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The Judge is confusing me...


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Okay, I'm breeding Buneary and basically trying to make a super bunny that has max IVs in attack and speed, the Limber ability (that's Buneary and Lopunny's hidden ability), and a nature that's not bad.

One Buneary I caught had three stars, the Judge told me it had outstanding potential. Its max IVs were speed, sp. attack, and sp. def. I got another Buneary in a trade that had a max attack IV and bred them so I could get max attack and speed IVs and maybe one of those other max IVs.

I finally got a Buneary with Limber and a nature that doesn't hamper it after breeding my Buneary pair that held a Destiny Knot and Power Bracer. The Judge also said it had three max IVs (attack, speed, and sp. def, I think, since he said they were all good), but only said it had above average potential, not outstanding.

What I'm wondering is why he said outstanding for one Buneary with three max IVs, but not the other. Is it because the Buneary I just hatched had a nature that doesn't affect its stats while the other did? If so, that's weird, because the three star Buneary I caught didn't have a favorable nature (timid. Which is bad because -attack despite the +speed).

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It's other IVs may just simply be lower than the other one. Ex, maybe the old one had an average of 25 for it's non maxed IVs, and this one has an average of say, 15.

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I think the "above average" and "outstanding" messages refer to the total IV's of the Pokemon; that is, when the IVs of all its stats are added together. It might be the case that the one you bred has 31 IV in three stats, while having poor IVs in the others. A Pokemon needs total IVs of 151 or more to be "outstanding", and it's possible for a Pokemon with 3 perfect IVs to still be below that mark, since 3 31 IVs only add up to 93.

Here's the Bulbapedia page for more information.

Edited by Shuuda
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