's probably easy to figure out." Cerai had calmed Blaze and walked over also. "I'm Cerai."

Leo nodded. "And I'm Leo."

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Vyse was in the middle of an angry stare down against Raymond and Solaire after calming down his partner. Accident or not, if he already had experience here, he shouldn't cause tension the first day of enrollment. The fact that Vyse himself had a somewhat scary face didn't help matters when he heard the voice of yet another person directing himself towards him. ''Huh.?" he said with a tone of annoyance. It wasn't intentional, but he wasn't exactly good with great impressions.

To his side, two young redheads began to appear to diffuse the situation even further before doing their introductions. Cerai and Leo, well these people seemed nice enough and their mother was the teacher. ''Siblings... nice to know you guys too.'' he said with a level of respect this time. ''My name's Vy-... hold on a sec." Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw that there were few more people around and he figured it was time to act smart and save some future energy. Slowly, he pointed his arms towards the quiet Allison and Winifred while the other one went towards Raymond and Solaire as he beckoned them to join him.

''You four, and everyone else hurry up and get over here. I don't want to waste second breaths in five other introductions so listen up! My name's Vyse and this is my partner Zerogan. She may be smaller than average, but she's damn fast so don't underestimate us!"

Zerogan snorted in happiness brimming in confidence alongside her rider. He knew he was coming off as slightly cocky, but he wasn't here to slack off, he was here to train and he wanted people to take him seriously. Might as well set down the message here and now!

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Cerai blinked, then snickered. "Quite the introduction there..." Beside her, Blaze snorted softly. "This is Blaze. Female wyverns tend to be a bit faster, so that's normal. Small size...I don't know. But it doesn't sound like that'd be much of a problem."

"It's not a problem with people either. According to our parents, I was the smaller one once. Hard to believe now, right?" Leo smiled and nodded. "Zerogan might get a little bit bigger..." Frostbite made a low screeching sound. "My wyvern is Frostbite."

Cerai elbowed him in the ribs. "My brother failed to mention why he was smaller. We're twins, I was born first, somehow that made him a bit scrawny when we were little. Now he's taller than me as you can see."

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"J-just be calm, a-and-" Eques's self-motivation was abruptly stopped by a scary-looking yellow wyvern growling all of a sudden. It was evident the boy was trembling in his boots.

Another boy told the yellow wyvern's rider off, but it was soon realized that the yellow wyvern simply growled out of suspicion and untrusting. Eques hoped to be friends with the yellow wyvern's rider.

Michalis was being stoic through all this, like he usually was.

A bit afterwards, the brother and sister introduced themselves as Leo and Cerai, respectively. The boy who told off the yellow wyvern's rider, whose name was apparently Raymond, was Vyse. Vyse then commanded the others to gather around.

"R-right!" the boy stammered as he dismounted to meet with his would-be colleagues. "M-my name is... Eques."

Afterwards, he turned to see the other two notable students, a shy Pegasus Knight and a red-haired Wyvern Rider. Through all of this, Eques forgot about signing papers or anything of the sort. He was simply wanting to be friends with all of them now.

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A boy tries to blend into the formation, with his wyvern close behind, making him not so stealthy.

The rest of the bunch look towards him, expecting him to introduce himself as well.

"Er..." he began to stutter, " I'm... Lemming. This here is my father's wyvern, Des". He scratched a certain spot behind Des's ear, causing Des to nuzzle against him.

"Anyways, I hope I can befriend you all, if you'll have me," he said with a rather cheery disposition despite his disinterest in becoming a wyvern knight.

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"Well met." Leo nodded at Eques, smiling. Cerai also smiled and nodded.

Another young man introduced himself as Lemming, and scratched his mount's face behind the fleshy ruff. The black scaled male, Des, appeared to like that. Cerai blinked. "He looks like he's older than the others...belonged to your father originally? Huh..."

"I guess not everyone gets their own." Leo said. "Our parents are still on duty, so...they kept theirs."

