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Support Convo Contest the 2nd (Voting closed!)

Support Convo Contest #2  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. Best Canon/Canon

  2. 2. Best Canon/OC

  3. 3. Best OC/OC

  4. 4. Runners Up (Vote only 3, please)

    • Elincia/Brom
    • Chrom/Cordelia
    • Rolf/Mist
    • Volug/Soren
    • Rolf/Naroc
    • Ike/Kael
    • Gangrel/Chigai
    • Boyd/Kelly
    • Nadine/Bogan
    • Leyon/Azura
    • Chigai/Sen
    • Gerard/Arella

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Hello, everyone! I'll be running the second round of the Support Convo Contest. If you want to read the first one, you can find it here. Basically we write supports, vote on them, and give feedback.


Except for the underlined rules I added, these are copied over from Dcat's rules last time.

You can write one for each category; the categories are listed after the rules. Writing for every category is optional. You can enter with just one or two.

You can choose romantic or non-romantic. If you choose romantic, add an S support. Adding a support ending is optional, but recommended.

For each rank, each character should speak a minimum of two times. Just make it look like a support that would come from a game and you should be fine.

After the deadline, a poll will be made. Vote for your favorite in each category and then three runners-up. No voting for yourself.

The host CAN enter, but is subject to the same rules and deadline.

Post entries in spoilers.

Keep canon characters at their established personality or close. I don't want things like...Shinon falling in love with a laguz. Or Tharja acting like Mother Teresa. You can tweak and add things, just don't go overboard.

Including brief descriptions of OCs is recommended, but not required.

The levels in order: C, B, A, and S if romantic.

Write something new. If you made a support for Glaceon's RD support project, you can't use it.

If you wrote a pairing in the last topic, you can use the characters again, just not together. For example, if Cynthia participated in the next round, she could write Calill/Soren and Tauroneo/OC, but not Calill/Tauroneo again. In other words, you cannot reenter a support you have already written for a contest.

All votes will be visible.


Canon x Canon: Two canon characters that either don't have a support or come from a game without supports.

OC x Canon: One canon character and a character you made up. Your OC can be one you use in RPs, fanfics, romhacks, etc and they should fit in the FE world or at least a medieval fantasy setting. If you haven't used them in anything else yet/you create them strictly for this contest that's fine too.

OC x OC: Two characters you made up, again, they have to fit in the FE world or a medieval fantasy setting.


May 28th, 11:59:59 CDT (US Central time).



Voting is now closed! Thank you to everyone who participated!


Canon x Canon





Canon x OC










Comments on submissions are encouraged, even if the contest is technically over!

Edited by Spectral Procreation
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Rolf and Naroc. Naroc is the son of Boyd and Cerai, who you saw in the last contest. Rolf is older here and has a kid, so...he's not exactly like he was ingame. A couple of my other OCs have been mentioned.

[spoiler=C level]

Naroc: Uncle Rolf!

Rolf: Ah, hi, squirt!

Naroc: I wish you would stop calling me that. I'm nearly as tall as you now. Dad thinks I'll be even taller...

Rolf: Eep. I'll be the runt all over again...why must you grow like a weed?

Naroc: I dunno. But anyway. I noticed you were acting different at breakfast. You didn't say much and it looked like you were about to collapse...are you getting sick or something?

Rolf: I think it's just because I didn't get enough sleep last night, thanks to your little cousin. Amazingly enough, your Aunt Mist was up most of the night too and she wasn't fazed.

Naroc: Heh. Well, they do say the phrase "sleep like a baby" makes no sense because babies don't sleep that well.

Rolf: Lily usually sleeps fine. But last night she thought it would be funny to scream her little head off and refuse to be in her crib. And when we put her with us, I was worried that I was going to roll over and squash her.

Naroc: Wow. I wonder if I was ever like that? I know Ciara kept Mom and Dad up sometimes, but not very often.

Rolf: That's something you'll have to ask them.

Naroc: I will later. Dad and Ciara are doing their daily spar. Mom went with Uncle Leo to the capital for supplies and food. It's just me, you, Milo, Aunt Eloin...pretty much.

Rolf: Yeah, you don't want to interrupt your father when he's training. Learned that the hard way years ago...

Naroc: I bet. Well, I promised Milo I'd go to the river with him today, apparently there's some hidden treasure somewhere around there.

Rolf: If there is, he'll find it. You be safe though! Take your bow and make sure he takes his sword. If you run into any bandits...don't get cocky. Run back if it gets too dangerous.

Naroc: We will!

[spoiler=B level]

Naroc: Back.

Rolf: Already? Usually you spend hours at the target range. Did something happen?

Naroc: Kinda. Do you know a technique called Deadeye?

Rolf: ...I'm not the best at it, but yes. Why?

