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Raven: Out of Commission


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My Brawling days are over until I can be bothered to send my Wii off for a good clean.

I'm one of the unlucky ones who's Wii's have stopped being able to read the special Dual-layered DVD format that Brawl is on, due to apparent dust build-up on the Wii's lens. So, until I get Nintendo to take it and fix it up again, I'm pretty much not Brawling.

I'll be back some time.

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Masu's been posting in this topic for 15 minutes...

I posted when the site was fucked up still. I said:

Meh that sucks. I dont get why ppl keep saying they have some sort of disc reading issue, I leave my brawl disc out on the floor for weeks straight and it reads 100% fine.

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I posted when the site was fucked up still. I said:

Meh that sucks. I dont get why ppl keep saying they have some sort of disc reading issue, I leave my brawl disc out on the floor for weeks straight and it reads 100% fine.

I am confused enough by your post that I think I may have misunderstood it.... People report a disc read problem because their Wii stops playing the game. Regardless of how the disc is treated (assuming it is not actively wrecked or in very poor condition), the problem most frequently lies with the disc reading mechanism inside the Wii. A number of GameCubes experienced faulty lasers, as did many first generation PS2s. Enough Wiis experience trouble in this regard that Nintendo has responded. The problem is in a comparatively similar vein to the red ring of death in the Xbox 360; some early 360s have never been affected by a hardware failure despite frequent use and others fail quickly or randomly. Edited by Wist
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oh well i guess. I never understood why so many ppl have this problem. I leave my brawl disc out for like 2 weeks and it still reads fine

It's not my disc. My disc is basically like new - it's the lens of the Wii. It can read single-layered DVD games fine, but not Brawl and it's dual-layered DVD disc.

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It's not my disc. My disc is basically like new - it's the lens of the Wii. It can read single-layered DVD games fine, but not Brawl and it's dual-layered DVD disc.

YOUR WII PHAILS. I opened up my wii time and time again and left it open over night and nothing happened..........

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YOUR WII PHAILS. I opened up my wii time and time again and left it open over night and nothing happened..........

I'll sum Wist's post up for someone with... err... limited brain power such as yourself.

Raven's Wii is full of dust. No disc problem. Not because of opening it. He just has it in a really dusty area.

Also, every once in a while my Wii doesn't read the Brawl disc but taking out the Wii's plug and plugging it back in works just fine for me. I haven't had my Wii for extremely long either, it's just that my room is extremely dusty.

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I'll sum Wist's post up for someone with... err... limited brain power such as yourself.

Raven's Wii is full of dust. No disc problem. Not because of opening it. He just has it in a really dusty area.

Also, every once in a while my Wii doesn't read the Brawl disc but taking out the Wii's plug and plugging it back in works just fine for me. I haven't had my Wii for extremely long either, it's just that my room is extremely dusty.

Simply restarting the Wii used to make it work for me. But, it's been getting progressively worse over the last few weeks, and now it will not read Brawl at all, no matter what I try to do.

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