A bell rang, and Riara's voice came from a watch tower. "Attention students: class will begin in ten minutes in the north hall. Please make sure you're there on time. There is room for the wyverns and pegasi outside the building."

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Vyse chuckled as he heard the twins argue, made him almost wish he had a brother or sister himself. A rather strange sentiment that was quickly discarded out of his thoughts since he knew what kind of life his sibling would have to live in order to have made it to his age at least. He also realized soon after that the other two students he had person called for had decided to stay in their general positions, must have given a bad impression. Hopefully, he could fix that soon, he didn't want to have enemies or rivals this fast, especially not on the first day of flight school. He'd start with Raymond, maybe chat him up a bit since his wyvern could have been protective of him just like Zerogan.

His motion to speak with him however was stopped in it's tracks when he heard yet two more individuals coming over from his call. The more vibrant one introduced himself as Lemming while the shier almost inaudible boy called himself Eques. Now, as a common courtesy, he'd at least give them the reassurance that they were welcome. ''Glad to have you in the crew, the more the merrier, right?'' he laughed. Meetings were suppose to be happy occasions weren't they? Might as well pump some heart into it himself. Vyse decided to speak to one member of formed group who had piqued his interest somewhat.

''You're pretty young, you must have big dreams then, Eques.'' he said confidently

For some reason, this young guy had caught his attention most likely due to his age and shy demeanor. It reminded him of the quieter village kids he used to play with during his free time. This reminiscing again had to cut short as the teacher called everyone over to the north hall and store our wyverns. ''Lame... but its time to get serious!'' he sighed. Class was about to begin and he wasn't going to be late today, maybe tomorrow, but not today.

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Lemming... he seemed to be a fairly nice person. Judging by him having his father's wyvern, he must have strong bonds with his family. If only Eques had such a thing with his own... In any case, the two would definitely be good friends.

Vyse then spoke to the young boy, believing that he had some big dreams. The notion of being a Lance Knight of Crimea didn't have the same sense of adventure as being a Wyvern Rider would be. That, the child supposed, was a dream to follow: To become a Wyvern Rider of Begnion. He just hoped that he'd never meet his family again, if there was a war or something between the two countries...

"I-I... suppose so-" Eques agreed, before being interrupted by Riela, who was, according to Cerai and Leo, the twins' mother.

"Attention students: class will begin in ten minutes in the north hall. Please make sure you're there on time. There is room for the wyverns and pegasi outside the building."

"Let's go, Michalis. We shouldn't be late today," the boy started to mount the wyvern, but stopped before he got on the steed's back, and turned to Raymond, who probably knew this place moreso than the others. "U-um... where's the north hall?"

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Allison nodded as the announcement came. Nothing unusual to say the least and she already had her classes memorized. Especially since it was more detailed than one would think. Sure, there were plenty of classes revolving around riding and fighting, but there were also classes involving the standard subjects such as math and the like. They may be soldiers in training, but they were still human beings.

"I'll probably be okay in most of the standard classes. I've... had experience with them before. I'm more worried about the riding classes." she thought to herself as she pulled out a small slip of paper with her classes on them, just to make sure, before heading off.

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((I'll assume Raymond has directed Eques to the north hall.))

The classroom was what one would expect a classroom to look like. There were desks, each with a textbook on them, and a large chalkboard at the front of the room. A red haired woman with yellow eyes stood there, watching the clock. Any second now...

The door opened. "Hi, Mom." Cerai walked in and picked a desk. Leo trailed behind her, frowning slightly.

"I just got called a nuisance by one of the seniors." He explained. "I was just being friendly..."

Cerai rolled her eyes. "I told him not to do that! I said we had more important matters!"

"Well forgive me if I thought she wouldn't be such a stuck up snob." Leo sat down in a desk.

((There is a map of the academy in the chat thread, if anyone's interested...))

