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The REAL Avatar Tournament

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What, I'm starting another one while FEFT isn't fully done yet? Well, this is mainly to lay the foundation while the other one's still running. For those not in the know, FEFT (or Fire Emblem Favorites Tournament) is an "Awakening-style arena" where the fans' favorite characters from past Fire Emblems compete to see who stands as the best (with sometimes strenuous--for lack of a better or even proper term--waiting for Streetpass to work right). It started out as The Avatar Tournament which led to a bit of confusion. How do I fix that mistake? Well, the title was renamed on the other thread, but this time, it's for real! If you want to enter your self-insert character and see if you stand as the best Serenes Forest avatar, just send a PM or reply to the topic below (I thought it would be easier to start a new thread so I wouldn't need to change the first post of the current tournament thread and it would be easier to find this since, let's face it, FEFT is LONG overdue to be uploaded).

Now I'm going to set some rules for this one:
- Skills are limited to three class trees and no more than three (this means if you want Swordfaire, Lethality, and Lucky Seven, you would be pulling skills from the Myrmidon AND Thief trees). Dread Fighter will count as it's own class tree (special classes were their own individual tree for Manaketes and Taguels, so there's thew reason for that). Your avatar's final class must also be one of the classes in the selected trees.
- You may now submit two avatars per member. You may request to add an avatar for another member, but they MUST be a Serenes member. The requested avatar will be submitted under the username of the person who wants to participate (say I wanted to submit Gaia's avatar for him if he wanted me to, I would put it in under his name) Besides, we know not everyone frequently visits the forest and, hey, people you all know that have an account may want to be in. Note that you will need to link me to the person's user so I know you're being legit, or they will NOT be added.
- You MUST send the build (gender, hair type, that kind of thing) as well as asset and flaw. The latter is obvious, but I will not guess the former for you (this should be a given). If you send me a link to a video or a picture that doesn't have the build numbers, I won't add your avatar.
- Remember that these fights are 1-on-1! Only send skills that work in 1-on-1 fights (pair ups and support attacks will be nil). Also, I'm not accepting Limit Breaker. Otherwise, ther people with Limit Breaker will have the upper hand and it won't be fair for anyone else who avoids it (not to mention if everyone got Limit Breaker it would be wasting a skill slot).
- Forgot to mention this, but limit weapon choice to one weapon (for the purposes of not letting the AI choose what it wants to use and it feels unfair if some people only go with one weapon).

Only 32 avatars total will be accepted. Anyone's avatars beyond the 32nd will be ignored. Remember to choose your asset, flaw, skills, and final class carefully. Also, remember which skills are specified to one gender such as Gamble or Lancefaire. You will have to change those skills if I catch a discrepancy between a submitted skillset and the avatar's gender.

If you have any additional questions over something you're unsure of or something I've missed, please reply or send a PM.

FInished Avatars:
Matthew (BlizzardWolf95)
Yoruichi (Tactless Tactician)

A-01 (Knusperkeks)

Joyceln (Joycdonnell)

Submitted but not completed:

Mystia (Cordelia)

Goten (Lord_Seliph)

Cole (Blaze The Great)

Samson (Sroy)

Carter (Carter)

Eclipse (eclipse)

Meg (Bovinian)

Megumi (Dolly-chan)

Scarlet (ScarletFlame)

Socks (Bandit)

Deskita (deskita)

Christopher (deskita)

Nergal (Tactless Tactician)

Ideljkiv (Supershyguy94)

Azz (Azz01)

Maple (GoldenMapleLeaf)

Edited by mercilesscharizard
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- Skills are limited to three class trees and no more than three (this means if you want Swordfaire, Lethality, and Lucky Seven, you would be pulling skills from the Myrmidon AND Thief trees). Dread Fighter will count as it's own class tree (special classes were their own individual tree for Manaketes and Taguels, so there's thew reason for that). Your avatar's final class must also

It looks like the rest of your description cut off.

