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Air force academy RP


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[spoiler=Quiz answers]

Jet stream: A stream of high speed winds present at high altitudes.
Lift: Force created during flight in the same direction as the movement. Works to keep the flier airborne.
Drag: Force created during flight in the opposite direction as the movement. Works against the flier.
Port: Left side.
Starboard: Right side.

8+6(10 / 2)-4 = 66
3x + 5 = 14
x = what? 3
Find the area of a 12 cm by 4 cm rectangle. 48 cm
If you have 150 gold and the shop sells vulneraries for 25, how many can you buy? 6

Correct all the errors in this paragraph.
bob went too the market. He bought milk eggs and meet. he saw his friend steve there and said hi how are you. After that he went home.

Bob went to the market. He bought milk, eggs, and meat. He saw his friend Steve there and said: "Hi, how are you?" After that he went home.

The lunch bell rang. Leo jumped out of the seat. He had turned in the quiz around the same time as Allison, but Cerai had only just finished. Math had never been her strong suit...

Riara blinked. "Yes, you can go to lunch. But in the future, sometimes we'll have to stay after the bell. It all depends."

"Sorry." Leo lowered his head.

"I'm starving too..." Cerai walked over to the door. "Anybody know what they're serving?"

((Decided not to post their answers. The quiz idea didn't turn out as I expected it to...no big deal.))

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A bell rang. That was all the motivation Eques needed to jolt upwards from his desk, before realizing it was only to notify the students that it was lunch, judging from the twins' conversation.

"The mess hall... it's near the student stables, right?" he asked, forgetting about its location. "Though what they'll be serving is anyone's guess."

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To the tone of the ringing bell, Lemming stood and headed towards the mess hall. The only questions on his mind were how his wyvern was holding up, and what was being served today, and how well he'd done on the test.

Arriving in the hall, the sight of four tables, spread across the room, with meals for the students placed across. All of them, were the same, aside from having some different vegetables, the plates adorned with some sort of meat, most likely from the wildlife adorning the forests nearby, a randomized set of vegetables for each plate, and a loaf of bread. Sitting down at a seat with tomatoes and lettuce, he slowly began eating.

(( I kind of just did random things for the meal. I'll edit the food details out if someone else wanted to describe the meal. ))

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Now came Vyse the odd guy out leaving that exam like he was a pro. Pfft, if exams were that easy he'd ace the academy in no time flat no questions asked. Sadly, he couldn't really bask in his inner glory, there were far more important things to consider and that was the all heavenly meal! Maybe the others weren't sure where the food court was but he could just smell the scent of food looming around the corner.

"Who cares what's being served. I'll eat anything and whatever it it's coming from over there. Guys follow me!" Vyse boasted with confidence. He was dirt poor and tricking the system to be hear, from cold slaw to turkey anything provided for free was but a feast in his eyes.

Edited by almi23
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Allison kept herself quiet as she walked behind Vyse, following his instruction to keep behind him as he headed down to the mess hall. For her this wasn't much of a deal. Despite no income she still had a sizable chunk of money and would probably be able to eat lavishly for the rest of the semester should she choose to do so. Yet when she returned from the serving table her serving of food was small consisting of a small slice of meat with some sauce, a few strips of bacon, and some tuna salad.

"They offer a bit too much food here." she remarked to herself as she sat down. "Must be another test. Students who eat too much become unable to fly and get kicked out."

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Cerai burst out laughing at Allison's comment. "I highly doubt that. I think it's more...you need a lot of energy. We'll be burning this off anyway." She had a plate with turkey, some mashed potatoes, and a dinner roll.

Leo had piled his plate full. There was a rather large piece of meat and a big pile of potatoes with corn and gravy in them. Cerai rolled her eyes at him. "Geez, where are you going to put all that? That's like two helpings!"

"I haven't eaten since breakfast."

"Me neither, but you don't see me getting enough food to choke a horse." Cerai sighed and turned to Allison. "If your theory is true, we've got the first one to be expelled sitting right here."

"What?" Leo mumbled with his mouth full.

"She thinks eating too much will get you kicked out. But I doubt it..."

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Now funny to say, but Leo was not the one with the biggest serving on hand and this were a test, Vyse would be the first one getting kicked out of the school. His mouth had been watering for a while now, but that did not compare the extra portions of pure meat and vegetables and fruits and whatever he could get a hold off and began to chow down! He knew well enough that he would look like the odd one out in between his classmates and the rest of the students roaming the halls, but he didn't care. Food was delicious and he would argue over not being able to eat it as soon as possible

Now that step one of eating was out of the way, he'd have to squidaddle and begin step two. He didn't know the place very well and maybe his poor Zerogan could be starving as he ate and he would have none of that. He had to create an opening for himself to go on to the stables and see what kind of portions they gave or if there was any grooming involved. So in order to make some conversation between possible new companions, he swallowed the chicken meat he had been munching on and started away. ''So, what brought you guys here? You guys dreaming about becoming a Begnion soldier and fighting for the apostle?'' Vyse asked with a piece of chicken stuck on his lower lip

Was it said that he had no table etiquette?

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"You've got chicken on your chin." Cerai decided to ignore Vyse's huge helping of food, instead focusing on the fact that he needed a napkin.

"Maybe he's saving it for later." Leo noticed the overflowing plate that was bigger than his. "...Or not. Now THAT'S enough to choke a horse..."

Cerai chuckled softly. "At least it's not nothing but dessert, at least it's healthy stuff."

"True..." Leo shrugged. "And to answer your question, no. Well, not really. We're part of the Crimean exchange thing. So are our parents."

