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Wanna guess the characters ages based on looks?


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Cuz I do. For some reason I really like topics like this and like hearing other people's opinions. So here are my guesses based purely on looks:

Dancer: MMM, maybe around the same age as Kamui or possibly young looking for her age?

Marx: 29-36 (stress lines maybe?)

Camilla: 24-28

Blarth: hm, 19-21

Onee-chan: 16 or younger

Felicia: 17-20

Other Felicia:17-20 (I think she might be the younger of the two)

Garon: pFFFFFFFFt, is evil an age?

Kamui: anywhere from 18-25

Old man Camilla: 54?

Ryouma: 27-34 (younger than Marx but not by much, also stress lines)

Hinoka: She looks younger than Kamui but I expect her to be close to the same age or just a year or two older.

Sakura: 16-18

Archer guy: 19-23

Kazahana: 17-21

Tsubaki: 21-23

Saizo: 28-37 ( I honestly can't tell, stupid mask)

Orochi: 26-31 (I can see her as older than she looks)

Ruler Lady: This one confuses me because she's possibly the mother of Ryouma (maybe older sister), but looks younger than him. 34?

Cravat Guy: 24

And here's the list without my guesses:







Other Felicia:



Old man Camilla:




Archer guy:





Ruler Lady:

Cravat Guy:

Edited by NuggetofButt
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Oh dear, guessing an anime character's age is always fun. Eliwood's mother looks younger than him.

I think you can forget any playable female character being over 30, and I doubt any of the male main characters will cross that threshold as well.

Seeing as Ryouma is Kamui's older brother, and Hinoka remembers him/her as well and she looks fairly young, I'm going to guess Kamui is around 17, because this is Japan and you have to save the world before you turn 18 at least once.

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Oh dear, guessing an anime character's age is always fun. Eliwood's mother looks younger than him.

I think you can forget any playable female character being over 30, and I doubt any of the male main characters will cross that threshold as well.

Seeing as Ryouma is Kamui's older brother, and Hinoka remembers him/her as well and she looks fairly young, I'm going to guess Kamui is around 17, because this is Japan and you have to save the world before you turn 18 at least once.

Male we definitely have two probably older than 30 with the two guys towards the back of the artwork on the cases, they both appear to be Jeigens. The Nohr one is definitely over 40 I'd say but the Hoshido one looks younger.

But most of the others will be below thirty besides for a few and any manaketes we get will likely be very old. Most of the group will have already gone on a Pokemon journey.

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Dancer: Late teens.

Marx: Early 30s to late 20s.

Camilla: Late 20s, I guess.

Blarth: Late teens to early 20s.

Onee-chan: Early teens.

Felicia: Mid-late teens,

Other Felicia: Late teens-early 20s.

Garon: 40s-60s.

Kamui: Late teens.

Old man Camilla: Who?

Ryouma: Early 30s to late 20s.

Hinoka: Mid-late teens.

Sakura: Early-mid teens.

Archer guy: 20s.

Kazahana: Mid-late teens.

Tsubaki: I dunno, 20s?

Saizo: late 20s.

Orochi: again, who?

Ruler Lady: 30s.

Cravat Guy: Again, who?

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I'm only going to guess Kamui and their siblings.

Marx: 28-29
Camilla: 25-26
Blarth: 19-20
Onee-chan: 13-14
Kamui: 17-18
Ryouma: 25-26
Hinoka: 20-21
Sakura: 15-16
Archer guy: 20-21

I think that Hoshido's ruler is the mother of Ryouma and all his siblings, but no real guess there.

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Ah I forget to put down all of my guesses.

Dancer: 19-20

Marx: 27-31

Camillia: 23-24

Blarth: 19-20

Twin Tails: 16

Felicia: 17-18

Garon: uhhh 62

Kamui 18-20

Black Jeigen: 42-46

White Jeigen: 33-35

Ryouma: 25-27

Hinoka: 19-20

Sakura: 16-17

Archer: 20-23

Kazehana: 19-22

Tsubaki: 21-24

Saizo: 30-33

Orochi: 29-30

Hoshida Ruler(?): 29-32

Edit: Just for Fun

Purple Haired Cavalier: 19-21

Edited by Asoleos
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Old man Camilla: Who? The old man beside Camilla on the cover of Nohr game with purple hair and people thought the two might be related. AKA, pruple cavelier and Jeigen.

Orochi: again, who? The woman that's injured and warning Sakura about Ryouma and Archer boy (Takumi?) Second video.

