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[FE7] Can someone post a link to a Portrait editor/creation tutorial?

Avril Lavigne

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I want to start making portraits now, I'm at work and was hoping people could put links here for when I get home so I can start messing around then. I Googled for a tutorial and found nothing useful.... So for the more experienced hackers, can you please send me a link or, better yet, explain portrait editing to me?

Greatly appreciated.

I'd also like to start music insertion but I tried and failed miserably multiple times. It's frustrating as hell.

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Making or inserting?

Making the actual mugshot:



This grid shows where FE has built-in offsets for eye / mouth frames to be-- your eyes and mouth need to be inside one of the internal colored boxes; AND they both have to be in separate boxes.

Then you make the default position for your mugshot.

You can find a ton of tutorials for this by googling "Fire emblem mugshot tutorial"-- though I'm not sure if you actually want to follow them. If you are new to the art, splices until you know the style better than the back of your hand; then you can start customing.

Or you could just start with FCs, it doesn't -really- matter, but splices are less annoying to work with at the cost of novelty most of the time.

{if this is the part you needed the most help with, you should delve to the Sprites subforum, I think.}


Then put the sprite in this, the largest blue area is the whole mug. It can't exceed that area-- it can't go into the area outside that 96x80 with the sides lopped out.

The small blue square is the chibi sprite (for use when hovering over the unit on the map). There are a lot of ways to make chibi sprites, and they don't necessarily have to actually be chibis. Blazer's The Last Promise just used a square of the actual mugshot with a border, for example.

The two boxes below that are for blinking frames.

The 7 colored boxes at the bottom are for mouth frames; the one at the far right is used exclusively for the portrait on the statscreen. The bottom-most 3 are the smile frames.

Making the talking frames:


Making the blinking frames:

Would you believe I can't find a tutorial for this?

Inserting it: Make sure it's 16 colors and obeys the formatting rules (all above). Feditor, portrait inserter. Insert. Align the frames. Save. Done.

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