Naroc: Some older girl was bragging about being good at it. I asked her what it was, and she looked at me like I just grew another head. Then she said: "All archers know what Deadeye is! If you don't then you're not serious!" and left with her nose in the air.

Rolf: Man, she sounds like a stuck up snob...

Naroc: Yeah. Could you teach me it, whatever it is, so I don't get laughed at again?

Rolf: Well, I can tell you about it. Deadeye is when your arrow hits the enemy on the lower forehead, close to where the nose begins. If they survive it, they'll be temporarily blinded. And they stagger around like the village drunk, and on the battlefield, that can prove fatal. Very rarely does someone who was Deadeyed survive long enough to recover.

Naroc: I'd hate to be on the receiving end of that.

Rolf: That's why I usually only attempt it as a last resort. Like when I'm surrounded and need to make a quick getaway or something. And it's not entirely easy to pull off. My mentor, Shinon, taught me it, oh, maybe a couple years before you were born. He's still better at it than me. I'm still learning, believe it or not.

Naroc: I suppose now you're going to tell me I need more practice before you'll teach me?

Rolf: Ha...I think Shinon still needs to give me more Deadeye lessons! Sometimes I hit slightly off target. It usually still kills them, being a headshot and all...but I'm pretty sure he succeeds every time. Haven't been able to train with him for a long time. Not since before Lily came along...maybe I should hire a sitter sometime so your Aunt Mist can go out with the girls and I can train with Shinon like old times.

Naroc: Sounds like a good idea to me! Think he'll let me tag along?

Rolf: Maybe. We'll have to see...

[spoiler=A level]

Rolf: Well that was a nice little target session.

Naroc: Yeah! But is Shinon always so...blunt and grumpy? I thought I heard him growl when I mentioned Mom.

Rolf: He is blunt and grumpy. Almost all the time...but he knows what he's doing. When I was twelve, he actually offered to train me, so... And your mother and him clash. They just don't get along. They do nothing but throw insults back and forth. I'm a little surprised he was civil to you.

Naroc: Some people are like that I guess. But that girl came back...did you see her jaw drop when he hit five bullseyes within like thirty seconds?

Rolf: The same one who was a snob to you?

Naroc: Yep. She actually came up to me and apologized. She said: "I was wrong. If you have that guy as a teacher, you're obviously serious." I didn't have the heart to tell her that he was my uncle's teacher.

Rolf: He can be teacher to us both, but that's no big deal. I'm glad that got settled.

Naroc: So...think I've improved?

Rolf: Absolutely! I think you're ready to practice Deadeye.

Naroc: Really?

Rolf: Really. I've got a newish sandbag man for just that. Ready to put a hole right between his eyes?

Naroc: I was born ready!

Edited by Dragoncat
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Allright! Here's my OC x OC!

Nadine: refer to my entry in the first Support Convo contest.

Bogan: Nadine's "twin brother". He is the exact opposite of Nadine in terms of personality. He's cold and emotionless. Nadine thinks of him as her twin brother, due to the body splitting during creation, but he never returns that sentiment. However, there's more to him than he lets on.

[spoiler=C support]

Nadine: Bogan! There you are!

Bogan: ...

Nadine: How have you been?

Bogan: ...Why does it matter?

Nadine: Because I'm concerned about how my brother is feeling, that's all!

Bogan: ...We are not human. We cannot feel, and we cannot be siblings. I will not repeat this again.

Nadine: You always do this to me! What's it gonna take for you to lighten up?

Bogan: I'm done with this conversation.

*Bogan leaves*

Nadine: HEY! Get back here, dammit! I wasn't done talking to you! Bogan!!

[spoiler=B support]

Nadine: Bogan!

Bogan: What?

Nadine: I wasn't done talking to you.

Bogan: What else is there to talk about? We are not human. You are acting out of line. End of discussion.

Nadine: See? This is what I'm talking about! Youre always such a stick in the mud! I'm trying to live! And have some fun, a good time! That's human too, isn't it?

Bogan: But we are not human. We are created for the sole purpose of serving our masters. Nothing more, nothing less.

Nadine: What if I want to be something more? You know what? Screw it! I'm done! You obviously don't care about me, so I'm outta here!

*Nadine storms off*

Bogan: ...Nadine?

[spoiler= A support]

Bogan: Nadine?

Nadine: *sniff* ...What do YOU want?

Bogan: If talking will get you out of this mood, then I will oblige.

Nadine: Dont you get it?! This isnt about me! This is is about you! What do you have against being human?! Why is the thought of acting like you're an individual and not just some autonomous puppet so alien to you?!

Bogan: ...Fear.

Nadine: Say what?

Bogan: Humans created us. They can undo us just as easily.

Nadine: And?

Bogan: Is it wrong to try to keep from displeasing them? Is it wrong to fear those infinitely times your greater?

