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Support Convo Contest the 2nd (Voting closed!)

Support Convo Contest #2  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. Best Canon/Canon

  2. 2. Best Canon/OC

  3. 3. Best OC/OC

  4. 4. Runners Up (Vote only 3, please)

    • Elincia/Brom
    • Chrom/Cordelia
    • Rolf/Mist
    • Volug/Soren
    • Rolf/Naroc
    • Ike/Kael
    • Gangrel/Chigai
    • Boyd/Kelly
    • Nadine/Bogan
    • Leyon/Azura
    • Chigai/Sen
    • Gerard/Arella

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  • An interesting support idea and all right overall. Gangrel's characterization is good here.
  • You have some instances of non-FE style action dialogue (2D sprites do not chew or swallow).
  • The progression of the support is a bit strange. Between B and A Chigai goes from disliking Gangrel because of the butterfly mutilation to liking him because he fights Grima. It was rather sudden.
  • Gangrel's line after "What will the people of Plegia think?" doesn't make much sense IMO. "Oh, they'd accept me no matter what. I don't even know if I could retake the crown." would make more sense with reject/would not accept.

​Even though everyone's entries have their flaws, they all still add something to the contest. So don't be afraid to keep at it :)

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Phew, officially back from vacation.

I've gone ahead and updated the first post with all of the supports that have been posted thus far. I'll refrain from offering feedback on them until voting begins, since I'd like to take that time to write my own supports.

Note to everyone that there's still two days left to enter the contest with a support! If you've done one already, great, but why not do another in a different category?

I notice there's less supports than last time around, so if not that many go up in the next two days, would it be fine with you all if I merged all the categories together for voting? Or perhaps, there are others waiting in the wings who need some more time? I'd be open to an extension if it means more entries.

Edited by Spectral Procreation
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I think there should be at least 3 entries per category to vote by category personally. I don't mind extending, but only if people actually plan to write supports and need more time(so those people should post and say something as the deadline approaches).

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Canon X Canon. Rolf X Mist

RD support. Romantic.


Mist: Rolf! There you are!

Rolf: Mist! Were you looking for me?

Mist: Yes. I've been meaning to talk to you.

Rolf: I feel like we've had this conversation before.

Mist: Heee... Maybe.

Rolf: So, what is it you want to talk about?

Mist: Rolf, remember when we were children? When we were cowering in that house? When we fought on the battlefield together?

Rolf: Yes. That seemed so long ago. We were just kids then.

Mist: We still are kids in many ways. I just... Rolf. You've been protecting me for so long, yet you dived in front of that arrow for me last battle.

Rolf: It was reckless of me, I know. You don't want me to do that so I won't die and make you sad.

Mist: You've changed Rolf. I want you to be safe.

Rolf: Mist. I want to be safe too. Just promise to protect me.

B Support.

Rolf: MIST! What the heck was that about?

Mist: Eep! R-rolf? Something wrong?

Rolf: In that last battle! I got shot in the leg and you didn't heal me!

Mist: I healed you! As soon as I saw you were hit I healed you!

Rolf: Yes. After you took your eyes off the abs of that soldier in front of us and didn't pay attention. My leg still hurts and I had to take a vulnerary just to walk here!

Mist: R-Rolf! Why are you so... Hostile? I'm sorry. Please, let me look! I'll heal it right this time. I promise!

Rolf: No. Just... No. You ask me to stay safe then you let your eyes wander and abandon people like that?

Mist: You've learned too much of the wrong things from Shinon.

Rolf: I've learned too much of the wrong things from you. Just... Just... stay away from me!"

A Support.

Mist: Huh? Is that crying? Wait... I know... I know... who that... is.

Rolf: *sniff* Why? *sniff*

Mist: I'm sorry Rolf.

Rolf: I... I know you are. *sniff*

Mist: I was stupid and let my mind wander.

Rolf: I just... *sniff* Mist. Remember when we first started fighting?

Mist: Yes, I do. Excited, terrified, worried that each other might die.

