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2017 NFL Playoffs - Super Bowl LI Confirmed! Atlanta Falcons vs New England Patriots!

Lord Raven

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Does anyone else feel like a lot of players are getting hurt this year? Compared to the last season, anyways.

Last year it was about the same.

At this point in the year, I believe we lost Robert Mathis to an Achilles Tear, a few Ravens DBs got injured (fun fact we were down to our 8th or 9th string CB when we played the Pats in the playoffs), I know some Seahawks players were out for a few games, and not long after we lost Wes Welker and Reggie Wayne. (Kind of ironic how one of Brady's biggest targets went to Manning in his twilight years and one of Manning's biggest targets just went to Brady, don't you think?)

I think the Packers lost a few guys and Cardinals players were dropping like flies. Bradford also tore his ACL before preseason, and the Eagles lost a few OL. 49ers had a bunch of injuries too.

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It does the seem that the majority of player injuries are torn ACL's. Most of the football fans in my area root for the Redskins, so when RG III tore his ACL a few years back, I heard people complaining for months.

@Lord Raven, that Pats/Ravens game was probably my favorite of the season last year.

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Yeah, our kicker tore his ACL, Kelvin Benjamin, who's one of the Panthers' top receivers, tore his ACL, Jordy Nelson tore his as well, I think, and sometime before, a couple other guys tore theirs. And my stepdad once told me that it's hard to come back from those. Just...damn. ._.

On another note, Michael Vick is going to meet with the Steelers. I hope we sign him, he'd be a good backup for Ben. Gradkowski got hurt AGAIN and will also need surgery. And he had JUST come back from a shoulder injury. Can this guy stay healthy for more than five minutes anymore? Geez...

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Yeah, our kicker tore his ACL, Kelvin Benjamin, who's one of the Panthers' top receivers, tore his ACL, Jordy Nelson tore his as well, I think, and sometime before, a couple other guys tore theirs. And my stepdad once told me that it's hard to come back from those. Just...damn. ._.

On another note, Michael Vick is going to meet with the Steelers. I hope we sign him, he'd be a good backup for Ben. Gradkowski got hurt AGAIN and will also need surgery. And he had JUST come back from a shoulder injury. Can this guy stay healthy for more than five minutes anymore? Geez...

If you tear your ACL, you'll probably take six to nine months to recover. Three people I know have torn theirs in the last year, and it does not look fun.

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Yeah, it definitely doesn't look fun. I mean, Le'Veon Bell only sprained his knee when he got hurt last year, and he was in a lot of pain. Tearing an ACL must REALLY hurt.

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Yeah, it definitely doesn't look fun. I mean, Le'Veon Bell only sprained his knee when he got hurt last year, and he was in a lot of pain. Tearing an ACL must REALLY hurt.

I can say firsthand that spraining your knee is quite painful. Fortunately, mine only took a few weeks to heal. In some cases, they can take up to four months to heal. You don't feel it at first, but pretty soon your knee starts to lock up and then you will experience very sharp pains if it bears any weight. Considering that's the worst pain I've ever felt, I can't imagine the pain of tearing your ACL.

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We have been fortunate in terms of injuries not anybody TOO IMPORTANT got injured

Johnnie Troutman was originally the starting RG (thank god no) broke his arm, sad to lose a quality DEPTH player and he only has like a 600,000k contract. But was god awful starting, but ok as back-up.

Tourek William's Special Teams presence will be missed and as a rotational OLB/good depth player. But otherwise our injuries haven't been bad.

Though an interesting position to look at is our kicker unit.


We kicked Kaeding out for Novak. But that's because Kaeding suffered a major injury.

Josh Lambo looked freaking amazing. We all knew he had a monster of a leg, but he's also HELLA ACCURATE. The only difference is Novak has had full NFL experience as a Kicker. Lambo is just a UDFA we got from Texas A&M who looked good in one preseason game.

We have to decide something because some team will get a stud kicker from our Practice Squad. To be honest I'd rather carry 2 kickers. Novak can't hit touchbacks but Lambo sure as hell can. Donald Brown is just taking up space with $10 million dollars that was obviously not worth it (Ryan Mathews was paid that much in Philly). Save us $2 million Telesco and cut him already! At the same time PFF rated him good for pass-blocking iirc. But I wouldn't mind re-signing Ronnie Brown who is WAY CHEAPER and during the 49ers game was busting his ass off in pass-protection.

The Bills seem like a good candidate to give Donald Brown to right?

But Novak works hard, he literally busted his ass to be as accurate as Kaeding and busted his ass to kick hard this offseason. So it's REALLY HARD TO SAY.

I can't wait for Bears vs Chargers MNF.

Anyways enough about the Chargers.

The Donkeys got Evan Mathis and garnered interest from the Chiefs.

I am angry because it's like 2.5 mil guaranteed, 4 mil with incentives.


But alas, he'd be expensive depth and our O-line needs experience so it's probably for the better.

Edited by ~Summer~
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The Steelers signed Vick to a one-year deal. A lot of fans are complaining about this because of his past though. Well, I say they need to shut up, because guess what? Ben had past issues too, and look at him now. The guy's said to be a great teammate. The past is the past. As long as Vick doesn't screw up again, it shouldn't matter. Ben having turned himself around provides Vick a good example to follow too.