Nadine: Oh, Bogan... It's not wrong. Everyone fears death. But it's not as likely as you think! Look at me! I walk among them on a daily basis! Very few individuals know what a Morph is, anyway!

Bogan: I guess... you have a point there...

Nadine: Just... try to be a little more expressive from now on, all right? For me? And who knows, you may like being human!

Bogan: Alright, I'll do it.

Nadine: Thank you...

Bogan: You're welcome... sister.

Nadine: ..! *sniff*...

Bogan: Why are you crying?

Nadine: ...You don't know how long I've waited to hear that word come out of your mouth...

[spoiler= Ending]

Bogan eventually warmed up to the thought of walking among humans, much Nadine's approval. He even ended up making a few friends along the way.

Edited by SilverHairedFreak25
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You might want to check your spoiler tags cause it looks like something screwed up.

Accidentally hit Post instead of Preview Post. As of this moment, I'm fixing it. Also writing my B and A supports.

Edit: All done.

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Canon X Canon, Radiant Dawn, Non-romantic. Elincia x Brom.

C support

Elincia: Brom, please allow me to thank you personally for your service here. You are not one of my knights, yet you risk yourself for our cause.

Brom: It ain't no big deal, Your Majesty. I'm just happy I could be here to help.

Elincia: I was wondering- what made you decide to fight against the rebels? The rest of Ohma seemed quite eager to support Ludveck...

Brom: Those young folk always got their dander up about somethin' or other and Ludveck and his goons used that against 'em. I may not have a lot of book learnin', but even I could see that Ludveck was a rotten apple.

Elincia: But didn't you hesitate at all? Daein rising again under the Mad King's son was a threat to Crimea's stability.

Brom: Me and a bunch of other folks who fought in the Mad King's War ain't exactly chompin' at the bit to get into another one.

You're doing a bang up job of things, Your Majesty, lowerin' taxes and findin' homes for the kids orphaned by the war. Folks with a lick of sense in 'em know you're doin' a great job as queen.

Elincia: Brom...thank you for your kind words.

Brom: Any time, Your Majesty!

B support

Brom: Huff...huff....huff...phew!

Elincia: Are you all right, Brom? You seem to be pushing yourself quite hard.

Brom: Oh howdy, Your Majesty! Just not used to walkin' so much with all this armor on.

Elincia: I appreciate your help here Brom, but you should know that you can leave any time you wish. Don't you have a family back in your village?

Brom: Yep, five sons and three daughters, though my oldest daughter's already left the nest. Couldn't ask for a finer crop of kids.

Elincia: Maybe you should consider going back home to them. The battlefield is a dangerous place.

Brom: Makes me feel awful important to have the queen worryin' about me, but...they're strong kids, they'll be fine even if somethin' happens to me.

Elincia: Still, losing one's father...it is a terrible thing. I would not wish it upon anyone.

Brom: I see where you're comin' from- I might not've known your poppa personally, but King Ramon was a good king and a good fella. He woulda been danged proud of the fine girl he raised, I'm sure of it.

Elincia: I...thank you, Brom. I wish you could have met him, he could have benefited greatly from your wisdom.

Brom: Aw shucks, you're makin' me blush, Your Majesty. I'm just a simple farmer and a proud poppa.

Elincia: Sometimes I wish I had some farmers on my council instead of nobles...

A support

Brom: So we were talkin' about my family before and it got me to thinkin'- my oldest son Jacob's about your age.

Elincia: I would very much like to meet him someday.

Brom: I bet the two of ya would get along great! He's very strong- one time an ox got loose from the plow and he just picked it up and hauled it right back!

Elincia: That's very er...impressive.

Brom: And don't let the big belly of his poppa fool ya, Jacob's got muscles from workin' on the farm that's got all the gals in the village givin' him 'the eye'.

Elincia: Um, that's very uh...interesting?

Brom: I'll set the two of ya up on a romantic hayride. That's how Jacob's momma and I met and look at us now, eight kids later!

Elincia: Brom...I appreciate your kindness, but I do not think I can take you up on your offer. As queen of Crimea, it is expected of me to marry someone of a certain...social class. I am sorry.

Brom: Aw shucks, I forgot ya were the queen there for a minute! I feel dumber than a box of rocks, I was just thinkin' of ya as a beautiful and sweet gal! Sorry, Your Majesty!

Elincia: Please, don't apologize Brom. I may not be able to join your family, but would we be able to be friends? It's rare these days to find people who see me as a person, not just the queen.

Brom: Gosh, I dunno if I'm a fancy enough fella to be considered the queen's pal, but I'd be honored, Your Majesty.

Elincia: Just call me Elincia.

Brom: Sure thing, Elincia!