"They've decided they need fliers among the cavalry. So, if all goes well, we'll be under King Ramon instead." Cerai added.

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Lemming began eating at a slightly faster rate, listening in on the other student's conversations. The meat was high-quality, which would be unusual for students. Perhaps they were right; this may as well be a test. He couldn't resist eating it all, though -- such great meals couldn't be wasted, and he'd need every bite to get the energy he would need for training, or more testing. The thought of becoming an actual wyvern knight still frightened him.

... What if he was expelled?

How would his father react to learning that his child failed to follow in his steps? He couldn't be thinking about this all the time here, so to get his mind off of it, he began,

"I came here to follow in my father's steps as a wyvern knight. He sent me here so I could do just that, and I'm going to become a soldier one day... That is, if I manage to graduate from the academy."

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"I have my reasons." said Allison quietly as she had some of her salad. "Ones I would much rather not go into now. Hopefully never. A good answer though would be... I'm seeking a new place in the world for myself." she said before taking another bite.

What was she to tell them? That the calm, submissive, girl eating beside them could turn into an aggressive warrior if pushed too far? That she left because she had trouble realizing that people DON'T like having fireballs thrown at them and needed a newer, safer, outlet and hoped to calm it without touching a tome? If this was going to work she had to distance herself from the old her and forge a new personality entirely. Better to have them think her a weak knight who is nice and calm than the rampaging mage whom terrified her own classmates with her hostility.

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Throughout all this, Eques was having his meal, albeit a bit further away from the others. He was quiet throughout, but was eating his meal at a relatively normal rate. With how much food there was on the plate, he would probably be well-fed long enough until the next theoretical meal.

Conversation was bubbling up with the others, and Eques decided to join them. They were discussing something about... why they were here? Oh no, he'd say! Pleasedon'tpleasedon'tpleas-

"I-I'm from the e-exchange program, too," Eques answered. "U-um, my family-"

He stopped to look down at his plate, then shook his head.

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Vyse continued munching on his food as he listened in to everyone else's explanation of why they came to be here. So he even had Crimeans along to join him in his training. Now that was unexpected, he didn't think relations between his country and theirs was that good, but he wasn't complaining. Then came the others each saying why they had come as well, but a shadow of doubt clouded each one after the twins and Vyse could feel it.

For some reason, Vyse felt he wasn't reaching out to the people in his class because except for Leo and Cerai, the other were very quiet and hesitant. This had to change and soon because if not, they would all end up shutting themselves out from each other and he didn't want a quiet class, but what could he do. He cleaned up his face with a napkin to remove the leftover chicken and setting the leftover food he had for Zerogan later on, he began to devise a plan quietly.

''Alright then so I've been thinking, we're a class and classes have to be united. Not to be rude, but except for the twins you all look way too tense and worried and this is just the first day of school. Lemming, I know you can graduate, I can see it in your eyes, Eques, be confident and girlie with the mysterious vibes open up and say your name, lets all be friends and try our best. I Vyse, shall help you all gain your full potential, so I'm nominating myself and the twins for co-leadership of the class!''

Hopefully, this will make them more expressive.

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Lemming's face was blank after hearing Vyse's words of belief in him. "I'm sorry for being so tense. I'm just unsure of myself at the moment," Lemming said, as a slight smile formed on his face, "I've never thought I'd have to become a soldier... This is all so very frightening for me, but perhaps with others, I will overcome the challenges set in front of me. Thank you for believing in me, Vyse". It was comforting to find people that may want to be his friend, and he would accept any help he could get in this predicament of his. He bit into his loaf of bread, closer to finishing his meal.

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Leo burst into a laugh. "I wouldn't get cocky and say anyone's the leader of the class..."

"Say it, don't spray it." Cerai wiped the side of her face with a napkin. "As in, you spit on me."


A bell rang. Leo looked at the plate of food and pouted. "Man, I really thought I could finish that all before lunchtime was over. I think we go to the arena to practice aerial combat now. Sounds fun. Yay for hitting people with sticks."

"Last one there's a rotten egg!" Cerai took off running with a smirk on her face.

"Hey, no fair, I wasn't ready!" Leo whined. "Come on, guys. Last one there may be a rotten egg, but first one there eats it!"

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Vyse was... actually really right, Eques noted. If the students did not open up to each other, it could end quite badly for them all. The boy kept this in mind, along with the question about those darn math problems. Not much sooner than that, and the bell rang, signalling for students to move to the Arena for aerial combat practice, if the twins could be trusted.

With that, he left the mess hall for the stables. If this was practice for aerial combat, then it would be likely that they would need their mounts.

Edited by ScarletFlame
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"Wait? Rotten egg? What? I don't even know you gu... AH! I'm not going to be last dammit!" said Allison as she quickly bolted upright, almost jerking the table up with the sheer speed as she outright jumped on OVER the table, landing on the other side, then rushed down towards the stables as fast as she could manage.

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Vyse ended with a smirk on his face as the people beside him rushed and one even freaking jumped over the table in order to not get to last place when they arrived in the arena. Well, she shouldn't have to worry, Vyse would be likely to be the last person to arrive since when no one was looking, he escaped with a huge dish that he hadn't finished and handle it to give it back to his wyvern Zerogan. Only after this would he leisurely stroll into the arena with his companion

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Leisurely strolling to the arena, Lemming decided he didn't really care about being a "rotten egg". It certainly wouldn't hurt his reputation much, would it? It had just been a childish joke to him. Then, he noticed that every other student was gone, already close to the arena. "H-hey, wait for me!" he shouted, running along to catch up with them.

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