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What Gen V should I Get

Captain Karnage

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So I've gotten back into Pokemon with Gen 6 and I dropped off with Gen 4.

I want to be able to transfer all of my Pokemon from gen 4 to 6 and I need to pick a gen 5 as a medium

so I just want to know which version I should get B1, W1, B2, or W2

so what do you consider the best? or the quickest to get through?

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B2/W2 are very much recommended after you play B1/W1. The version doesn't particularly matter.

But play both games in the chronology (BW -> B2W2) either way, both are good. Gen V is probably my favourite gen games-wise.

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B2/W2 are very much recommended after you play B1/W1. The version doesn't particularly matter.

But play both games in the chronology (BW -> B2W2) either way, both are good. Gen V is probably my favourite gen games-wise.

Seconded. If nothing else, at least get either B1/W1 and then decide if you want to continue with the sequels.

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B2/W2 are very much recommended after you play B1/W1. The version doesn't particularly matter.

But play both games in the chronology (BW -> B2W2) either way, both are good. Gen V is probably my favourite gen games-wise.

There's a few other changes, but the games play more-or-less the same. If you choose B1, get B2, not W2. Weird things happen if you try to mix versions!

EDIT: And I have a giant soft spot for Gen V, but that's probably because I feel sorry for a certain someone with long hair.

Edited by eclipse
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Get all of them.

No I'm not biased shut up mom

No but srs you should get either B or W, then the part 2 of whichever you got. If you're adamant on only getting one, and don't care for the story whatsoever, then B2 or W2 are generally stronger stand-alone games as far as gameplay is concerned. But don't be the guy that goes this route.

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I think B2W2 is better than BW, but you might understand the former better if you pick up the latter first. And as stated above, if you get Black, get Black 2 if you decide to get the sequel. :P

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Gen V is my all time favorite. Pick up both versions. If only a single, then BW2, because of the PWT.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know I'm a little late to the party, but I would highly recommend B1/W1 if you haven't decided yet. However it really depends on what you are looking for. Despite being fairly similar at first glance, the games specialize in very different things.

B&W1 have a great campaign with memorable characters, nothing but new Pokemon before the Elite 4 (which gives exploration a sense of new-ness not present since RBY), and pretty spot-on balancing. It remains probably the most enjoyable and cohesive campaign in the series imo. Once you finish the game, though, the amount of postgame content is nothing special. Collect old Pokemon, explore a couple extra areas, and enter into special battle competitions. It's not lacking, but not exactly great either.

B&W2 are much more postgame focused. The story is a bland retread missing most of the things that made BW1 so good, and there are loads of old Pokemon everywhere, so the main campaign is much less refreshing. The campaign balance is also all over the place imo. You get absurdly powerful Pokemon like Riolu really early on, and trainers felt like they spiked in difficulty a lot. However, the huge number of available Pokemon makes postgame training and catching much more fun. You also get loads of things like the PWT to keep you playing after the story. Only ORAS can touch B2W2 in terms of postgame content.

So it's up to you: a good campaign, or loads of postgame content?

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