Rolf: Y-yes. When that happened I was scared, but I did it to protect you. *sniff*

Mist: And you did. Then... I failed to protect you.

Rolf: I shouldn't have gotten so mad. It just... It hurt so much.

Mist: The arrow?

Rolf: No. More than that.

Mist: I don't understand.

Rolf: No. Of course you don't. Mist. I... I am in love with you. You were always so kind, so nice, so pretty. Even as children I thought you were cool. You were my friend but...

Mist: You still are. I just... I didn't realize how much pain I was causing you. I should have said something, paid more attention.

Rolf: You're your own person. I was wrong for getting so mad. I... I miss being children.

Mist: Children grow up.

Rolf: You grew up. I... grew down to Shinon's level.

Mist: Don't be so hard on yourself. You were wrong for getting mad at me, I was wrong for ignoring you, and we have our lives ahead. Let's let this one heal and accept we both did something wrong.

Rolf: Yes. You're still my friend after all these years.

Mist: Likewise.

S Rank

Rolf: Mist. Please. Come over here for a second.

Mist: What? What is this? Rolf? Is this a finger-painting?

Rolf: Yes. Of you, your brother, your father, Titania, and my brothers.

Mist: What's that black splotch?

Rolf: I think that's Soren.

Mist: And where's Rhys?

Rolf: I honestly don't know. Mist. I made this as a kid. Look at it.

Mist: It's cute.

Rolf: Yup! But that's not what I mean. Look. You and me, by a tree, sitting down and resting beside each other.

Mist: You miss those days?

Rolf: Yes. But, Mist, I know we've had some bumps since then, but... would you be willing to find a tree some day and just sit down and spend some time with me? Laughing about the past, playing, dreaming, anything. I want to be a kid again. With you. Would you... join me?

Mist: Yes, Rolf. That would be so lovely. I think... I think it's time we were children again. Together.


Rekindled, Mist and Rolf acted upon their feelings for each other. Both cried during their vows happily together. On clear days they would often spend time together beneath the trees.

Canon X OC. Romantic

Kelly is a character I dreamed up for DC. She's basically a smith/magical smith(?) intent on creating magical weapons and finding a way to mass-produce them for public use. Problem is... She's never actually held a magical weapon like a Sonic Sword before. She's figuring it out all from just having seen the weapons in action.



Boyd: One... Two... Th... Th... Ummm...

Kelly: It's three, isn't it? It comes after two after all.

Boyd: Kelly? You're that new mage, right? Ummm... Why are you?

Kelly: Watching you? Is the idea of some girl watching a big strong man fight discomforting to you?

Boyd: The idea of a girl paying more attention to my arms and their swinging motion is more discomforting to me. What are you even doing here?

Kelly: It's simple really. SCIENCE! MAGIC! SCIENTIFIC MAGIC! MAGICAL SCIENCE! Understanding exactly what's going when you swing that axe.

Boyd: You know we have other axes. You can use one of your own. I'll even help you since you're sort of frail.

Kelly: Thanks, but no-thanks. It wouldn't be the same. Just... Let me watch for a bit. I promise not to bite.

B Rank

*screen-shake with combined explosion sound effect*

Boyd: Hello? Hello? Is anyone over here? By Ashera this place is a mess! What on earth happened here? Kelly!

Kelly: *cough* It's okay. I'm... fine. I'm... alright.

Boyd: Are you okay? It sounded like a Bolting tome went off in here! And you're cowering under a table. Where did you even get that table?

Kelly: *cough* That's because *cough* Five of them did.

Boyd: FIVE?

Kelly: Five. Boyd. Let me show you something. It's very important.

Boyd: An axe? A golden axe? I don't get it. How is an axe so important?

Kelly: Because I've been working on it for five years now. Well... This one I picked up in the last town, but the general concept for five years. You know how Tanith has that fancy wind sword? Well, five years ago I saw a weapon like that and I thought it was cool, so I've tried to make them on my own!

Boyd: Is that why you were watching me that day?

