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FE: Awakening Lunatic+ is Evil


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Heyoo, I'm going to be here for a while I think. I normally don't need any help on games with strategy elements, but this is my first FE series game and I didn't know about brick wall concussion mode (Lunatic +). Since it seems somewhat of an impossible task alone I'm looking for help, which I know I'll find here... somewhere. Lunatic was hard, to a degree, but Lunatic + seems like a masochist's wet dream.

Also, please put up with this series newbie as I will have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to the older games. I have played a ROM from one of the games on a previous handheld generation, but beyond that I'm new to the older installations. I am excited for FE: if, though.

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Honestly, for the first few chapters, you are going to be doing a ton of resetting. There are a lot of good guides on here for Luna+, and Interceptor's in particular comes to mind, so check that out if you want a more detailed explanation.

Basically with the prologue:

-Use Frederick, but don't kill too much with him.

-Squeeze every drop of experience you can from these enemies and into the Avatar. This is vital, as Avatar is the best earlygame character, arguably the best in the whole game.

-Rest if any enemy has Vantage+ and Luna+, or if the mage has Luna+. Otherwise, most skills aren't too deadly, but someone can correct me if I'm wrong.

-Exploit the water trick. You might just want to experiment with it. The gist of it is that Lord and Tactician are some of the very few unpromoted classes that can occupy a water tile. With some careful moving around and healing, you can have Avatar duel and kill the mage without worrying about anyone else.

The prologue is probably way harder on Lunatic+ than regular Lunatic.

Chapter 1 is not as bad, judging from my own experience and from what I heard. Again, just be careful, make sure Avatar has good magic, speed and defense, and have them paired with Frederick while everyone else huddles in a corner.

Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 are both truly nightmarish. Chapter 2 has been described simply as "reset-mashing". You thought Lunatic was bad? You haven't seen anything yet. Sometimes, you will need to get lucky. Again, refer to Interceptor's guide for a detailed strategy. You're going to want to send all of your non-Avatar or Fred units into the corner, where they can't be attacked. Be careful to make sure that they are out of enemy range. Try to get to a fort if you can.

Chapter 3 isn't quite as bad, but still terrible. By this point, you should be training at least one other character. But if you can survive the opening wave (a good strategy is to pair Chrom, Kellam, Frederick and Avatar together in some combination, so as to maximize defenses and killing), it's not that bad. If any of the characters you are trying to use has a ranged option, just have Avatar with Frederick tank hits while that other character kills everything in front of them. Make sure Avatar has healing items though.

Once you get past this, you're largely in the clear. Paralogue 1 is a great place to train Chrom, which you definitely should do, because his Falchion and Lucina's Parallel Falchion are two of the best ways to kill Grima. Keep the party small, and generally follow most precautions from Lunatic. Good luck.

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Having been stuck on the prologue for hours I found the water trick and used it to feed a +def avatar, the avatar asset I was already going to use which happened to be the recommendation of like, almost everyone. I've made it to chapter 2 without having to look up anything of significance, but I must have missed some speed on Frederick and can't get doubles. It seems like I'm just looking at the map, seeing 2 -3 lunas, and resetting. It's kind of silly, really.

Anyway, I'm going to look over Interceptor's guide. I'm somewhat in the red with growths, so I can't say how much it will help :P

Edited by Nicholai
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You're much better off consulting The Lunatic Club and the Resetless Lunatic+ topic.

Anyway, welcome~! Don't forget to read the rules and all~!

(end generic greeting)

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