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Persona: Simulacrum - IC Thread


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Eliana thanked silently how peaceful the day was, and how quickly school had ended. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to get used to. However, as Aoi made her way outside without so much as saying a word or looking back, Eliana grew some concern. Did... is she bothered? Was it something I did? Eliana's panicky, fertile mind ran a few loops and she quickly packed up her school materials, giving chase to Aoi.

"A-Aoi..." And there she stood, in front of her locker. Eliana slowed down her hasty pace until a few steps from her friend. "Do... are you, feeling well? You were so silent, today, so..." She stopped her words, her concerns mixing up reason and overreaction. What was the point in giving chase?

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"Huh?" Oh, Eliana. Aoi turned a bit red before clearing her throat and trying to compose herself. "Ah, nothing, uh... Just... Last day of the week, all tired out from class..." It was a bold faced lie; that was definitely not what was bothering her. She was tired from classes, but that wouldn't make her quiet, seeing as it never had in the past. "Er... What about you? You didn't really say a lot... Not that I talked to you, but, uh..." Her gaze shifted around the girl a bit, before she shot her eyes back to her locker, swallowing hard. We're at school. What are you doing? "D-Did you wanna do anything today!?" she asked, with a bit of a shout, shaking her head. "We've still got a lot of day left! So, er, y-y'know..."

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"Are you sure?" Eliana examined as Aoi insisted to be fine, something not sitting right with her about that behavior. "W-well, I was just... I just tried to pay attention. But... you are so quiet, is it really fine? Did... Did I do something?" Eliana almost flinched at the shout, but kept her composure. "Uh? I could. I don't mind, if Aoi wants." Eliana tried to hold a smile despite that.

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"I-I'm fine! Trust me, really..." I can't tell her that, like, come on... Well, why can't I? Er... I-I just don't want her to feel the same way! Yeah! I don't want us to both feel awkward, that was all... I-It was just going with the mood, yeah... As Aoi concluded that was her reasoning, she thought about what to actually do. As she thought, she leaned onto her right foot and-- "Ahhh!" tripped over. Landing on the floor with a thud, she looked down at her ankle, hoping it wasn't sprained. "Ow, geez... What...? Oh... Well, that sucks." Her ankle was fine, but there was a rather large hole in the side of her sneaker, and a chunk missing off of the bottom. She groaned. "Guess I'm going shoe shopping... Probably been running too hard, ugh." Picking herself up, she sighed again, and folder her arms. "So? Want to come with?"

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Even speaking at his lowest, Katsumi heard his comment about the shoe sale. He was embarrassed to even know about such a fact. "The store name is...it's called Waraku. I-I can show you where it is if you want." In reality, Ken was going to go there by himself after visiting Katsumi, possibly to window shop. Perhaps if he went alone, he could simply say he was looking for a friend of his or his sister, and buy some shoes for himself. Of course, getting them past Shinichi would also be an issue... "W-what about you, Akane?" Ken couldn't help but blush after everything.

Edited by Dandragon
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Eliana wouldn't be getting anything out of Aoi, adamant as she was. Almost giving up, Eliana was taken by shock as her friend fell to the floor, flinching. "Are you fine?" The words came out on instinct, before Eliana took the time to look at Aoi's predicament. "That... your shoe?" How do you get a hole as big as that? That poor shoe would have to retire, Aoi's invitation at least reassured Eliana. "Ah, yes." She nodded, "I can take a look, too. Okay."

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"Well, I suppose it can't hurt to take a look, right?" Akane replied, flashing Ken a light grin, before standing and walking over to Katsumi's desk, gently placing a hand on her classmate's shoulder.

"Well, Katsumi? Care to come with us?"

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"Sure, I need to stop there to do some much needed shoe shopping." Katsumi replied cheerfully. She noticed Ken was blushing and wondered what could be embarrassing about knowing where a good shoe store was in town. Good quality shoes were becoming hard to find these days, then again these were her younger brothers she was shopping for. "Ken? Did I say something awkward?" She asked, then she felt her classmate Akane place her hand on her shoulder, nearly startling her. "Of course. My two younger brothers are literally wearing their shoes to pieces," She said, making a lighthearted joke about the state of her younger brothers shoes.