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Man, these are all really good so far! I don't know which to vote for! But here's my first entry, OC x Canon. It's Ike and Kael to complete that triangle I started in the last contest. ^^ Dilan, the son of Boyd and Mist, is mentioned again and in the A support, a few other OCs are mentioned. Alex and Calina are the twin heirs to Astryn's throne and Nancy is the daughter of my lord character from FE: Dawn of Darkness (the fic linked in my sig), Azura.

Ike/Kael (Canon x OC) Support Conversations

C Support

Kael: Dad! Hey!

Ike: Oh, Kael. I’m glad to see you again. And safe, I might add. I can see you’ve been quite busy since you and Lalita left too. You formed your own mercenary group! I’m impressed. And honored that you named it after me.

Kael: Er…yeah. I wanted to ask your help.

Ike: Well, I can do that. You can always ask me when you need help. But why do you sound nervous?

Kael: Ah… Well, I’d like to spar again! We haven’t done so since I left! I’m just unsure of how much stronger I’ve gotten since then.

Ike: Oh, of course we can spar. I’d like to see your current strength myself! Come at me!

Kael: Alrighty! Haaa!

*blades clash for a while*

Kael: Aagh! *stumbles over* Ow! Dang it…

Ike: Ah! Kael! Crud, I might’ve overdone it a little there. I’m sorry. Are you alright? Let me help you up.

Kael: Oh, yeah. Don’t worry, I’m sure all I’ll have is a bruise. And thanks.

Ike: I hope so. Your mother would slaughter me if I seriously hurt you.

Kael: I’m fine, Dad, honest.

Ike: That’s good. I’m sorry, it’s just that your safety, as well as Lalita’s, is the most important thing in the world to me.

Kael: Oh, I know. But I see I have more work to do. You still beat me pretty quickly…

Ike: What? Well… Maybe, but you’ve still gotten much better regardless. You’re moving much faster than before and you had me on my toes a few times.

Kael: Really? Cool! I’ve got to keep training then! I’ll see you later, Dad! *leaves*

Ike: Huh? Kael, wait! …Well, that was abrupt. What’s gotten into him?

B Support

Ike: Kael.

Kael: Huh? Dad, what’s the matter?

Ike: I’m worried about you. You’ve been acting rather strange lately, especially around me. Are you sure you’re alright?

Kael: Oh… Well… Dad, I’m sorry. I…I haven’t really done everything you think I have.

Ike: What do you mean?

Kael: Well, take the Ike Mercenaries, for example. None of that was my idea. Dilan actually came up with it. And I was voted leader. I was fine with the idea of forming a group, but I didn’t really want to be leader. I decided to go with it after Dilan encouraged me to, but… I managed to royally screw up a few battles and now I can’t stop second-guessing myself. I was never taught to lead anybody…

Ike: Well, I wasn’t either, remember? And neither was your mother, for that matter.

Kael: Yeah, but… I just don’t know if I can really do what you both did. People have often told Lalita and me that we should be amazing and such like you and Mom were. That I could be a great general like you were or something. I don’t really want to do that. I guess I’ve been nervous because I’m afraid of not pleasing anyone, even you and Mom… I feel like a coward and I didn’t want you to see me like that! I’m so sorry…

Ike: Is that it? Kael, seriously, that’s completely ridiculous.

Kael: Huh?

Ike: You’re not a coward. And it doesn’t matter what others say. You do what you aspire to, not what others want you to do.

Kael: Yeah, but… Will people see me as a great warrior like you if I don’t do great things like you did?

Ike: I would hope they do! It’s not so much the things you do, Kael. It’s the heart behind it and the effort you put into those things. All you can do is keep trying and do your best. And like I said, I was impressed to hear that you’re leading a mercenary group.

Kael: You mean that? Even after the mistakes I made?

Ike: Of course. You know, I wasn’t so different from you when your mother and I had you.

Kael: You weren’t?

Ike: That’s right. I was nervous, because I didn’t know the first thing about being a father. Your mother had us read books and practice basic parenting stuff, but I still messed up every now and then. Sometimes my funny faces would make you cry instead of laugh and I even managed to put your diaper on backwards more than a couple times! I had some doubts about myself after a while. But that didn’t stop me from trying to be the dad that you needed anyway. And your mother still stood by me.

Kael: Wow, really?

Ike: Yeah. And look around you. Despite your mistakes, your friends are still following your every command. They still believe you’ll be a great leader for them.

Kael: …You know, you’re right. I can’t believe I didn’t see that. I’ll definitely keep at it! I’d still like your coaching every now and then though, please?

Ike: Heh, of course.

A Support

Ike: Kael, we’re nearing the final battle. How are you holding up now?

Kael: Oh, Dad! Amazingly, I actually feel okay! You being around and my friends constantly supporting me has helped so much.

Ike: That’s good! I’m very glad to hear it. And I still think you’re doing really well, even without me.

Kael: Really?

Ike: Oh, yes! In fact, I don’t think you need me anymore. You’ve been commanding everyone in your group without anyone helping you and we’re still winning battles.