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The boy strolled up towards the north hall. He carried a map, studying it carefully and trying to remember his campus. Des tried to get his attention, though Lemming was far too interested in this map and memorizing it. He eventually folded his map upon reaching the north hall, and slid it into a pouch inside his trainee armor. He sighed and shivered at the thought of having to do some actual training, but perhaps Des could could comfort him; but wait, he would have to remain in the academy stables. After remembering this, he turned towards the stables. "Alright Des... I'm going to leave you in here. Wait for me in this stall," Lemming said comfortingly to his wyvern, then closing the stall gate. After leaving the stalls, he wished he could take Des with him, though he could hold out for a few hours. After making it to the north hall, he sat down in a desk in the middle row, not so much as glancing towards the red haired woman. Now seated, he opened up his textbook and prepared for his first class...

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"I-I'm here, ma'am!" Eques declared, as he walked in the classroom. Leaving Michalis in the Student Stables didn't take too long, and the North Hall was conveniently right by it.

With that, he sat in a desk. Nothing else to do, save for awaiting further instructions and nervously fidgeting around. It wasn't so different from knight training, after all.

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Allison arrived without much fanfare after she stabled her peggy. Instead of some grandose entrance or the like she, instead, quitely slid the door open and closed it behind her before coming forwards. "Hello Ms. Teacher." she said calmly and politely before heading to a back seat to wait.

"Don't worry. Just keep your head down and things will be alright. No scoldings, detentions, or foes made. Remember, this is the new you. Calm, submissive, and passive."

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Vyse arrived to his designated classroom with a determined look on his face since he left Zerogan back in the other room. Now, what fun things would he finally learn in this huge place. He didn't quite know and the expectations were rising so much he had almost forgotten about the people around him. He headed straight for one the desks just behind Allison, preferring to never face the the head-on he felt prudent to keep this minimum amount of distance

"Huh, what is this?" he mumbled to himself. What were those weird rectangular figures doing on the desk? This academy was made so we could train as wyvern riders so what the heck were they doing here. As long as it's orientation, he wouldn't mind but plunging head first into math wasn't going to give this school the good impression he had on it to stay for long. In slight fear, Vyse opened the book inside and tried checking out the content through a brief skim before closing it real quick

"Oh boy... I'm in for a long day today" he sighed and said no more until the teacher spoke

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((You may use google on the quiz...but be realistic. Get a few answers wrong on purpose or something, and post answers in a spoiler. For the math, / means division. The answers are in spoilers for a reason! No looking at others' answers...since I also play two students I will put theirs in after everyone else.))

Riara smiled. There were six students in the new class, and six had arrived. "Welcome. I am Riara, a captain here, and I'll be your teacher. As according to rules, there will be a short quiz to determine what you already know. Look in the drawer on the side of the desk, the quiz and a pencil are in there. Write your name on the top and hand it to me when you're done."

What are the definitions of these flight terms?

Jet stream:




8+6(10/2)-4= what?


x = what?

Find the area of a 12 cm by 4 cm rectangle.

If you have 150 gold and the shop sells vulneraries for 25, how many can you buy?

Correct all the errors in this paragraph.

bob went too the market. He bought milk eggs and meet. he saw his friend steve there and said hi how are you. After that he went home.

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Define the following flight terms
Jet stream: What's a jet?
Lift: Like carrying people right. Well not to brag but I can lift up to two twelve year olds easily.
Drag: Zerogan likes nibbling my head and moving me around. It's fun but it hurts real bad!
Port: Pfft easy, a seaside village, town or city that is a mercantile center of trade and goods. Aced it
Starboard: Starboard... Isn't this that new magic tome the mages are working on?

8+6(10/2)-4= 34

x = 3, because 3 is next to x

Moving on...

Find the area of a 12 cm by 4 cm rectangle.

Don't know about stupid rectangles but all it's side together equal 48.

If you have 150 gold and the shop sells vulneraries for 25, how many can you buy?

Written Answer: Seven but being honest I'd buy elixirs instead.

