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2017 NFL Playoffs - Super Bowl LI Confirmed! Atlanta Falcons vs New England Patriots!

Lord Raven

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Not quite. '07 was the helmet catch game, where David Tyree caught a bomb from Eli Manning on 3rd & 15+ on the most agonizingly long play I've watched in my life. The game clinching TD was Plaxico Burress burning Ellis Hobbs a few plays later. Tyree would go on to absolutely nothing and was out of the league within 2 seasons, while our buddy Plax went on to shoot himself out of the league.

Oh, and Randy Moss was about 2 yards away from catching a Hail Mary at the end of that game... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUGj5qQFnnc

Salty Patriots fans be salty...

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Oh boo fucking hoo to all you Patriots fans. Come back to me after the last playoff appearance in a decade and a half is marred by a wrong call (University of Rochester proved that it was a forward pass).

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I wasn't complaining or being salty. Just summing up the end of that Super Bowl. It's funny because I think that I was much saltier after the 2nd SB loss to the Giants. Regardless, I've been over those for a long time. Why dwell on the past when I've been lucky enough to watch some of the greatest players from our generation play for my favorite team?

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Read this article. Bills may be going to playoffs this season and if we do, we could see a Superbowl within 5 years. The Patriots were a joke during the 90's and became a powerhouse in the 00's. Time for the Bills to replicate that success.

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I wasn't complaining or being salty. Just summing up the end of that Super Bowl. It's funny because I think that I was much saltier after the 2nd SB loss to the Giants. Regardless, I've been over those for a long time. Why dwell on the past when I've been lucky enough to watch some of the greatest players from our generation play for my favorite team?

I assumed you were a Giants fan by the context. I was just referring to the rivalry between Patriots and Giants fans. I am a Patriots fan myself. How about that interception last Super Bowl?

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Read this article. Bills may be going to playoffs this season and if we do, we could see a Superbowl within 5 years. The Patriots were a joke during the 90's and became a powerhouse in the 00's. Time for the Bills to replicate that success.

I agree, I've thought since the beginning of the offseason that they had as good a chance to win the AFC East as any team in the division. Hell, if they had a decent QB they could even be the favorite. The AFC East will be closer this year than any I can remember in the past 7-8 years
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I assumed you were a Giants fan by the context. I was just referring to the rivalry between Patriots and Giants fans. I am a Patriots fan myself. How about that interception last Super Bowl?

There is no Giants/Pats rivalry. This is by far the dumbest thing I've heard said here in the last while (and that's including proving Anacybele wrong on half of her claims).

Pats fans are upset because they can't beat the Giants in the Superbowl (mind you, Pats fans are spoiled nowadays). Giants fans just don't give a shit because they see it as toppling the best team in the league. It's so singleminded for someone to claim that this is a rivalry just because you keep losing to a team that has your number.

Here's the way that you know it's a rivalry. If both teams suck and you still want to beat them because it's the Giants and vice versa, you have a real rivalry. Like us with the Dolphins or Bears/Packers.

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Maybe not between the teams, but a rivalry between the fans after those Super Bowls would make sense to me...

Also, saying anyone's views/opinions/ideas are dumb is kind of unnecessary.

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I have friends who are Giants fans. I wouldn't really say that there's a rivalry but rather just playful ribbing. They talk about the SB wins, I talk about how Eli has a dad bod and that the Pats would have won by 14 in the 2nd matchup if Bernard Pollard would've just fucked off

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Oh boo fucking hoo to all you Patriots fans. Come back to me after the last playoff appearance in a decade and a half is marred by a wrong call (University of Rochester proved that it was a forward pass).

The Jaguars probably could have had a Super Bowl appearance(I don't think they would have beaten the Rams) if not for that call.

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Or Jeff Fischer stealing your playbook

And Oogie of course a university in upstate New York is gonna say it's a forward pass. I'm pretty sure it's a lateral, because it's really clear that Wycheck's arm is in front of the line before the lateral and Dyson's catch was behind the line.

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Oh yeah, did you guys see that the Steelers did a major upgrade to their secondary? They picked up Brandon Boykin from the Eagles after finding out that Senquez Golson might have to get season-ending surgery. A 5th round pick was traded for this guy, but it said Boykin is supposed to be one of the best CBs in the league. Hope the guy proves this is true! This secondary needs it.

What do you guys know about him? Is he really that good of a CB?

EDIT: Looking at his stats, he had a great 2013 season. Not so much 2014 for some reason though... Hope we see his 2013 self then. :P

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Boykin was considered great because Philly's secondary was so crap.

