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If you have alittle patience with Rolf, he can be quite powerful. The only reason he is not great because he comes at a low level, but still he should not be placed at the bottom of the list.

He is not awful....

Learn to debate boy. Rofl needs a lot lot lot lot lot of work.
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Reinforce > Marcia

Tanith reinforce is kind of pointless towards the end game....also, Marcia does better than Tanith.

Marcia always has higher HP, higher attack power, better defense and good resistence.

Unlike Tanith, her resistence is awful for a Falkcon Knight.

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For the Rolf issue, go check the Titania topic. I have proven why he fails epicly there multiple times.

As for Tanith vs. Marcia, Marcia joins underleveled, but she has her flying utility to sort of make up for it, so that's not a problem. Marcia is a great unit, that's for sure, but like SS said, Tanith can basically give you 6 extra Marcias every chapter which help you gain max BEXP. Besides, their stats aren't too much different, except that Tanith is almost immortal due to massive Speed and Luck and Earth affinity.

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Well, I feel like an epic post.

Rolf for Low tier.


-He is an archer, archers fail in debates.

-He can't hurt a soul in enemy phase

-Need babying, ain't worth it.

-He does bad damage in player phase.

-Mediocre supports.



-Tanith has Reinforce, Marcia doesn't.

-Tanith comes great.

-Tanith can use Magic swords.but won't.

-Tanith has a nice lead.

-Tanith comes at level ten.


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-He is an archer, archers fail in debates.

Archers fail not in debates. They just fail. Archers being liked, however, is an entirely different matter.

-Mediocre supports.

Try no supports at all.

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He ain't worth the trouble, son. He's not that great anyway.

Are you sure? actually, don't answer that question

Try no supports at all

Actually Rolf can support 5 people. Three of them are on the chapter he comes... Mist, Marcia and Rhys

He gets an A support with Mist after just 7 chapters (not bad...seriously)

Marica after 8 and Ryhs after 9

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Mist has Jill and Mordecai. Marcia has Tanith and Kieran. Rhys has Titania and Kieran (or whatever combination) or Mia if she's played (Mia is more likely to be played than Rolf). Tauroneo comes too late to be a worthy character and Shinon sucks.

Indeed, he has no supports.

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Volke doesn't need supports, he won't fight.

He might. His weapons may not be powerful, and it isn't his primary use, but that doesn't mean no one is having him fight. Why do you think he has such an amazing crit boost and mastery skill?

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He'll fight from time to time just to get some EXP, although his EXP gain will be minor. He gains most of his EXP from stealing and BEXP, but his main job is to steal and pick. He is not a fighter.

Edited by Tino
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Volke doesn't get a Critical boost and Lethality's activation rate is almost non-existant given Volke's low Critical.

Volke's only purpose is Theif utility. Bad Strength and the weakest weapons means he won't be fighting effectively ever.

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Volke doesn't get a Critical boost and Lethality's activation rate is almost non-existant given Volke's low Critical.

Volke's only purpose is Theif utility. Bad Strength and the weakest weapons means he won't be fighting effectively ever.

I thought assassins had a sizeable crit boost? *Looks it up* Never mind. Good thing I don't use him to fight....

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