Kael: Are you sure? I’m not the only leader here now, you know. Prince Alex and Princess Calina are commanders as well. And then there’s Nancy, who has authority over Elhorhi’s soldiers while Lady Azura isn’t present.

Ike: True, but look what you’ve done without them. You’ve thwarted several enemy and bandit groups and even helped Crimea when another civil war was brewing. I even heard that Titania and the other Greil Mercenaries praised your efforts after you and your friends ran right into the middle of the almost-bloody conflict and put it all to a halt.

Kael: Well, I still don’t think that was my brightest moment, but yeah, that was really nice. Titania even said “he is Ike’s son alright.” Heh. I honestly felt embarrassed!

Ike: *smiles* Well, you are my son, and that will never change. And I think I need to say a few words that you likely really want to hear.

Kael: Oh?

Ike: I’m proud of you.

Kael: You…you are?

Ike: Very. Without a doubt.

Kael: I… Thanks, Dad. *big smile* That means so much.

Ike: You’re very welcome, Kael. Now, how about another spar? You have to give me a really good fight now after what you’ve been through!

Kael: Oh, yeah! I won’t hold back either, Dad!

Ike: Ha, I wouldn’t want it any different!

Edited by Anacybele
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I just got the idea for this but I also just woke up...

I don't remember anyone doing Cordelia x Chrom, and I really wanted to see it, soooo...

I'm doing it.

Canon x Canon, Romantic, Chrom x Cordelia.

C Support

Cordelia: All right... This one went here, swords go here... Where did Robin want this one, again? I'd better ask him/her...

Chrom: Oh, hello Cordelia. I thought Frederick was sorting the weapons today.

Cordelia: Oh! Chrom, um... I asked him for the opportunity. I always want to help out and be of use, you know?

Chrom: I see. Well, do you mind if I help? I'm not doing anything else at the moment.

Cordelia: Oh, I don't mind at all! Ha... Ha...

Chrom: Right... So, how did this go, again?

Cordelia: Well, I think lances went here, axes went here, tomes went here, and... I don't quite know where the swords go.

Chrom: Oh, they go here... And that's it. I'll see you later, I suppose.

Cordelia: Wait! Actually, I wanted to ask you something...

Chrom: Hm? I'm listening.

Cordelia: After the next battle... Er... Would you mind spending a little time together?

Chrom: Oh, sure. I don't mind. I'll see you tomorrow, then. (Exit)

Cordelia: Oh my gods, I didn't think he'd say yes! I'll have to find a way to impress him... (Exit)

B Support

Robin: So, in the next battle, we'll go here...

Chrom: No, we should go here. If we go there, we may as well be forfeiting.

Robin: You're right... I'll review some more tactics for the battle preparations. (Exit)

Cordelia: Oh, Chrom!

Chrom: Ah, hello Cordelia. Was it time to go out already?

Cordelia: Oh, that... Yes! I prepared a meal for us to eat along a field not far from here.

Chrom: It smells wonderful, but... Did you mind if Frederick came along? He informed me that he should be protecting me at all times.

Cordelia: What?! But... Oh, er... That's fine, I guess...

Chrom: Shall we go, then?

Cordelia: Right. I'll lead the way.

(Both exit)

A Support

Chrom: Hey, Cordelia. That picnic was divine, and I was just wondering...

Cordelia: Yes?

Chrom: What did you use to make it? I've noticed that nothing in our army rations could have been made into those sandwiches.

Cordelia: Well, I went into the town, and I bought some things with some money I saved up... Nothing much, really.

Chrom: Oh... Would you like to go with me sometime today? We could use some more of that to bring the army's spirits up.

Cordelia: Sure. Should we go now? Oh, but I can't guarantee they're have everything...

Chrom: Sure, we can go now. I don't think it matters if they have everything we need. We just need enough to make it delicious.

Cordelia: Alright. Could you go get some money from Robin, and we can go.

Chrom: All right. (Exits)

Cordelia: (Ha, yes! I can't believe he accepted my request...)

S Support

Cordelia: (I saw Chrom buy that ring... Could it have been for me? Oh, I wish... He probably got it for someone else...)

Chrom: Cordelia...

Cordelia; Ah! Chrom! Hello...

Chrom: I wanted to ask you something. Do you have time?

Cordelia: Oh, I always have time for you... Er... Um...

Chrom: Good. Because I wanted to ask you...

Cordelia: (Here it comes...!)

Chrom: Cordelia. I've fallen in love with the sandwiches you make...

Cordelia: Really? I was making one now, actually...

Chrom: I want your sandwiches for the rest of my life...

Cordelia: Really? I mean, some people say I'm pretty good at making them, but...

Chrom: So, will you marry me?

Cordelia: .....