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It does the seem that the majority of player injuries are torn ACL's. Most of the football fans in my area root for the Redskins, so when RG III tore his ACL a few years back, I heard people complaining for months.

@Lord Raven, that Pats/Ravens game was probably my favorite of the season last year.

why are there so many Pats fans in the DMV


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I hail from the beautiful land* of Worcester, MA. This was before my dad decided to move the family to the traffic-infested swamp known as Northern Virginia

*the actual city is a dump. Have you guys ever seen Trailer Park Boys? Worcester has ACTUAL bottle kids that rummage through your stuff at all opportunities

EDIT: Also, I haven't met too many Pats fans around here. It seems like most people either like the Redskins or root for some other garbage NFC East team (the number of people who support the Cowboys with absolutely no ties to anywhere in Texas is staggering.)

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I hail from the beautiful land* of Worcester, MA. This was before my dad decided to move the family to the traffic-infested swamp known as Northern Virginia

*the actual city is a dump. Have you guys ever seen Trailer Park Boys? Worcester has ACTUAL bottle kids that rummage through your stuff at all opportunities

EDIT: Also, I haven't met too many Pats fans around here. It seems like most people either like the Redskins or root for some other garbage NFC East team (the number of people who support the Cowboys with absolutely no ties to anywhere in Texas is staggering.)

That sounds oddly similar to my story...

I was raised on Cape Cod, and now live in Virginia. Main difference for me is that there were a few more locations in between, as my dad's in the Coast Guard.

I second that most people root for the Redskins around here, but I also know quite a few Ravens fans and Eagles fans.

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Yeah, growing up in central maryland I saw a lot of Ravens, Steelers, Washington, and Eagles fans. My parents moved closer to DC (well halfway between DC and Baltimore) and I'm starting to see Washington and Cowboys in greater numbers.

Basically everyone's a Nats or O's fan though. I haven't seen much else aside from a random Yankees fan here and there.

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I see a wide variety of fans here. In my neighborhood alone, I've seen Bears fans, Saints fans, Packers fans, and other Steelers fans. On the road I've seen Redskins fans, Ravens fans, Falcons fans, Cowboys fans, and that's all in addition to Panthers fans (since this is North Carolina). My coworker is a Patriots fan as well. Oh, and my mom works with a guy that's a Chiefs fan.

But for this area there are a LOT of Steelers fans. The line for meeting Franco Harris back when he visited Ft. Bragg here was massive and everybody in it was wearing Steelers stuff!

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I see a wide variety of fans here. In my neighborhood alone, I've seen Bears fans, Saints fans, Packers fans, and other Steelers fans. On the road I've seen Redskins fans, Ravens fans, Falcons fans, Cowboys fans, and that's all in addition to Panthers fans (since this is North Carolina). My coworker is a Patriots fan as well. Oh, and my mom works with a guy that's a Chiefs fan.

But for this area there are a LOT of Steelers fans. The line for meeting Franco Harris back when he visited Ft. Bragg here was massive and everybody in it was wearing Steelers stuff!

When I lived in North Carolina, I only knew a few Steelers fans. It was pretty diverse though. It was mainly Redskins fans (just like here in Virginia), but I've seen fans of every other team you've listed. I even knew a few Raiders fans.

Edit: I see what you did there, Chococoke.

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When I lived in North Carolina, I only knew a few Steelers fans. It was pretty diverse though. It was mainly Redskins fans (just like here in Virginia), but I've seen fans of every other team you've listed. I even knew a few Raiders fans.

Yeah, I've a feeling that Ft. Bragg being here has something to do with it. Because soldiers get moved around a lot, there're likely troops from all over the country here. AAFES, the military retailer, also likes to hire a variety of people from different nationalities. I've met employees from several different parts of the world here.

And typically, if you're from a certain city or state, you're probably a fan of its sports teams. :P

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Yeah, I've a feeling that Ft. Bragg being here has something to do with it. Because soldiers get moved around a lot, there're likely troops from all over the country here. AAFES, the military retailer, also likes to hire a variety of people from different nationalities. I've met employees from several different parts of the world here.

And typically, if you're from a certain city or state, you're probably a fan of its sports teams. :P

I lived near the Coast Guard Air Base, and quite a few people were from their team's home city. Some weren't though. I only knew two Panthers fans, and the Raiders fan I knew was born and raised in NC.

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Can our offense PLEASE stop taking blows already? Martavis Bryant is now facing a fricking 4-game ban. This means no Bell, no Pouncey, and no Bryant for the first two games, three big parts of that offense. Bryant is our resident deep threat. Pouncey will be out much longer than the other two, but still. We've got the toughest schedule, we probably can't afford much more of this at all.

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The early schedule doesn't look that bad for the Steelers. They've got the Jimmy Garbage Pats (assuming Brady loses in court), the rotting corpse of the 49ers, and then then Lambs.

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First quarter of Panthers vs Patriots isn't even over and Brady's already thrown two interceptions. loool!

EDIT: Ugh, can this Corey Brown guy even catch a COLD?! He's been targeted five times and didn't catch a single one of those balls! -_- Also, Luke Kuechly got hurt earlier, another ugh...

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