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Yooka-Laylee aka. the spiritual successor to rule them all.


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You hear that? Silence.. followed by rejoice over the arrival of our new born heroes, Yooka and Laylee!

Balance is restored to the universe, the evil that is hopelessness over not seing any heroic animal-duo in action for almost fifteen years is banished!

Only one thing that stands between us and the reunion with sublime platforming action is a Kickstarter campaign that is our task, no, our duty to successfully fund!

Now, I'm sure we all know Banjo-Kazooie and most will probably know that some of the original creators got together again to start a new company with a spritual sucessor to the series as their first game in mind.

You can check out their homepage here: http://www.playtonicgames.com/

I personally believe that Kickstarter campaign is going to explode in the first few hours of it's launch, but what do you guys and girls think about this in general? Any wishes for the project?

Update 1: Here's a link to the amazingly well designed Kickstarter campaign:


As expected this thing was funded in less than 40 minutes and at this rate they're reaching the stretch goal of 1.000.000£ in no time! Huzzah!

Update 2: 1.000.000£ stretch goal fulfilled, two new ones added.

Update 3: 1.500.000£ stretch goal reached, we're getting an orchestrated soundtrack!

2.000.000£ stretch goal added.

Edited by FierceRagnar
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The humour looks the same, the music from this reminds me of Mumbo's Skull, then Treasure Trove Cove, and some of the moves shown here are similar to the double jump in Banjo, and barrel-rolling form DKC/Kongs riding on D.K. in DKCR

The kickstarter will boom at first, then the donation stream will fizzle out whilst they're trying to implement the stuff. I would guess at least 70% of the donations will be made over this weekend (inc. Friday)

[spoiler='the videos for people too lazy to open in new tab]



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I never got the chance to play Banjo Kazooie, though I heard nothing but good things about it and I've always been a fan of platformers (though I admittingly get lost quite a lot in the non-linear ones).

I do hope that Yooka Laylee succeeds and does well. I mean, just look at them:


Just seeing them brings me back to better days when the gaming market wasn't oversaturated with realistic gritty/violent games and 80% of games in gaming stores were safe for people of all ages to play.

(just my two cents, please don't turn the above comment I made into a flame war)

Also, check out the art of Yooka and Laylee that's already on deviantart the day of the characters' reveal:


I hope this means good things for the reception fans will give it.

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Hey, I actually believe this campaing is getting funded in at least the first few hours.

There was this campaign by Tim Shafer's Double Fine a few years ago, where they wanted to create an original Adventure game which later became Broken Age.

That thing got funded the first day aswell.

Edit: Oh! I freaking called it!

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It should be interesting to see how this will turn out considering it's created by Ex-Rare employees. Also with Grant Kirkhope composing I'm pretty excited to see how it will turn out considering he composed some great stuff in the past.

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Wow. At this rate, they'll easily hit all their stretch goals before I'm able to contribute (about a week from now). Hopefully they continue accepting money until the deadline.

Hell, they might hit all those stretch goals within a few hours at this rate. I mean, it hasn't even been an hour (I think) and they already have over 300K British Pounds, far more than the 175K they asked for and nearly a third of their way to the highest stretch goal of one million.

Edited by ClevelandSteve
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Backed £15 for this. Was tempted to back £30, but I decided against it. Looks fantastic, this. And David Wise is one of the composers in this game!

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Wow. At this rate, they'll easily hit all their stretch goals before I'm able to contribute (about a week from now). Hopefully they continue accepting money until the deadline.

Hell, they might hit all those stretch goals within a few hours at this rate. I mean, it hasn't even been an hour (I think) and they already have over 300K British Pounds, far more than the 175K they asked for and nearly a third of their way to the highest stretch goal of one million.

Oh, worry not. How this works is that they're collecting sponsored money until the campaign ends (June 17th), the stretch goals are basicly just a formalities.

If you back until then you get access to the rewards, but even after the campaign ends you're able to back (though, without any rewards, I believe).

I backed 30£ for now, but might raise the amount next month in case they don't announce a general retail release of the game for PC/WiiU.

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Didn't know about this until after it was funded.

Really hope it's released for Wii U. I'm always down for colorful mascot platforming.

It will be. And, if they reach their highest stretch goal, it will even be a simultaneous release across all platforms.

Oh, worry not. How this works is that they're collecting sponsored money until the campaign ends (June 17th), the stretch goals are basicly just a formalities.