Chrom: You don't have to answer. Just... Think it over. Consider it for me.

Cordelia: Yes, Chrom! Of course! I've had feelings for you since we met...

Chrom: You did? Why didn't you tell me?

Cordelia: I just didn't think I had a chance... I mean, you had so many wonderful women around, I thought you didn't need me.

Chrom: Of course I need you! You're so skilled, beautiful... You give our army a goal to strive towards your example. That's why I love you.

Cordelia: Oh, Chrom... I love you, too.

(Both exit)


After Grima's defeat, Chrom was officially welcomed as Ylisse's new exalt. Queen Cordelia gave Ylisse the woman it needed to mend it, and ironically, she was perfect at mending the scars of war.

Personal comments? I don't think I captured Cordelia or Chrom's personality too well. Also, it's a bit too similar to Chrom x Sumia, and it's kinda short. Also, some people didn't quite enjoy the guest appearances last time, so I'd like to give an example of Robin being used in a support conversation between two other characters. This was in the C support between Tharja and Vaike. Done.

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Usually I'd wait until voting time, but you specifically asked so here goes:

  • Chrom/Cordelia's characterization seems all right to me.
  • I don't have a big problem with the Robin guest appearance, though it doesn't seem to serve much purpose.
  • My main issue is that making the support about sandwiches just isn't very interesting to me. I feel like there are a lot of directions you could have gone with these two and focusing on Cordelia's cooking skills is a little odd. Awakening itself does do supports like this (Chrom/Sumia as mentioned) which makes it less egregious, but I'm not sure that makes it a good idea to copy.
  • How is Cordelia being the perfect queen ironic?

My $0.02.

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Cynthia pretty much covered the issues I had with it too, but otherwise, I think it was an alright support. :) It doesn't feel extremely interesting since the sandwich thing is a lot like Sumia and her pies and all, which I found kind of dumb. Not that your support is dumb, I don't mean that. I just think it could have some more originality and differences from the Sumia support.

I welcome comments on my entry too, btw!

My OC x OC entry will use entirely different characters though, as I'd like to do mah main DoD couple, Leyon x Azura. The leading lady and the leading knight. ^^

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All right Kael/Ike.

  • Overall, I like this support. Ike seems in character and I got a good sense of who Kael is. It has a strong consistent theme. It's on the long side, especially the B, but I don't see much filler I'd cut.
  • Nitpick #1 You have a bit of non-FE style action dialogue in the C support. How does one represent stumbling with a 2D sprite?
  • Nitpick #2 When Ike talks about being a parent, mentioning reading parenting books beforehand is a bit anachronistic (the word diaper is also anachronistic but that's hard to work around so I'll let it slide). In the pseudo-medieval times of FE, it's much more likely that one would ask other parents for advice rather than consult books.
  • At first, I disliked the Ike Mercenaries name- the Greil Mercenaries were named because he was the founder and they kept the name out of respect presumably, Ike has nothing to do with the Ike Mercenaries. Then I realized that naming your mercenary group after a famous hero is pretty good marketing even if it's false advertising.
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Ah, I figured that the stumbling bit could be represented by Kael's portrait vanishing for a moment and then reappearing.

Well, I feel that FE's medieval ages are a little (keyword, a little) more advanced than our own were, mainly due to the existence of magic. With magic, I bet people in the FE verse could do all kinds of things that people in our own medieval ages couldn't do. It opens up more research possibilities for them. Also, the diapers I had in mind are fabric and more primitive than ours, not like today's disposable ones or anything. lol Also, Ike and Elincia's parents are dead. But they do also consult Titania and Renning (Renning at least helped care for Elincia, I presume, since she lived in a villa away from her parents. Titania is the closest thing Ike has to a mother after Elena dies). I just didn't feel it necessary to bring that part up here.

And there's a reason that the group calls themselves the Ike Mercenaries. They feel it's fitting for the group that eventually takes the torch that the Greil Mercenaries held. Ike is Greil's son, after all. And Kael's group doesn't really have just one founder. Everybody kind of has a hand in that. And Ike does have one connection to the group. lol His own son leads it. XD

I'm glad you liked the support though, Cynthia! And thanks much for the feedback. :)

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  • Overall, I liked this support quite a bit as well. It makes me wish there were some playable morphs in FE7. Strong consistent theming and I liked Bogan's attitude shift even if it was predictable.
  • The C and B supports are on the short side, but Bogan doesn't seem like wordy sort of fellow so it fits.
  • It reads like a FE support style wise which is a good thing.
  • I am curious as to the context of how this conversation is happening (same with Canas/Nadine). Are they part of Eliwood's crew or still with the Black Fang or...?
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  • Overall, I liked this support quite a bit as well. It makes me wish there were some playable morphs in FE7. Strong consistent theming and I liked Bogan's attitude shift even if it was predictable.
  • The C and B supports are on the short side, but Bogan doesn't seem like wordy sort of fellow so it fits.
  • It reads like a FE support style wise which is a good thing.
  • I am curious as to the context of how this conversation is happening (same with Canas/Nadine). Are they part of Eliwood's crew or still with the Black Fang or...?
Glad you liked it!

