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How can someone else's streetpass team visit all of my files?

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So a few days back, I gained a new streetpass. I'm not sure HOW I did it, but somehow this team appeared on all three of my files (file 1 being my newbie Lunatic+, file 2 being my wife's file, and file three being my completed Lunatic file). I was able to 'recruit' the avatar of this team into my logbook with my third file (completed lunatic file) and was free to buy items from this team with my Lunatic+ file and my wife's file (nabbing a rare Master seal early on). I didn't know this was possible, and was happy how it worked out as i like collecting as many avatars as I can.

Now today, I passed another team, and tried to replicate the above: hire the avatar with my third file to get her into my logbook, and buy items with my other two files. Only this time, it didn't work. The avatar only appeared on the first file I loaded. I hired her and that was it. The lost items weren't a big deal this time, but I can't figure out what I did different.

Has this happened to anyone else? Any explanations for this?

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When you streetpass someone, their data gets loaded into a queue for each file... But it's random when and what teams appear when one appears on your map.

Basically they will appear on all of them, but at random times. You may have to do a few more battles to get them to show up. At least that's my experience.

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