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Chrom always Morgan's father?

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I have my second play through and married Chrom an Sumia and it automatically made Morgan Chroms child, same as in my other playthrough in which Chrom married avatar.

I had hoped to make Morgan Owains child but yeah it automatically made Chrom. So how do I get Morgan's father to be someone else or is that not possible?

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You need to either marry off Chrom or your Avatar prior to chapter 11 to prevent the two from marrying. It seems to me that your avatar had more support points/conversations with Chrom than Sumia prompting Chrom to marry the former. The plot-induced marriages takes place after chapter 11.

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I have my second play through and married Chrom an Sumia and it automatically made Morgan Chroms child, same as in my other playthrough in which Chrom married avatar.

I had hoped to make Morgan Owains child but yeah it automatically made Chrom. So how do I get Morgan's father to be someone else or is that not possible?

How the hell did this happen?

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That is...odd. I'm not really sure what to tell you except that you probably mistook Chrom and Sumia's support level and wound up with Chrom S-supporting Female Avatar instead.

Sheds a whole new light on Lucina's non-family support with FeMU

Sumia gon be maaaaad...

Lucina's non-familial supports with Female Avatar and male Morgan never made sense to me anyway. I mean, in the former she's getting hostile with the Avatar just because she's speaking privately with Chrom, but in the latter, she says she's surprised that they didn't get together? It's like she first thinks that Chrom and Avatar are better off not being together, and then suddenly she thinks they should've been. Just...what. It's just one of many reasons I don't like Lucina though. Sometimes she makes sense, other times she just doesn't and is dumb as a result, imo. Such poor writing.

Edited by Anacybele
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I have my second play through and married Chrom an Sumia and it automatically made Morgan Chroms child, same as in my other playthrough in which Chrom married avatar.

I had hoped to make Morgan Owains child but yeah it automatically made Chrom. So how do I get Morgan's father to be someone else or is that not possible?

son of a glitch

Awakening has several, and most happen randomly like this one.

I still love how thru the avatar logbook, you can max out EVERY CHARACTER in there's stats thru statboosters and copy save abuse. Technically more of an oversight than a glitch, but still expliotable.

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Lucina's non-familial supports with Female Avatar and male Morgan never made sense to me anyway. I mean, in the former she's getting hostile with the Avatar just because she's speaking privately with Chrom, but in the latter, she says she's surprised that they didn't get together? It's like she first thinks that Chrom and Avatar are better off not being together, and then suddenly she thinks they should've been. Just...what. It's just one of many reasons I don't like Lucina though. Sometimes she makes sense, other times she just doesn't and is dumb as a result, imo. Such poor writing.

Yeah I just treat that support as a bad joke.

More on topic, OP have you been skipping all of the story cutscenes? The game should've told you on at least 2 separate occasions (once directly after the timeskip following the Gangrel arc, and again during Chrom's reunion with Lucina after Ch. 13) who Lucina's mother is, and both of those come before the earliest possible time you can recruit Morgan. You might have unintentionally built up a lot of support points between Chrom and Robin in the earlygame (to at least B), then forgot about it later on and focused solely on getting to C with Sumia while avoiding Sully and Maribelle. Or something like that.

Edited by Bovinian
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Yeah I just treat that support as a bad joke.

More on topic, OP have you been skipping all of the story cutscenes? The game should've told you on at least 2 separate occasions (once directly after the timeskip following the Gangrel arc, and again during Chrom's reunion with Lucina after Ch. 13) who Lucina's mother is, and both of those come before the earliest possible time you can recruit Morgan. You might have unintentionally built up a lot of support points between Chrom and Robin in the earlygame (to at least B), then forgot about it later on and focused solely on getting to C with Sumia while avoiding Sully and Maribelle. Or something like that.

Chrom definitely married Sumia I spent ages leveling Sumia to give Lucina Galeforce and Chrom has no other supports other then Sumia which was completed by chapter 8.

This same file is a Male avatar who is married to Lissa. I had originally planned to have Lucina marry Owain and get Morgan that way but yeah for some reason it just made Chrom Morgan's father

Sumia is listed as mother, how do I take screen shot and post here On th e ds? Or do I just use a camera?

Edited by Knightmare
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This same file is a Male avatar who is married to Lissa. I had originally planned to have Lucina marry Owain and get Morgan that way but yeah for some reason it just made Chrom Morgan's father

You do know that Morgan is Avatar's child, right? Marrying Lucina and Owain will not give you a Morgan. Marrying Avatar and Lissa will give you one. What you have is a Lissa!Morgan.

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The only parent Morgan is guaranteed to have is Robin. If Robin is a guy, any girl can be Morgan's mother. If Robin's a girl, any guy can be Morgan's father. Both cases should happen normally via marriage.

What name did you give Robin anyways?

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This same file is a Male avatar who is married to Lissa. I had originally planned to have Lucina marry Owain and get Morgan that way but yeah for some reason it just made Chrom Morgan's father

Have you actually recruited Morgan? Morgan is always the child of the Avatar (just like how Lucina is always the child of Chrom, etc.), and will always be the opposite gender of the Avatar. So naturally, your Avatar's spouse will be Morgan's other parent, which is what the "anyone can be Morgan's parent" thing refers to. If your Avatar already married Lissa, then Morgan (who should be female) should have the Avatar listed as her father and Lissa listed as her mother.

How exactly did you come to the conclusion that Chrom is Morgan's father?

...Anyways, for future reference, if you want an Owain-fathered Morgan:

1. Choose female avatar at the start of the game

2. Get Chrom married to someone other than your female avatar

3. Make sure your female avatar stays single until Owain exists

4. Get Lissa married to a dude so Owain exists

5. Get your female avatar married to Owain

6. Recruit Morgan (on Paralogue 12: The Ruins of Time), who should be male and have parents listed as Owain and Avatar

Hopefully this is clear enough.

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If it makes you feel better, the number of topics complaining about "glitches" caused by misunderstandings of how the game works is actually really huge, and nobody ever believes me at first that their glitch is any different, so you're far from alone.

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