As for context, I intended for these to take place after the events of FE7, when Eliwood's army is broken up. (Possibly during the events of Elibian Nights? Lol)

Edited by SilverHairedFreak25
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Okay everybody is giving feedback! So...

Already commented on Ana's via PM. I don't think it's too farfetched for parenting books and cloth diapers to exist in that time, she's good there.

The Brom and Elincia one, the only nitpick I have is I think Jacob was an older guy, not Brom's son. Other than that it's in character and good.

Nadine/Bogan: I agree, there shouldve been playable morphs! And I haven't seen any morph OCs before, so yay. Maybe somebody should make a half morph... Didn't Brendan have kids with a morph in FE7 canon? Either Sonia or Limstella...can't remember. Makes me wonder what morph/human hybrids are like. Hybrids are usually sterile, but idk if it would be that way with a species that was created by humans to resemble them. Idk much about morphs actually...except that they always have black hair and gold eyes and they usually don't have emotions.

Haven't read the Chrom/Cordelia one yet. Will post feedback when I do.

Has anyone reviewed mine yet?

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Nadine/Bogan: I agree, there shouldve been playable morphs! And I haven't seen any morph OCs before, so yay.

Heh heh, you got me. I have a penchant for artificial humans or anything similar, and Morphs just happen to be close enough. As for being playable, I might just put these two in a ROM hack, as soon as I get permission from a certain someone...

Maybe somebody should make a half morph... Didn't Brendan have kids with a morph in FE7 canon? Either Sonia or Limstella...can't remember. Makes me wonder what morph/human hybrids are like.

Brendan never had kids with that slu-- I mean, Sonia. Nino's her adop-- I mean, kidnapped daughter, and Lloyd and Linus were already his kids. (if you can't tell, I don’t like Sonia. That bitch got what was coming to her.)

Hybrids... that was also planned... lol. I was thinking they keep the pale skin, but adopt one trait from the human, and have the other be the morph trait. Like a redhead with yellow eyes, or have blue eyes with black hair.

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The Brom and Elincia one, the only nitpick I have is I think Jacob was an older guy, not Brom's son. Other than that it's in character and good.

Yeah, I meant to mention this, but it slipped my mind. I thought Jacob was that old dude Brom was talking to at the beginning of part 2. :P

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The Brom and Elincia one, the only nitpick I have is I think Jacob was an older guy, not Brom's son. Other than that it's in character and good.

Brom doesn't name any of his kids in his supports, so I figured he might name his oldest son after his friend. I needed a name lol.

Anyway Rolf/Naroc:

  • Overall, this support was ok. It was a little 'fluffy' for my tastes, I didn't get a very strong sense of who Rolf or Naroc was by the end of it. FE does have supports like these, but particularly when introducing a character for the first time it might not be the best choice.
  • Rolf's characterization is tough to judge here as he's significantly older. I probably wouldn't have guessed it was Rolf, but given that he's not a kid anymore a personality change is natural.
  • I think the C support mentions too many unrelated characters- I'm counting 8 people not including Rolf or Naroc. Only Shinon really drives the support forward and all the other mentions make this level seem cluttered and unfocused to me.
  • The B and A levels are solid and are in the style of FE supports.
Edited by -Cynthia-
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I think a few canon supports mention others? And Rolf is older, so you're right, he would be a bit different personality wise.

And you keep saying stuff about "knowing who so and so is". I don't think one support anywhere in FE really says everything about the characters. It's a combination of all the supports, other conversations etc. So...if you want to know everything about someone you'd have to look elsewhere too.

Really surprised nobody commented on how I described the Deadeye skill. I thought that was the cleverest thing I did.

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It's that time again! Shameless self-shipping with Fire Emblem characters!

As a side note, Chigai is a shy manakete from Valm with a good heart. Commence!

Canon x OC.

Gangrel x Chigai


C Support

(Gangrel enters)

Gangrel: GYAHAHA! Die, die, die!

Chigai (Enters): Ahh! S-stop that! Wh-what are you doing?!
Gangrel: Exactly what it looks like!

Chigai: Stop ripping those poor butterflies' wings off!

Gangrel: Ahaha! It's fun, though!

Chigai: It isn't for them!

Gangrel: They're dead, anyways...

Chigai: Well, the ones you tore up are!

Gangrel: Oh, fine. Let's go free these little pests.

Chigai: ... Thank you...

B Support

(Chigai and Gangrel enter)

Chigai: Gangrel...

Gangrel: What is it you want, brat? Wait, why are you carrying that stick?