If you back until then you get access to the rewards, but even after the campaign ends you're able to back (though, without any rewards, I believe).

I backed 30£ for now, but might raise the amount next month in case they don't announce a general retail release of the game for PC/WiiU.

Oh, I see. I've never actually contributed to a Kickstarter before so I didn't know the details of how it works.

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I'm pretty sure it's going to be released for all current-gen platforms. You can still pledge some money, since not all the stretch goals have been met yet

Oh, I got ninja'd

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Well it's at 391,000 so Mumbo/Humba equivalent should be reached any minute now, I do wonder how the co-op part will work though, I would guess like split-up pads in Tooie, but how far from each other can you go, what happens if one player dies etc.?

[spoiler=Stretch Goals]


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My husband is a huge fan of old school platformers with Banjo-Kazooie being at the top of his list. I'm cautiously optimistic though, so many game kickstarters fizzle out without a word as to what happens. We've compromised and agreed to toss in $10 though.

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I'm concernced about the design being so blocky, which reminds me that the same people not only made Banjo-Kazooie, but also Nuts & Bolts.

Then again, I'm still looking forward to Mighty No. 9 because I'd rather a mediocre Mega Man than no Mega Man at all.

So I suppose people are taking a similiar "I'd rather a dysfunctional relationship than no relationship at all" approach towards this game.

I also think Yooka-Laylee seems incredibly contrived. Banjo-Kazooie is not only made of two instruments, but also rolls off the tongue better and looks more aesthetically appealing.

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I'm concernced about the design being so blocky, which reminds me that the same people not only made Banjo-Kazooie, but also Nuts & Bolts.

Then again, I'm still looking forward to Mighty No. 9 because I'd rather a mediocre Mega Man than no Mega Man at all.

So I suppose people are taking a similiar "I'd rather a dysfunctional relationship than no relationship at all" approach towards this game.

I also think Yooka-Laylee seems incredibly contrived. Banjo-Kazooie is not only made of two instruments, but also rolls off the tongue better and looks more aesthetically appealing.

Thing is, of course the design is blocky in places, I mean, the game is still in development after all. Not to mention Nuts & Bolts isn't really a bad game, it was just a really bad Banjo game.

I think the whole deal with the name is that you probably just haven't gotten used to it yet. It took me quite a while to get used to the name "Mighty Number 9." Same deal for "Shovel Knight."

On that note, I could not be any more hyped for this game. Personally, I think it looks beautiful so far, and the 2 songs in the kickstarter just got me even more hyped.

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I mean the character design is more remniscent of current Banjo than N64 Banjo.

I actually just found one more gripe with it.

The green skin blends in too much with the grass. How am I supposed to see where I'm walking when I can't even see myself?

And I got used to "Mighty Number 9" right away.

Shovel Knight as a whole I only started to accept after watching Jon Grumps play it.

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Thing is, of course the design is blocky in places, I mean, the game is still in development after all. Not to mention Nuts & Bolts isn't really a bad game, it was just a really bad Banjo game.

I couldn't disagree more, save for the OST and Hero Klungo Sssavessss Teh World it was awful in my books.

They've reached £600,000+ already. They're going to probably add more stretch goals at this rate.

That would be good, as they've just passed the first multiplayer threshold, maybe more worlds as I read somehwere that there's only set to be 5 or 6 which seems far smaller than the N64 games

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The green skin blends in too much with the grass. How am I supposed to see where I'm walking when I can't even see myself?

Erm, you do realize that you're playing as a chameleon, don't you? They're supposed to be good at camouflaging themselves.

Anyway, I've never played Banjo-Kazooie at all (hadn't even heard of it until a few years ago, in fact), but this looks like a cute game. I need to learn more about it before I decide whether or not to buy it, though.

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Erm, you do realize that you're playing as a chameleon, don't you? They're supposed to be good at camouflaging themselves.

When the Monster Hunter team designed a chameleon they gave it a garish purple to make it stand out.

I understand they chose a chameleon because changing colours will probably visualize the various power-ups, but they approached it from the wrong direction.

The design also reminds me of mediocre late 90s platformer heroes like Gex.

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I can't wait for this. I've been dying to have a good 3D platformer with the style of rare for a very long time. I'm a huge fan of the original Banjo Kazooie and the music is already hitting me.

Although I'm gonna be a bit cautious considering Kickstarter projects haven't been really too kind for even the biggest names.

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