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Best played on the N3DS or N3DS XL?

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they both have the same resolution, so the graphics will look more crisp on the n3ds and more spread out but obviously larger on the n3ds XL. it's just preference.

Edited by Comet
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Assuming by N3DS you mean the small, Japan-only New 3DS I'd go for it because you can decorate it with a nice, spiffy FE14-themed faceplate that's most likely easier to get your hands on than a full FE-themed DS.

But if you mean one of the original models... Then definitely the XL.

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Assuming by N3DS you mean the small, Japan-only New 3DS I'd go for it because you can decorate it with a nice, spiffy FE14-themed faceplate that's most likely easier to get your hands on than a full FE-themed DS.

But if you mean one of the original models... Then definitely the XL.

Europe has the small N3DS as well.

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