Correct all the errors in this paragraph.
bob went too the market. He bought milk eggs and meet. he saw his friend steve there and said hi how are you. After that he went home.

Written Answer: Hah, you can't trick me. This isn't even a paragraph, case closed!

Vyse's stupidity really did shine through today and it was quite the miracle this was just a test and not an oral question. Weirdly enough he was really bad at following instructions in the new tongue and added commentary in his answers. Only the Math section was devoid of any quips and only barely. Oh yes he was going to be quite the student. This was his first ever school in the first place.

''Teach, I'm done!'' the idiot resounded

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Allison looked down at the test, a small gulp going down her throat. It wasn't that she was, somehow, not confident in her ability to pass it; just surprised at the notion of a test coming so early on. Still... time to buckle down and answer!

What are the definitions of these flight terms?

Jet stream:

"Okay... I've never heard that term before. However, these questions seem related to flight so it probably has something to do with the air. Streams are, well, moving water so if this really does have to do with the air it must have something to do with moving air; something large enough that it would be worth terming. Since boats can move down streams faster than up them, maybe the same applies here?" she thought to herself before sighing and starting to write.

A: A jetstream is a current of air important to proper flight. Going against it can slow you down. Going with it can speed you up.


"Well that's easy. When you lift something you're bringing it up higher and, even if I hadn't heard the term before, this seems easy to figure out."

A: Lift is how a flying creature moves up in the air.


"Hmmm... Obviously getting dragged slows you down a lot and I'm certain that's important to flight. Since getting dragged makes it harder to move forwards..."

A: Drag is a measure of various things that make it harder to move forwards while flying.

Port: The left side of a ship.

Starboard: The right side of a ship.

"Must be freebie questions to try and boost scores up a bit. Getting that wrong would be difficult."


"Oh... ****. Okay. Well, let's think. 8+6-4 would be pretty straight forwards so the tricky bit is in the parenthesis. 10 divided by 2 is 5 so... That would make this... Ummm... I don't know. What are they trying to do with that? Multiply? Add? Subtract?"




I don't know. Am I multiplying? Dividing? Adding? Why wasn't this clearer?


x = what?

"My ass. That will likely get me kicked out though, so best try to think this out. Okay. Think. This question is asking what x is and whatever it is we have three of it... that we then have to add five to on-top of that. Uggg! Why do these math questions have to be so hard? Okay. Calm down. If I could get rid of that five things would be a lot more... simple. Hmmm... Well, what if I subtracted 5 from both sides? That would make it 3x=9 which is much easier and I'm not going to solve this anyways by sticking to the default. So, here I go!

A: X = 3

Find the area of a 12 cm by 4 cm rectangle.

"Ugggg! Another math problem! Well, at least THIS one is clearer! Looks like another freebie."

A: 48 cm or 0.48 M.

If you have 150 gold and the shop sells vulneraries for 25, how many can you buy?

"Another freebie. This one is just 150 divided by 25 with some fancy wording. Best have some fun."

A: Six vulneraries. However, with the 10% tax rate this would amount to 165 gold coins so, in actuality, you could buy 5 for 138 and have 12 gold coins left over.

Correct all the errors in this paragraph.

bob went too the market. He bought milk eggs and meet. he saw his friend steve there and said hi how are you. After that he went home.

A: Bob went to the market. He then bought some milk, eggs, and meat. He also saw his friend, Steve, there and said 'Hi. How are you?' After that he went back home. On his way home he was waylaid by a swarm of scholars and magicians who preceded to break his kneecaps for crimes against punctuation and spelling. The world was a happier place after this.

Allison then sighed as she slid down in her seat. "Excuse me, teacher, but I think I'm done."

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A... quiz!? Oh no, this won't end well. Though it needed to be done, Eques told himself. With a sigh, he pulled out the quiz and pencil, and began the quiz...

The first detail he noticed was the mathematical and grammatical/spelling problems. A fine sweat appeared on the boy's forehead. Knights of Crimea weren't taught to know these things. Such subjects were oft left to the duties of Mages, who would more likely than not need this information anyway.

