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RNG Article


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In the article about the RNG, you mention that FE10 uses the 2 RN system - in playing it, I was under the impression that it was 1 RN, though, because I had a hell of a lot of 80+s miss (and on one occasion, two in a row and stuff like that). Did you find this out through the game data or something, or just a guess? o.o

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No, clearly the game is both, but it varies by characters.

Anyone in the Dawn Brigade is a 1 RN

Most of the Greil Mercs are 2 RN

Nephenee is a 3 RN

how else do you explain her ability to dodge eight 30% or betters in a row? While no one in the Dawn Brigade could dodge more than one 40% per chapter.

Seriously, in 3-6, Aran got critical-ed by a cat with a 34% hit and a 1% crit, then he got hit by the cat's second hit! He was left with 1 HP, very fortunately for me...And in all of Part 1 (excluding BK), my characters dodged maybe 10-15 attacks. For ALL of it. I healed a lot.

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I've found Sothe to dodge a lot of attacks. He dodged an attack that had a 92% chance of hitting once.

I think its the opposite. The Griel Mercanaries get hit more than the Dawn Brigade IMHO. In 3-7, Boyd got hit with a Critical from a Storm Sword that had a 7% chance of hitting and a 1% of critical. in 3-5 (or 3-4, can't remember), Boyd got hit with about 10 attacks that all had a 40% or lower chance of hitting.

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No, clearly the game is both, but it varies by characters.

Anyone in the Dawn Brigade is a 1 RN

Most of the Greil Mercs are 2 RN

Nephenee is a 3 RN

how else do you explain her ability to dodge eight 30% or betters in a row? While no one in the Dawn Brigade could dodge more than one 40% per chapter.

Seriously, in 3-6, Aran got critical-ed by a cat with a 34% hit and a 1% crit, then he got hit by the cat's second hit! He was left with 1 HP, very fortunately for me...And in all of Part 1 (excluding BK), my characters dodged maybe 10-15 attacks. For ALL of it. I healed a lot.

Ah, that explains a lot... On my first playthrough, Nephenee would either Critical or Impale at least once in each battle. I knew she was defying the numbers somehow... At the same time, Leonardo managed to critical a Tiger twice in a row with an approximately 19% chance. Of course the 80%+ misses really get on my nerves, especially in life or death situations. The RNG sure has a way of being a gift and a curse, eh? :P

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No, clearly the game is both, but it varies by characters.

Anyone in the Dawn Brigade is a 1 RN

Most of the Greil Mercs are 2 RN

Nephenee is a 3 RN

how else do you explain her ability to dodge eight 30% or betters in a row? While no one in the Dawn Brigade could dodge more than one 40% per chapter.

Seriously, in 3-6, Aran got critical-ed by a cat with a 34% hit and a 1% crit, then he got hit by the cat's second hit! He was left with 1 HP, very fortunately for me...And in all of Part 1 (excluding BK), my characters dodged maybe 10-15 attacks. For ALL of it. I healed a lot.

Do you actually have proof of that though, or is that just your speculation? o.o; Because I somehow don't think they'd go through the trouble of doing a different system for each section of the story. <_<

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It might be speculation, but you have to admit, it does make sense... The Greil Mercs seem to have a much better chance of hitting/dodging than the Dawn Brigade.

Just a thought, but perhaps their reasoning was to have a sort of throwback to the first 5 Fire Emblems, where they used a Single RN to decide outcomes. Nephenee though... I'm not sure why they would give her in particular 3 RN's...

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Perhaps... But haven't you ever experienced units "defying the numbers" at one point? I mean, two 19% criticals is a rare and almost unheard of occurance with 2 RN's... There has to be some sort of secret to it, right?

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sorry, guess no one knows me around here...sarcasm is my first language...

I don't think they would change the RNG inbetween parts, I was just trying to be funny...and well point out that the Dawn Brigade seems particularly unfortunate, while Nephenee has the innate ability to kill everything in sight whilst dodging their attacks...

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Perhaps... But haven't you ever experienced units "defying the numbers" at one point? I mean, two 19% criticals is a rare and almost unheard of occurance with 2 RN's... There has to be some sort of secret to it, right?

I've played FE4,5,6 and 10 so yes i've experienced upsets.

all it is is luck. better stats just up your odds.

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sorry, guess no one knows me around here...sarcasm is my first language...

I don't think they would change the RNG inbetween parts, I was just trying to be funny...and well point out that the Dawn Brigade seems particularly unfortunate, while Nephenee has the innate ability to kill everything in sight whilst dodging their attacks...

[sarcasm]Sarcasm doesn't work on the internet unless you do this.[/sarcasm]

Wait... Uh, what does that mean with sarcasm?

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1 Random Number - This is the most basic system, used by FE 1-5. Battle outcomes are decided by one number between 0-99. Say that a character has an 80% chance of hitting. If the Random Number decided is LESS than 80, than the attack will hit, whereas, if the attack is greater than 80, it will miss.

2 Random Numbers - This system is a bit more complex, and is used by games 6-10. Outcomes are decided by 2 numbers. The two numbers chosen are then averaged to create the final number. (IE: The RN's chosen are 60 and 80. This means the final number is 70, so if the attack had an 80% chance to hit, it would hit.) This can cause the game to mislead you when hit percentages are calculated, as shown here:

"The mathematics can get horrendous, so I'll take the extreme case of a Hit value of 1.

To miss, the averaged value of the 2 RNs must be lower than 1. In other words, the total value of the 2 RNs must be lower than 1 + 1 = 2. There are only three case where that occurs, and that is when the RNs are 00 00, 00 01 and 01 00. Any other combination results in a total value that is higher than 2.

There are 100 RNs, so the total possible number of combinations is 100 x 100 = 10,000. Thus, the case of hitting is 3 out of a possible 10,000 cases, with the other 9,997 cases resulting in a miss. This means the probability of hitting is 3 / 10,000 (%) = 0.03%.

So, while the Hit value displayed in the game is 1. The actual chance to hit is 0.03%."

3 Random Numbers - I assume this is the same thing as 2 RN's, just with 3 numbers being averaged, instead of 2.

If you still want more info, check this page out. True Hit Article

I'm sure that'll do a way better job of explaining it.

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Fire Emblem seems to have a knack for over-complicating otherwise simple procedures... Slight edit in the post though, RN's should be between 0-99, instead of 1-100. Otherwise, in the highly unlikely event that the RN's chosen are 100 and 100, an attack with 100% chance to hit would miss. o_o;

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