Cravat Guy: Again, who? Guy with the cravat standing in the back of Hoshido game cover. Silver hair.

Edited by NuggetofButt
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Aqua: 15-17

Marx: 26/27

Camilla: 21-23

Blarth: 17/18

Twin-tails: 13

Felicia: 16-19

Other Maid: 17/18

Garon: 65+

Kamui: 18

Ryouma: 25/26

Hinoka: 16/17

Sakura: 14

Hoshido's Archer: 16-18

Kazahana: 16/17

Tsubaki: 21-24

Orochi: 27/28

Hoshido Ruler: 26/27

Hinoka looks younger than Kamui, but the whole situation with her remembering them from before their disappearance makes it hard to tell.

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I think you can forget any playable female character being over 30, and I doubt any of the male main characters will cross that threshold as well.

Seeing as Ryouma is Kamui's older brother, and Hinoka remembers him/her as well and she looks fairly young, I'm going to guess Kamui is around 17, because this is Japan and you have to save the world before you turn 18 at least once.

This. In anime-land, everyone over the age of 30 is officially in the veteran/mentor role. Most heroes do their first world saving before they graduate from high school.

Ryoma and Marx both appear experienced and responsible (but not anime!old) so they are probably late 20's.

Kamui looks young and inexperienced so 16 seems like a standard hero age. With that in mind your two imoutos are probably 12-14.

As for the others:

Dancina: 19

Camilla: 23

Blarth: 18

Felicia: 16

Other Maid: 17

Garon: 65+


Hoshido's Archer: 18

Kazahana: 16

Tsubaki: 24

Orochi: 26

Hoshido Ruler: 30

Purple Jeigan: 52

White Jeigan: 33

Rinka: 23


Yet to be announced loli-dragon: 10,000

Edited by NekoKnight
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Japan has an obsession with making characters older than they look, so I'm guessing everyone is in the 12-18 range.

Wait, surely you mean younger than they look right? Because I always assume characters to be older than they actually are. ._.

With that in mind here's my guesses:

Dancer: Looks 18-19 to me so she's probably 15-16

Marx: Looks 28-30, prob 20-25

Camilla: Looks 24-26, prob 18-22

Blarth: Looks 19-24, prob 16-18

Onee-chan: Looks 14-15, now I would be surprised if that was wrong but, prob 12 ._.

Felicia: Looks 16-18, prob 15ish

Other Felicia: 1 or 2 years older than Felicia or maybe they're twins

Garon: 10000000

Kamui: Looks 17-19, prob 15-16

Old man Camilla: Looks mid to late 40s, prob early 30s -.-

Ryouma: Looks 25-28, prob 20-25

Hinoka: Looks 17-19, prob 15ish

Sakura: Looks 13-14, prob 12 too

Archer guy: Looks 20-25, prob 16-18

Kazahana: Looks 18-20, prob 15-16

Tsubaki: Looks 19-25, prob 18ish

Saizo: Looks late 20s/early 30s, prob 20-25

Orochi: Looks 20-25, prob 16-18

Ruler Lady: Looks early 30s, prob 25-28

Cravat Guy: Looks 28-30, prob 20-25

Bonus: Anna will mention her 25th birthday :)

Edited by Owain Dark
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garon probably bathes in the blood of children and has been ruling for hundreds of years at this point

OP I like your guesses and I hope they turn out accurate, but given past FEs...

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Aqua: ?? she has the body of a young woman, but everything else screams ageless being or whatever.

Kamui: 16

Marx: 23

Camilla: 19

Drilly: 10

Clark(whynotanythingbutBlarthseriouslyitsoundsterribleyouguys): 16

Cavalier dude: 17

Purple butler: 62

Garon: 55

Ryouma: 21

Hinoka: 15

Sakura: 12

MaybeTakumi: 18

Kazahana: 16

Tsubaki: 20

Saizou: 23

Orochi: 18

Notpurple butler: 27

Exalt lady: 43

Felicia: 15

Blue Felicia: 16

...will we ever actually know by the way?

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Male we definitely have two probably older than 30 with the two guys towards the back of the artwork on the cases, they both appear to be Jeigens. The Nohr one is definitely over 40 I'd say but the Hoshido one looks younger.

But most of the others will be below thirty besides for a few and any manaketes we get will likely be very old. Most of the group will have already gone on a Pokemon journey.

I forgot about them, but I did say "main characters", and given that they haven't yet appeared in trailers, I doubt they'll play too big a part in the game.

Aqua: ?? she has the body of a young woman, but everything else screams ageless being or whatever.

So, your average Asian lady.

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