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Other decisions

Metal Flash

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Yes, the other major decision will be whether you buy--I mean, take--the 3rd path or not

I hope there's at least one or two choices that change the next chapter. Like maybe choosing between the safest road to a destination vs the quickest results in different maps. Or similar but based on your actions during gameplay. I don't really expect multiple endings but it'd be interesting.

Very ogre battle if that happened. Which I would be all for

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Very ogre battle if that happened. Which I would be all for

FE 5-8 did varius varieties of this. Fe 5 and 8 gave you an explicet choice that mentioned a route split. in 6 and 7, it was less obvious.

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FE 5-8 did varius varieties of this. Fe 5 and 8 gave you an explicet choice that mentioned a route split. in 6 and 7, it was less obvious.

Kind of. But not really to Ogre Battles extent, where there was a positive and negative reaction to most possible choices you made. Even in terms of one set of missions in Ogre Battle 64.

You're given three maps. One helps an enslaved people be free, this sets up a better attack on the Mines where the others are being held. Acouple of your superiors argue about this situation.

If you attack the mines first, you end up slaying quite a few of the slaves and then if you go to their homeland after that, they call you out even if you free them there.

Or you can just skip both maps and somewhat free some of them by trying to go for the head of the snake.

Then the next choice is but 2 maps later which you decide to try to ally with part of the force you've been fighting or just ignore their plea by following your orders. Both of choice affect the story (a character even has a significant chance of death or joining you depending on which but that isn't the main change).

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