Whether I enter or not highly depends on how many other people are interested!

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sounds fun, I would want to see how my avatar endure or in the worst in the case get destroyed in pieces </3 during the tour
Female Avatar @ Grandmaster
Name: Joyceln
Build: 02
Face: 01
Hair: 01
Hair Color : 07
Voice : Female 1
Asset: Speed
Flaw: Defense
Secondary Class 1: Cleric
Secondary Class 2: Knight
- Miracle
- Luna
- Ignis
- Tomefaire
- Pavise
Luna/Ignis/TF/Galeforce/Speed+2 is my favorite overall skillset to run but since Galeforce is useless here (and also is a waste choose Pegasus Knight only for Speed+2). So I chose cleric since provides me TF and the lucky-random Miracle life-saver. Then for Luna was between Knight (pavise) vs Cavalier (Aegis), since most of the brave weapons are range 1, pavise is a wise option for a filler.
Would be more effective use my MaMu with counter & miracle (which is op) but is out of place for me since as MaMu almost I almost use him just for dual strike or rally people after Gangrel's arc. Anyway this is just for fun.
I not know if we should add the weapons (and if we can forge them).

Revival Edit! : So the weapon is gonna be a forged Superior Jolt (named Thunderjolt), max Hit, rest on Mt.
Edited by Joycdonnell
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sounds fun, I would want to see how my avatar endure or in the worst in the case get destroyed in pieces </3 during the tour
Female Avatar @ Grandmaster
Name: Joyceln
Build: 02
Face: 01
Hair: 01
Hair Color : 07
Voice : Female 1
Asset: Speed
Flaw: Defense
Secondary Class 1: Cleric
Secondary Class 2: Knight
- Miracle
- Luna
- Ignis
- Tomefaire
- Pavise
Luna/Ignis/TF/Galeforce/Speed+2 is my favorite overall skillset to run but since Galeforce is useless here (and also is a waste choose Pegasus Knight only for Speed+2). So I chose cleric since provides me TF and the lucky-random Miracle life-saver. Then for Luna was between Knight (pavise) vs Cavalier (Aegis), since most of the brave weapons are range 1, pavise is a wise option for a filler.
Would be more effective use my MaMu with counter & miracle (which is op) but is out of place for me since as MaMu almost I almost use him just for dual strike or rally people after Gangrel's arc. Anyway this is just for fun.
I not know if we should add the weapons (and if we can forge them).

Weapons can be forged and it would be best to list what weapon you want your avatar to use (along with stats if applicable).

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Female MU Mystia




Base Class:Dark Mage

Base Class:Myrimidon

Base Class:Cleric





Vantage (in 1v1 I assume there's still an enemy phase but if not then Lethality w/e)


Weapon: Celica's gale

Forged: (I don't have the game with me currently so I can't give exact numbers but Max hit and rest to Might)






Voice:Female 1

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Male MU Goten

Asset: Strength

Flaw: Resistance

Classes: Mercenary, Thief, Fighter

Final class: Dread Fighter


HP +5




Lucky Seven


Brave Sword(3/2/3)


Build 02


Face: 01


Voice: Male 1

EDIT: There, fixed it

Edited by Lord_Seliph
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Male MU Goten

Class: Dread Fighter

Asset: Strength

Flaw: Resistance

Base class: Thief

Base class: Fighter

Base class: Mercenary


HP +5




Limit Breaker


Brave Sword*

Eirika's Blade*

Superior Jolt

Volant Axe*

(The "*" indicated a forged weapon)


Build 02


Face: 01


Voice: Male 1

Uh... a few tips and things:

1. There aren't any thief skills on here, so I don't know why you put that as a base class.

2. Let's avoid Limit Breaker. That isn't exactly fair if no one else goes for it (I'll edit the first post with this amendment later).

