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A theory regarding Virion


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I have a theory regarding Virion. After thinking about it, I think he might actually be a descendant of Alm.

Evidence 1: Since Virion is a noble, it is implied he is descended from nobility. Alm ended up being king. While this might not directly match up, it makes a bit of sense looking at how much political boarders have changed since the days of Marth and Alm.

Evidence 2: Hair Color. Often a strong Marker in FE of lineage. While Alm's hair color tends to vary from picture to picture, it is usually a blue or green-blue. Virion's is similar.

Evidence 3: Rosanne seems similar to Sofia. Alm was raised in Sofia, so it is likely that if the kingdom was split up, Alm's heirs would settle there. Rosanne is described as "fertile" quite often. It us a bit tough to see, but in FE2's world map, much of everything is mountains or desert or something, but Sofia is full of trees. Rosanne could be Sofia, where Alm's heirs would likely have settled after the kingdom split.

Evidence 4: They both use bows (and potentially swords). Class is usually also an FE indication of lineage. Many characters in FE4 and FE13 support this. Though it isn't an exact class matchup, they use the same weapons (assuming Virion becomes a Bow Knight on promotion).

That's all I can think of right now, but let's hear your thoughts/support/rebuttals.

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Never played FE2 so I'm probably not the best to comment on this but I think its a bit of a stretch even with the hair color I think Alm's is more green and Virion's is like a greyish blue. If we are going by class then I'm pretty sure Alm by default uses swords as a lord while Virion uses bows as an archer. I would like to know more about how Rosanne is related to Sofia and how Valm came to be though.

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Pretty sure Alm's name would be passed through Valm since Valm is named after him (as he was the king).

edit: As in Walhart is more likely to carry Alm's blood than him

Edited by Vascela
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It's a big guess, but it sounds possible. Hair color doesn't even need to be evidence; Lissa and Emmeryn are descended from Marth and Caeda, two blue-haired people, yet they are both blondes, so it's not entirely impossible to assume Virion could be descended from a green-haired Alm, especially with the lack of his siblings (if any) appearing.

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