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Could Nergal Be A Manakete?


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Wow. I totally forgot to make this thread. Earlier on in the year I replayed FE7 and this idea just hit me, mostly due from how non half dragon Nils and Ninian seem to be. After the idea hit me I paid somewhat close attention to the script and I never noticed anything that outright said he was human or made it impossible that he was a dragon. If we copare and consider the facts, Ninian and Nils can both transform into dragons yet this is never implied to be the case with the dragons of Archadia who (probably) have access to dragons stones. Imagine how much more useful Spohia would have been if she could transform and they remembered to pack her dragon stone -_-. Second, we've seen powerful transforming being give up their transforming powers and fight as humans before such as Lehran and, much more importantly, Gotoh who was not only a dragon but practically invented magic. Thirdly, Nergal has strange powers that seem to go beyond mere sorcery, particularly in regards to the Dragon's Gate. I got excited when I first came up with this theory because I remembered Nergal opened the gate himself as he died which was something only the kids where meant to be able to do but it turns out I'd forgotten a scene where he espouses how he's used Ninians dragonstone to accomplish the job and all that was left was a large source of quintessence. Nevertheless he still has the ability to use the gate to call across dimensions and apparently mind control the children.

Counter points to this theory are the facts that (on rewatching a video of it in order to post this thread), Athos does say Nergal is not entirely human any more. But then again Athos meet Nergal 500 years ago when he was already old beyond humanly possible without knowing how to steal quintessence yet. Athos also says he and the elders banished him from Archadia so if he was a manakete he was hiding that fact from Athos for some reason, or maybe didn't even know it himself considering we do see him having some sines of dementia. Another point is that the holy weapons and wyrmslayers don't deal effective damage on him but that might be gameplay story segregation or because he isn't transformed. I doubt they bothered to make dragon slaying weapons effective against Nils or Ninian either.

Maybe that's enough to discredit the idea entirely or maybe not. i just thought it might be a neat explanation for Nils and Ninian's apparent differences to the other half manaketes of Elibe. If you have any ideas, thoughts or opinions on the matter then feel free to discuss. As I said this is something I came up with half way through the game but then forgot to post about for a quarter of a year so there easily could be something major I've missed.

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"he was already old beyond humanly possible without knowing how to steal quintessence yet."

So are Athos and Brammimond. I never quite understood how Nergal lived so long, but the other powerful magic users also lived a long time, aside from Elimine.

Edited by L95
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"he was already old beyond humanly possible without knowing how to steal quintessence yet."

So are Athos and Brammimond. I never quite understood how Nergal lived so long, but the other powerful magic users also lived a long time, aside from Elimine.

Yeah but they were ancient dragon slaying war heroes wielding super powerful weapons. It's possible Nergal did just gain a level of sorcery that extended his life span in that five hundred year gap, that's not what seems strange to me, it's that he managed to gain that much power and Athos had no idea who he was. One would think a sorcerer who managed to gain that much power yet wasn't one of the Eight Legends would have some notoriety, especially to Athos who makes it his business to know what's going on in the world.

Edited by Jotari
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If Nergal is a Dragon, why does he need Nils and Ninian for anything related to the Dragon's Gate?

Either he'd forgotten, he didn't have access to a compatible Drgaon Stone (which seems to be all that's needed) or what ever was necessary was somewhat fatal or dangerous to the user (hence Ninian needing Nils Quintessence after the failed attempt and later transforming and going feral during the successful attempt). Possible all three.

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Either he'd forgotten, he didn't have access to a compatible Drgaon Stone (which seems to be all that's needed) or what ever was necessary was somewhat fatal or dangerous to the user (hence Ninian needing Nils Quintessence after the failed attempt and later transforming and going feral during the successful attempt). Possible all three.

I highly doubt he would have forgotten something so important about himself. Otherwise, much of FE7 wouldn't have happened. Not to mention, I don't recall Ninian or Nils needing any Dragonstones just to open the gate.

Edited by Just call me AL
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I highly doubt he would have forgotten something so important about himself. Otherwise, much of FE7 wouldn't have happened. Not to mention, I don't recall Ninian or Nils needing any Dragonstones just to open the gate.

Well he apparently forgot about his own kids and wife so I think it'd be pretty easy to forget your a dragon if you've spent the last 1000 years hiding the fact and looking like humans. I also remember a scene where Nergal does get the gate open using Ninian's dragon stone, right before she transforms into a dragon and flees yet I just can't seem to find it. If I imagined that scene entirely (which I don't think I did since I remember it discrediting the idea I'm proposing, and I have found a later scene where the gate seems to be glowing behind him as he tells Limstella o fight Eliwood and co), we're left with the fact that Nergal did open the gate at the end using his life force.

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Well he apparently forgot about his own kids and wife so I think it'd be pretty easy to forget your a dragon if you've spent the last 1000 years hiding the fact and looking like humans.

Except if he WERE a Dragon, he would have gone through the Dragon Gate long before he ever met Athos. Just how long after he gets through after his kids do doesn't need to apply.

I also remember a scene where Nergal does get the gate open using Ninian's dragon stone, right before she transforms into a dragon and flees yet I just can't seem to find it. If I imagined that scene entirely (which I don't think I did since I remember it discrediting the idea I'm proposing, and I have found a later scene where the gate seems to be glowing behind him as he tells Limstella o fight Eliwood and co), we're left with the fact that Nergal did open the gate at the end using his life force.

That kinda tells me that he could use a Dragonstone to mimic the presence of a Dragon, though.
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Well he apparently forgot about his own kids and wife so I think it'd be pretty easy to forget your a dragon if you've spent the last 1000 years hiding the fact and looking like humans.

The entire reason he gained power (the dark magic that wiped his memories) was to open the gate, if he was a dragon he would have just opened the gate after he found out his kids were gone already.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I once toyed with the idea that Nergal was a half-dragon, along with the assumptions that:

- If someone has less than half dragon blood, they're just a normal human (e.g. Ninian!Roy)

- If someone has approximately half dragon blood, they have a longer lifespan and some other perks, but can't transform or open the Dragon's Gate (e.g. Sophia, Nergal)

- If someone has more than half dragon blood, they're just a normal dragon (e.g. Ninian, Nils)

There's no real evidence, but it would explain most things if it were the case. I just get the feeling that Sophia and Ninian/Nils aren't the same "level" of dragon, but Nergal being a dragon causes problems too as well as making Ninian!Roy half-dragon.

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I once toyed with the idea that Nergal was a half-dragon, along with the assumptions that:

- If someone has less than half dragon blood, they're just a normal human (e.g. Ninian!Roy)

- If someone has approximately half dragon blood, they have a longer lifespan and some other perks, but can't transform or open the Dragon's Gate (e.g. Sophia, Nergal)

- If someone has more than half dragon blood, they're just a normal dragon (e.g. Ninian, Nils)

There's no real evidence, but it would explain most things if it were the case. I just get the feeling that Sophia and Ninian/Nils aren't the same "level" of dragon, but Nergal being a dragon causes problems too as well as making Ninian!Roy half-dragon.

Oh I like this explanation. That'd make Ninian!Roy three eights a dragon. So close to half.

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