3. I can't allow Armsthrift. Files where the matches are done won't be saved and each bout will only last 15 turns (or 30 if it's Archer vs. a physical-based unit). Also, if you do change skills other than Armsthrift, you have to omit the thief line unless you replace a class tree with the thief tree (removing Armsthrift does remove the mercenary line but this is a "just in case" thing).

4. See below.

- Forgot to mention this, but limit weapon choice to one weapon (for the purposes of not letting the AI choose what it wants to use and it feels unfair if some people only go with one weapon).

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I'll participate as well. Reserving a spot if it's fine.

Once you have data of all the other (31) avatars, I would appreciate you sending me all that data in a pm. :Kappa:

If you're thinking of wanting a reserved spot just so you can see what you're up against, I wouldn't bother. It's not possible--at least it's near impossible--to find a skillset and asset-flaw combo to counter everything with the given rules. Also, I can't reserve spots for people. If you want an entry, you need to do so before it reaches maximum number.

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Male Avatar Cole

Build 1

Face 2

Hair 5

Hair Color 20

Voice Male 1

Asset: Speed Flaw:Strength

Class Trees: Myrmidon, Dark Mage, Mercenary

Skills: Sol, Astra, Lethality, Bowbreaker, Tomebreaker

Weapon: Max Might, rest to hit Aversa's Night

I admit, even to me this looks super weird. But I'm going with it, because it also looks pretty dang good.

Edited by Blaze The Great
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Male Avatar Cole

Build 1

Face 2

Hair 5

Hair Color 20

Voice Male 1

Class Trees: Myrmidon, Dark Mage, Mercenary

Skills: Sol, Astra, Lethality, Bowbreaker, Tomebreaker

Weapon: Max Might, rest to hit Aversa's Night

I admit, even to me this looks super weird. But I'm going with it, because it also looks pretty dang good.

I suggest using Myrmidon as a class. Goes well with your weapon of choice.

Edited by Knusperkeks
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Male Avatar Cole

Build 1

Face 2

Hair 5

Hair Color 20

Voice Male 1

Class Trees: Myrmidon, Dark Mage, Mercenary

Skills: Sol, Astra, Lethality, Bowbreaker, Tomebreaker

Weapon: Max Might, rest to hit Aversa's Night

I admit, even to me this looks super weird. But I'm going with it, because it also looks pretty dang good.

...what do you want the asset/flaw to be?

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Is this still going? If so id like some clarification, by 3 classes/class trees do you mean can only use say tactician grandmaster myrmidon or do you mean would be able to use tactician myrmidon and dark sorcerer along with the promoted classes?

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Is this still going? If so id like some clarification, by 3 classes/class trees do you mean can only use say tactician grandmaster myrmidon or do you mean would be able to use tactician myrmidon and dark sorcerer along with the promoted classes?

Three class trees signifies a base class and the promoted classes from the base class. For example, if you chose Tactician, you would be choosing the Tactician line for skills, but if you chose the Thief base class, you could choose skills from both the Assassin and Trickster classes. You're not restricted to three base classes and/or three advanced classes. You're restricted to the base classes you chose as well as their promotions which gives a little bit more freedmn for choosing skills as opposed to only being able to choose from three base classes and only one advanced class from each.

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I'll pit myself from my normal playthrough against these fine folks.

Male Avatar Samson

Build 2

Face 1

Hair 5

Hair Color 09

Voice Male 1

Class Trees: Mage, Myrmidon, Tactician

Final Class: Grandmaster

Skills: Swordfaire, Tomefaire, Astra, Vantage, Limit-Breaker Uhh, give me Tomebreaker then, since it's the only useful skill my MU isn't using.

Dayum op not allowing limit breaker, I understand though. :(

Weapon: Max Might, rest to hit Thoron if facing a ranged user.

Max Might, rest to hit Brave Sword if facing anyone else using only rng 1 weapons.

Exact Stats from mine in-game WITHOUT limit breaker:

All stats are MAXXED.