Chigai: I don't want you to hurt anything else like that ever again... So I'm gonna whack you with it every time you say something insane!

Gangrel: Ha! As if someone with muscles like that could hurt me.

Chigai: I didn't say I was going to do it while in human form.

Gangrel: ... Oh. In that case, I still doubt you even have the courage to touch me.

Chigai: W-well... Maybe I do!

Gangrel: Oh, yeah? Prove it.

Chigai: Heeya!

(Whacking sound effect)

Gangrel: Ack! You little... That hurts!
Chigai: S-sorry, but... I warned you!

Gangrel: *sigh* Fine. I won't do anything to those precious insects of yours... But if you hit me with that stick ever again, YOUR wings are coming off.

Chigai: Eep!

Gangrel: Run along, now. Shoo!

(Chigai exits)

Gangrel: What an idiot...

A Support

Chigai: Um... Gangrel?

Gangrel: Still bothering me, you little pest?

Chigai: I just wanted to say that I'm sorry...

Gangrel: Fine. Apology accepted. Go away.

Chigai: I... I don't want to go away, though. I like you.

Gangrel: Like me? You LIKE me? Ha! You know, you're a terrible liar.

Chigai: It's the truth! I think you're a good person inside...

Gangrel: You know what I've done in the past. Everyone does. I'm a monster.

Chigai: No, you're not... You allied with Chrom to help stop Grima, right? No monster would do that...

Gangrel: Tch. I did that only because I had no purpose.

Chigai: Well, um... I wanted to be your friend... So, could your purpose be living for me?

Gangrel: My friend, too? Don't flatter me, boy.

Chigai: Um... I... I'm still serious...

Gangrel: Fine. If I'm your friend, will you leave me alone?

Chigai: Well, friends don't let their other friends be lonely...

Gangrel: Ugh, fine. Here, sit down with me, and we'll eat something.

Chigai: Heheh...

S Support

Gangrel: Chigai.

Chigai: Ah!

Gangrel: Calm down. It's me.

Chigai: Oh... Hi, Gangrel.

Gangrel: I got us some cake at the market, if you want some.

Chigai: Oh, um... Really? For me? That's unlike you...

Gangrel: Yeah, yeah. Just eat it.

(Screen cuts to black for a second)
Chigai: *Chew, chew*

Gangrel: Could you, maybe hurry up?

Chigai: Oh, um... Sure.

Gangrel: (He's almost there...)

Chigai: *Swallow* W-wait... What's that? It's shiny...

Gangrel: Go on. Pull it out.

Chigai: G-gangrel, this is... This is a ring!

Gangrel: I don't want to be just friends, Chigai... Ugh, you're so damn kind, I just can't resist...

Chigai: So you proposed marriage to me? What will the people of Plegia think?

Gangrel: Oh, they'd accept me no matter what. I don't even know if I could retake the crown.

Chigai: Well, um... I... I can't turn you down. You know, I bothered you so much because I had feelings for you...

Gangrel: Ha! You've made me the happiest man in the world, Chigai!

Chigai: I'm happy, too, Gangrel...


With the slaughter done, Gangrel retired to obscurity with his husband. Chigai enjoyed this, and the two still made a long and happy life together in a remote corner of Plegia.

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Ah, I kept meaning to ask this, but I kept forgetting. xP Chigai, why do you center the text? Imo, it's easier to read if you don't. But this was...interesting anyway, to say the least. lol You like shipping your manakete character there with guys that look above 30? I just find it kind of awkward is all. I won't try to stop you though, if that's what you like doing, it's what you like doing. :P

Really surprised nobody commented on how I described the Deadeye skill. I thought that was the cleverest thing I did.

Oh yeah, I liked that too! I just described it as the animation in RD. Throwing the arrow skyward, jumping up to grab it, and then firing it right at the dude's head. lol

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Oh yeah, I liked that too! I just described it as the animation in RD. Throwing the arrow skyward, jumping up to grab it, and then firing it right at the dude's head. lol

Funny thing: I wrote it, went back to my RD file, and guess what Rolf did?

I didn't put anything in there about throwing and catching the arrow because I forgot about that part of the animation. Oh, and Rolf was guarding a ledge with Soren when he deadeyed, so it was just a map animation. He still jumped though.

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Funny thing: I wrote it, went back to my RD file, and guess what Rolf did?

I didn't put anything in there about throwing and catching the arrow because I forgot about that part of the animation. Oh, and Rolf was guarding a ledge with Soren when he deadeyed, so it was just a map animation. He still jumped though.

Ah, okay. And that's awesome lol. Reminds me of that time I went to experiment with Ike in RD for some peeps and see if he can use Aether with an axe as well as a sword because said peeps were wondering if he could or not. First thing he did when I booted the game up and put him against some bad guy while equipping an axe was Aether. XD

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