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FE9 Tier List

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Alright, I've had about enough of talking to a brick wall. I proved why Soren>Ilyana, or why Oscar should get A Kieran, B Ike countless times, and you keep spouting your same BS over and over again. If you can't handle criticism on your tier list, you shouldn't be posting it on a forum. Reikken has also proven why Zihark, Ilyana, and Brom should drop. They need to drop a tier, and I still don't understand why you dropped Soren and Nephenee without initially posting why.

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She starts out with weaker offense but better defense, and then both grow faster than Zihark's. By near promotion, she has offense about tied. After promotion especially, she also has 1-2 range options while Zihark doesn't. By ch 22, Zihark's avoid starts picking up (B Muarim), so he stops losing defense.

Brom, Devdan, Calill

You only get one...

oh, missed this...

That's +4 atk

and none of that addressed anything I said.

Sounds good. :)

I don't think Devdan and Calill are very likely to be played, and Brom gets better bonuses from Boyd and Zihark.

Whatever, I'll drop them. ^_^

EDIT: Ilyana is better than Soren because she actually has durability from Shade and supports, as well as slightly superior offense from Elthunder. Soren's durability is terrible and he's restricted to Elwind.

Also IOS, this thing has been on multiple forums for nearly the entire year. There's been quite a few changed. ^_^

Edited by Swordsalmon
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I don't think Devdan and Calill are very likely to be played, and Brom gets better bonuses from Boyd and Zihark.

Sure, but that's two of them, and only one needs to be fielded, so the chances are a bit better. They're not bad at all. They're arguably better than the likes of Ilyana.

Brom doesn't care at all about avoid with that def of his. Even hit serves him better.

EDIT: Ilyana is better than Soren because she actually has durability from Shade and supports, as well as slightly superior offense from Elthunder. Soren's durability is terrible and he's restricted to Elwind.

No, he's not restricted. He can use all three anima magics just like any other sage.

Soren is the one with better offense:

20/5 Soren, B Ike, C Stefan

Elthunder- 28.7 atk, 16.3 AS, 136.7 hit, ~39.7 crit - - 61.5 avo, 32.4 hp, 7.4 def, 21.5 res

Thunder - 25.7 atk, 19.2 AS, 146.7 hit, ~35.7 crit - - 67.3 avo

20/5 Ilyana, B Mordecai, B Zihark

Elthunder- 26.0 atk, 16.4 AS, 139.3 hit, 19.8 crit - - 56.9 avo, 32.1 hp, 10.7 def, 24.0 res (Shade)

Thunder- 23.0 atk, 16.4 AS, 149.3 hit, 14.8 crit - - 56.9 avo

3 AS, ~16 crit (Adept)--or 3 atk and 20 crit when needed--, and 10-11 avo

vs 3 def and Shade

or if they're using a forged Thunder, Soren gets the 3 AS and the 3 atk at the same time, along with about 19-21 crit

Also, another few chapters sees Soren with a B Stefan for +1 atk, +3 avo

Edited by Reikken
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Alright, sorry, I think I overreacted a bit, I was just angry that you were acting like a broken record, stating the same point over, and over. I was just frustrated.

Although Soren probably won't be hit very often anyways (With Thunder, his avoid is similar to a fully supported Kieran, who I proved wasn't getting hit very often). Shade isn't very reliable anyways; It makes it less likely that she'll be attacked but its random whether the enemy chooses her or not.

Edited by IOS
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Even with Wind, Soren's offense is very respectable, one-rounding most everything. He's better off with Wind magic, as it's unlikely he'll get the other types up as high. His huge magic make up for wind magic weakness and he won't suffer As loss.

His huge magic help his healing utility hugely, having a massive range with physic. In fact you can nearly use him speciffically for healing after promotion.

His hgher speed is what makes him stand out. He's fully capable of doubling with Blizzard, allowing him to OHKO certain bosses form acoss the map.

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Um... no. He can't double efficiently with Blizzard. Assuming endgame, he'll be about 20/11 or something, so he'll have 3 Strength and 22 Speed, which means his speed will drop to 15, with which he isn't goin gto double anything but Generals. Even if he would be 20/20, he would have 4 Strength and 25 Speed, which would give him 19 AS, which is still below borderline. He can't double efficiently with Blizzard.

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It's been worked on several forums for many months with many others. I don't see the big problem with making a tier list and having it evalulated.

See the thing is I doubt you are a top fe player so, the list can't be too accurate

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It's been worked on several forums for many months with many others. I don't see the big problem with making a tier list and having it evalulated.

Doesn't it seem just a bit... pointless? Working on an art project, writing a book, or even just writing a general guide for the game you're so interested in all seem like better uses of many months.

Just saying.

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