Asset: Magic

Flaw: Luck

Str - 40

Mag - 44

Skill - 39

Spd - 39

Lck - 44

Def - 40

Res - 42

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I'll pit myself from my normal playthrough against these fine folks.

Male Avatar Samson

Build 2

Face 1

Hair 5

Hair Color 09

Voice Male 1

Class Trees: Mage, Myrmidon, Tactician

Final Class: Grandmaster

Skills: Swordfaire, Tomefaire, Astra, Vantage, Limit-Breaker Uhh, give me Tomebreaker then, since it's the only useful skill my MU isn't using.

Dayum op not allowing limit breaker, I understand though. :(

Weapon: Max Might, rest to hit Thoron if facing a ranged user.

Max Might, rest to hit Brave Sword if facing anyone else using only rng 1 weapons.

Exact Stats from mine in-game WITHOUT limit breaker:

All stats are MAXXED.

Asset: Magic

Flaw: Luck

Str - 40

Mag - 44

Skill - 39

Spd - 39

Lck - 44

Def - 40

Res - 42

Tomebreaker is a Sorceror skill, so you'll have to change that or change the Tactician tree to the Dark Mage tree. Also, I can only accept one weapon per avatar.

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Are there still spots open?

Female Avatar Carter

Class: Falcon Knight

Asset: Skill

Flaw: Magic

Build 01

Face 01

Hair 03

Hair Color 06

Voice Female 1

Final Class: Falcon Knight

Class Trees: Cleric, Pegasus Knight, Dark Mage

Skills: Renewal, Vengeance, Tomebreaker, Lancefaire, Hex

How about them DLC skills? Are they allowed? If they are, I'd like to replace Astra with Iote's Shield! If that's not allowed, it's understandable. I realize the risk if people decide to equip Celica's Gale.

Weapon: Brave Lance (Mt 15, Hit 85) - Max Might, Rest to Hit

Is that all? Hopefully this works out!

Edited by Carter
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Are there still spots open?

Female Avatar Carter

Class: Falcon Knight

Asset: Skill

Flaw: Magic

Build 01

Face 01

Hair 03

Hair Color 06

Voice Female 1

Final Class: Falcon Knight

Class Trees: Myrmidon, Pegasus Knight, Cleric

Skills: Vantage, Renewal, Relief, Lancefaire, Astra

How about them DLC skills? Are they allowed? If they are, I'd like to replace Astra with Iote's Shield! If that's not allowed, it's understandable. I realize the risk if people decide to equip Celica's Gale.

Weapon: Brave Lance (Mt 15, Hit 85) - Max Might, Rest to Hit

Is that all? Hopefully this works out!

I'd prefer to avoid the DLC skills that aren't Dread Fighter skills since those skills aren't tied to any classes.

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Heh, why not.

Female Avatar eclipse

Build: 1

Face: 4

Hair: 2

Hair color: 19 (I think this exists?)

Voice: Female 1

Asset: Speed

Flaw: Defense

Class trees: Dark Mage, Thief, Archer

Final class: Assassin

Skills: Hit +20, Lucky 7, Anathema, Lethality, Vengeance

Weapon: Max MT., rest to Hit Brave Bow

I die in two hits. Oh, well~!

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Tomebreaker is a Sorceror skill, so you'll have to change that or change the Tactician tree to the Dark Mage tree. Also, I can only accept one weapon per avatar.

I'll pit myself against these fine folks.

Male Avatar Samson

Build 2

Face 1

Hair 5

Hair Color 09

Voice Male 1

Class Trees: Mage, Myrmidon, Dark Mage

Final Class: Sorcerer

Skills: Tomefaire, Astra, Vantage, Anathema, Tomebreaker

Weapon: Max hit, rest to might Waste.

All stats maxxed out

Asset: Magic

Flaw: Luck

Edit2: Scrapped the idea of using my normal playthrough character, let's make him an absolute powerhouse.

Edited by Sroy
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