[spoiler=Nice work.. for a Lance Knight.]What are the definitions of these flight terms?

Jet stream

... Huh? This is... what? Argh, I'll get back to this later. It won't harm me now if I don't take it on right now. Basic combat.

Answer: __________


Um... darn, I should know this. It's...

Answer: __________

No wait, I don't.


I've heard this somewhere... it was from that Bow Knight. What was their name? Midails? Astra? Bah, it's not important right now.

Answer: something that slows down an arrow's flight things that fly


Kinda simple. Reminds me of that one time Hector went to the Port of Badon to get a ship to the Dread Isles, and fought off Fargus's most elite corsairs. They said Fargus's crew were blessed by the Goddess Anna, a truer goddess than Ashera or Yune. (Anna be praised!)

Answer: a location where ships drop off or pick up things


Eques, you know this. You've heard the tales of Ephraim when he was aboard the Phantom Ship, or the tales of the three Lords fighting off the Black Fang at sea.

A: the left-hand side of a ship when facing the same direction as its sails


8+6(10/2)-4= ?

... Anna be with me!

A: 128

Wait, isn't Astra the legendary technique of a peerless swordswoman?


x = ?

Blast, another overly complicated problem. Erm...

A: 7

Find the area of a 12 cm by 4 cm rectangle.

You quizzes and your overly complicated problems for a Knight of Crimea.

A: 32

If you have 150 gold and the shop sells vulneraries for 25, how many can you buy?

Anna have mercy upon my- No, wait, this is kinda simple... I guess? Just subtract 25 from 150, 'till I haven't any more Gold to buy Vulneraries. But only an amateur would do that, but this doesn't take that into account.

A: 6

Correct all the errors in this paragraph.

bob went too the market. He bought milk eggs and meet. he saw his friend steve there and said hi how are you. After that he went home.

A: Bob went to the market. He bought milk eggs and meat. He saw his friend Steve there and said hi how are you. After that he went home.

All things considered, he wasn't even sure any of these were the right answers.

"I have completed the task, ma'am," the writing instrument dull from the battle of wits, and quiz in hand, Eques gave the paper to Lady Riela.

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Oh, gods. Lemming couldn't be prepared for this. Quizzing? No way! He had no choice, and he had to do this, or else he would never become a wyvern rider, and would disappoint his father. He sighed, mentally preparing himself... Alright. It's time to begin, he thought to himself.

What are the definitions of these flight terms?
This section would be all too easy. His father prepared him for wyvern riding, and made completely sure he knew all necessary terms.
Jet stream:
Fast flowing, narrow air currents.
The upward force that acts upon a wyvern's wings as it flies.
A force opposite to a flying object's motion that gets stronger as the object increases in speed.
A town or a city, with a harbor where ships load or unload.
The side of a ship or aircraft that is on the right when one is facing forward.
Math wasn't always his strong suit, but he still could do it... He just didn't always remember important details.
8+6(10/2)-4= what?
(10 / 2) = 5.
8 + 6 = 14.
5 (14) = 70
70- 4 = 66
x = what?
14 - 5 = 9
9 / 3 = 3.
x = 3.

Find the area of a 12 cm by 4 cm rectangle.
Blast, he couldn't remember this... He'd have to guess.
a = 48

If you have 150 gold and the shop sells vulneraries for 25, how many can you buy?
150 / 25 = 7.
You could buy 7 vulneraries.
Correct all the errors in this paragraph.
Grammar was definitely his strong suit. He was always reading magnificently written books, and knew grammar to a supreme extent.

bob went too the market. He bought milk eggs and meet. he saw his friend steve there and said hi how are you. After that he went home.

Bob went to the market. He bought milk, eggs, and meat. He saw his friend Steve there and said, "Hi, how are you?" After that, he went home.

((I think he may have done a bit too well?? Sorry if I'm overshadowing everyone or... Anything else that's wrong with this.))
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