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By the numbers: can one achieve 'impossible to hit' status for all enemies?

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Hey there!

So yea, topic. I'm running some numbers to see if I could design a MU that could be impossible to kill by being impossible to hit. It's clearly possible in SOME scenario's (playing easy with a maxed MU, or fighting Wolt or something). I've been trying to find the breaking point, the highest potential avoid versus what kind of hit rate the enemy can achieve in Lunatic and beyond... and then realizing this has likely already been done by someone better at numbers than me. If so, I'd love to know the results. If not, I'll hit the numbers again. Still, figure it can't hurt to ask before I drive myself nuts! Thanks for your time :)

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Hawkeye will generally wreck attempts to do this by throwing in enemies that simply can't be avoided. Ignoring that, the highest non-Hawkeye enemy Hit in the game (outside Streetpass and possibly Double Duel) is 249. You can get that much Avo without any time-dependent skills (such as Quick Burn or Lucky 7), but it generally requires Breakers.

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