I'm probably exaggerating but nobody has raved about the Eagles secondary for a long time so I'm probably right. Kiko Alonso is a great addition and he'll take a lot of pressure off the middle of the field.

Been watching Hard Knocks and I can't wait for this season. I can only hope that next season will be in Buffalo.

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God damn it Jesse James... Jones practically HANDED you the ball. Should've been a TD. xP

But dayum Dri Archer and Ryan Shazier. Best players out there right now for this team. Landry Jones has gotten better though, he surprised me. Just needs to stop overthrowing everyone.

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Maybe not between the teams, but a rivalry between the fans after those Super Bowls would make sense to me...

Also, saying anyone's views/opinions/ideas are dumb is kind of unnecessary.

The fan rivalry is what I meant. Oogie has a fair point, though. I suppose I just always saw it that way, as half of my family that watches football is composed of Pats fans and the other half of Giants fans.

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Ah, I see now. And wow, that's crazy. lol

So, overall, the starters that our defense used yesterday actually looked pretty good. Timmons and Shazier I know were out there. Brandon Boykin too, he did some nice stuff! But otherwise, that defense was awful, and hopefully made up of 3rd strings or something. They didn't get much pressure on the Vikings QBs at all.

On the offensive side, Landry Jones actually played okay for the most part. He just has shittier accuracy than 2014 midseason Cam Newton somehow. And Jesse James either needs to improve his hands or hit the road. We need a more reliable TE to groom than that and soon because Heath Miller and Matt Spaeth are in their 30s.

Those second string receivers were bad though, except for the Phillips guy. Whenever Landry Jones actually threw a good pass, it was dropped more often than not. The Phillips guy though, he did an AB style one-handed grab! o.o Sammie Coates managed to catch a ball that was tipped though, AND very nearly had a one-handed TD grab himself, so he might have potential.

Oh yeah... Bud Dupree, where ARE you? For a first round pick, you're not making a huge impression. Please change that...

EDIT: Oh, I forgot one more thing. The worst news of all this: Shaun Suisham injuring his knee. Yeah, the damn KICKER. ALREADY we've lost someone significant. -_- He better be okay for the opener, we'll probably need him vs the Pats.

EDIT2: He actually might've torn his ACL. God DAMN IT please not that...

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Yeah, but Suisham has won a bunch of games for us by kicking game winning field goals. I don't want the team to be in that kind of situation again, but sometimes it's going to happen. And extra points can mean a lot too. If a replacement kicker can't get that extra point enough times, it could hurt.

And the Steelers will still be without Bell vs the Patriots too. So now they're probably out two significant players while the Pats are only losing one.

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Yeah, as much as I would enjoy seeing my Steelers wipe his ass out, I hope Brady remains suspended.

And it was confirmed that Suisham did in fact tear his ACL. DAMN IT, THIS SUCKS. There aren't many kickers as good as or better than Suisham... The guy is nearly perfectly accurate and his leg isn't all that weak either. It's not incredibly strong (couldn't quite make a 53 yarder), but still. Heinz Field is often regarded as one of the tougher stadiums to make FGs in. Yet, I've never seen Suisham miss there, except maybe once.

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This is where last year's second round draft pick pays off. I'm looking at you, Jimmy Garoppolo!

Edit: Suisham is good, though. I guess he's out for the season. I hate to see a key player get hurt, as it can ruin their entire team for the season. Especially in something like a preseason game. It just isn't worth it.

Edited by TheAssassinMercenary
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Yeah, Goodell said he wasn't changing his mind on Brady's suspension either. He also said that the integrity of the game is pretty important. Which he's right. It might seem like he's only looking out for the NFL's reputation and/or his own, but cheaters can honestly hurt a lot of people. Not only the people running the NFL itself, but the people running the team franchises, the coaches coaching the cheaters, etc. And fans don't want cheaters in the game either. Kids look up to many of these players. Even if Brady is actually innocent, there's no proof of it.

And yeah, Suisham's out for the season. ;_; What's worse though, is that players are rarely ever the same after recovering from an ACL tear...

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ana do you really think the patriots cheating is something unique to them or do you honestly think this ballghazi shit is actually a big deal

or do you actually know what happened or how halfassed this investigation was

i'm legitimately curious, because the way you're talking shit about the patriots seems like you're parroting dialogue rather than stating an actual opinion

either way it's very very misinformed

Even if Brady is actually innocent, there's no proof of it.

Guilty till proven innocent, what a great philosophy

there's legitimately no proof that he is guilty, the wells report said some bullshit like "we conclude that there is a chance that he probably did something with that"

do you really think that should be enough to suspend a dude for four games

there is nothing in that post that resembles a coherent point

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