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"Yeah, I'm alright. A little trip isn't going to take me out!" She pumped her fists and smiled, proud of how strong she was, even if a little trip like that could've easily rolled her ankle. She wouldn't tell Eliana that, though. "Alright, then. Let's go catch a bus into town. There's this shoe shop, uh... Waraki, or something? I walk past it sometimes, but I've never gone in. Seems like now's the right time. Looks like I'll have to get some pretty sturdy sneakers, if these ones fall apart after a year of putting work into them. Obviously not worth what I paid for." She sighed, and slung her bag over her shoulder, jolting her head towards the door. "Let's go, then." And off she went.

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"I don't see why not, unless you've something else to do first, Katsumi?" Akane replied, keeping her hand on her classmate's shoulder, as it had not yet been shrugged off.

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"I'm going to stop at Waraku first, it'll be more efficient to shop for shoes before food items," Katsumi replied. If she got meat or dairy products at the convenience store before stopping at Waraku, they would spoil before she got home. That would be last on her agenda, so the order would be Waraku, koi pond supplies and a stop at the convenience store. Not one to dawdle, Katsumi rose from her chair. Gently shrugging off Akane ' s hand so she could retrieve her shoulder bag from the under her desk. "Shall we get going then, Ken?"

Edited by Ace Tactician
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"Yes. Let's go." Hopefully this will be a learning experience, too. Everything was packed and ready to go.

His phone vibrated again. Another text from his mother, asking about chores. Once again, Ken didn't respond. He could do his chores after he was finished, but for now, he was off to the store with friends.


Inside the store, the gang of three were all the way in the women's section, with Ken helping the girls find some pairs. Of course, unbeknownst to the two ladies, Ken had secretly been looking for some pairs for himself. In the women's section. It took all his willpower not to be constantly blushing, although truth be told he didn't think any of the shoes there would fit him. But this wouldn't be the first time he had the urge to try on women's shoes, although that was at a young age. That's what he told himself at least. "Uhm...What about this pair?" He said, pointing out a ruby red, thin laced shoe to the girls.

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"That's a beautiful pair of shoes," Katsumi said, gazing at the thin laced ruby pair Ken had pointed out. Her brain began to pull together possible outfits that she could wear that ruby pair of shoes with. She gazed at the price tag listed on the display. "Those would go elegantly with formal attire. But how would I work those into a casual outfit? Heels aren't meant to be worn for extended periods of time." She wondered aloud, admiring the ruby heels. They were indeed pretty and she could buy them. But the length of the heels made them best suited for minimal standing and walking at the best, at least in Katsumi's mind and experience wearing heeled shoes.

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One trip to the shops later, Aoi was still a bit awkward around Eliana, for good reason. Alas, she'd already agreed to this, and would look like a dip if she just ran off, so she'd go shopping and then wave her friend off. "Shoes, shoes, shoes..." Aoi repeated the word to herself over and over again, scanning her eyes over shop names until they fell on-- "Waraku! Cool. Okay. Let's go get some shoes." She picked up her pace, hopped on over, and then stopped dead in her tracks at the entrance. Are you serious? Why is she here too? There was no saving face; she'd definitely been seen, already. So trying to unfreeze herself, she walked into the store and made like she hadn't noticed.

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"Ah, sorry. Not a very casual pair, is it?" Ken began scratching his head. They just looked so beautiful, he couldn't help but point them out. He looked around, only to spot Aoi coming into the store. She seemed to not have noticed him, or more likely she was ignoring him. There also seemed to be another girl, whom he thought was familiar, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"Hi there, Aoi. Looking for shoes as well?" Before he could stop himself, the words just came out of his mouth. He just called out to Aoi.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"They are quite nice, aren't they? Heels take getting used to, though... I probably wouldn't have problems with ones like that, though..." Akane mused, before attention was drawn towards the entrance, and a new challenger, as it were.

"My my, Aoi~ What a coincidence, seeing you and Eliana here~" Akane called over with a smile. As if I wouldn't notice you were trying to ignore me.

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