Kelly: Yup! I've got most of the process down. There is only one problem. Go on. Lift it.

Boyd: It... crumbled into dust.

Kelly: And that's the flaw. I figured out how to get it to hold a charge but I can't get it to... not turn into dust.

Boyd: Looks nice though! Keep at it and, maybe, one day you'll figure it out. Just... Next time, keep Mist around in case something like this happens again.

Kelly: Indeed. Exploding me would be a blow against science, and possibly against my life as well... which is a bit more important.

A Rank

Kelly: I did it! Boyd!

Boyd: What? Kelly? Are you alright? You look as pale as a sheet!

Kelly: Yes! I know! Doesn't- Doesn't matter! Just... Let me catch my breath. Boyd! I did it! I made a thunder axe!

Boyd: What? Really?

Kelly: Yes! Here! Look!

Boyd: Wow! It really does look like one, I can see the sparks, and it's not turning into dust either!

Kelly: Go on. Give it a swing.


Boyd: Feels good. And I saw the sparks shoot out too. Maybe against a training dummy I can see in action.

Kelly: Cool? No? Try it again!

Boyd: Well, here it goes!

Kelly: And... there the axe-head goes into the bushes.

Boyd: You mean this wasn't a throwing axe?

Kelly: If it was I don't think it will ever be thrown again seeing as it landed in that river and... and... oh my. Looks like we'll be having fish tonight, and tomorrow as well.

Boyd: Well, hey! You made the axe! You can make another now! Ummm... For science?

Kelly: And magic! And magical science! Yay!

S Rank

Kelly: Ummm... Boyd. I have something to give to you.

Boyd: Did you make that next axe?

Kelly: No. It's something a bit more... personal. Here.

Boyd: A... ring? Huh? OH! Katie! Are you... proposing?

Kelly: It was either this or a big axe with your name engraved on it and I...

Boyd: Erm, but isn't it my job to propose to you?

Kelly: Yes. But...

Boyd: Kelly. What's going on?

Kelly: I... Look Boyd. It's really simple. I've worked hard these past few years, really hard, to make these axes. Each one fell apart before and, honestly, when I... exploded... my lab I was about to give up. Had Ike, Mist, or anyone else come along I may have very well been forced to give up, not to mention quitting myself. I was so frustrated. But when I got to talk to you about it just for a bit it made me happy. And you didn't get mad at me for doing something dangerous without your knowledge, just asked me to keep someone around to be safe. Then you... when you helped me test the axe it was so great. I couldn't risk letting this moment pass on the off-chance you didn't feel the same.

Boyd: Kelly. This is a bit fast. We have time. Plenty of years in fact. Why don't we wait a bit and see first.

Kelly: Are you saying no?

Boyd: I'm saying... let's find out?

Kelly: For Science?

Boyd: For science.


Kelly's drive and passion for science was often tempered by her meathead of a husband. She didn't care as she loved him and, often, called him her pillar of strength. If it wasn't for Boyd and his strength it is expected that Kelly would have blown herself up long before she brought magical weapons to the world. Scholars are still split as to if this was a good thing or not.

Edited by Snowy_One
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Heh, I guess Dcat isn't the only one pairing OCs with Boyd. :P

Rolf x Mist is cute, you did a good job on it! ^^

Boyd and Katie (did you rename Kelly from Dcat's Wings of Courage?) is okay to, but I felt that Boyd was kind of out of character. He's not into science or details, I think. He just wants to fight. The S support seems a bit out of nowhere too.

Edited by Anacybele
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  • Overall, this support was all right. I felt like Mist and Rolf's relationship was pretty plausible, having a basis from PoR definitely helped. I like how you started out the C support the same as the PoR, using past supports as a basis for canon supports is something I do as well.
  • I'm not sure about Rolf's characterization here. In PoR, Rolf often disapproves of people calling him like a child and expresses that he wants to be treated like an adult. When Mist expresses wanting to go back to being kids, Rolf says that he'll fight for her- definitely not a sign of agreement. This could have been an interesting role reversal with more explanation (plausible given the time jump between PoR and RD), but as it is it just reads like a 180 on Rolf's part.
  • The S support feels rather tacked on, it feels like everything important happened in the A support. Granted, in pre-Awakening games there were no S levels and so the romantic supports were the A. I think writers should be able to choose which version they want personally.


  • Overall, I felt this support was all right. It had a consistent theme and the later levels of the support are pretty solidly written. The S support is a bit random, but Awakening does this as well. Most of my issues were with the C level.
  • Boyd may not be an intellectual juggernaut, but I'm pretty sure he can count to three without assistance (although Katie saying it was after four also made no sense, maybe this was just over my head?). This is made stranger by the fact that Boyd comes off as relatively intelligent for the rest of the support.
  • Muscular guys often like attractive women 'checking them out' (yes this includes arms) as they work out and I feel like that would have been a more natural reaction for Boyd rather than being unsettled.
  • Katie's passion for science and magic is over exaggerated, or at least overstated. I felt like it was plenty clear without lines like her second to last line of the support where she literally just shouts the words science and magic in sequence. That was silly.
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Snowy...did you rename Kelly? You do know in WoC canon, Boyd ends up with Cerai and Kelly(Katie?) with Darcen, right?

But this isn't WoC canon though...anyway if you've changed her name officially, do you want me to change it in the story?

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The idea with Mist/Rolf is that things are not the same. Rolf matured while Mist remained apathetic, taking his protection and feelings for granted. Rolf is now wishing he could return to being a kid where Mist was treating him better and reciprocating his feelings better. This support sort of has basis in RL experience with girls both on my part and on friends parts where some girls will 'friendzone' or outright ignore former male friends who may very well have feelings for them or even desire a simple friendly relationship in favor of looking at other men.

As for the S support what I wanted to convey was that they were returning to the friendship they had as kids which THEN blossomed into proper love later on. I didn't want to do a proposal or the like as it seems far too easy to just tack on.

As for KELLY/Boyd (Yes, I'll edit it), I chose Boyd largely to tease DC, but I also did it because the other GM's didn't really seem to fit well except for, maybe, Ike and he gets too much attention; so may as well use Boyd. As for the 'three' thing the idea is that he noticed Kelly was checking him out and making him uncomfortable, not that he couldn't count. The 'after four' bit was me being a sleepy and distracted person trying to chase down a hiding kitty and simply not noticing. Yes, dumb, will be fixed.

And yes, DC, I know. IDC as I'm just having fun making up a support!

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Oh, okay now! Things make more sense now. :P

Anyway, I actually almost forgot about writing my OC x OC entry! I did so just now, though! Although, the S support ended up being kind of longish. But it's not REAL long, thankfully. Anyway, as I said, this is Leyon x Azura, my main couple in Dawn of Darkness, the fic linked in my sig. Azura is the lord character, and is a mercenary from the nation of Talgria... Until certain events lead her to gain a noble title in the same way Ike did in PoR. She promotes to Lord and all. And like Ike, she is not of noble or royal birth, though the reasons for her promotion are still rather different. She doesn't like to be helped much and also does not have much of a fondness for men due to how she grew up being teased by boys. Leyon commands the Royal Knights of Talgria and is one of the two male leads (the other being Bryan, a platoon captain in Talgria's army). He lost his brother three years prior to DoD's events.

Oh, and this dialogue is actually AU to the story context, but is still based off of events that occur in it, such as Leyon losing his memory and mistakenly seeing Azura naked. And no, the latter IS NOT inspired by the Chrom x Female Avatar support. I thought of this long before I ever saw that support. Anyway. :P

Leyon x Azura (OC x OC) Support Conversations

C Support

Leyon: Ah, Azura. I’m glad I caught up with you. Are you alright after today’s battle? You seemed to get a little reckless. Maybe I can help you next time?

Azura: Hm? Oh, it’s you, Leyon. No thank you.

Leyon: What? But I’m afraid of you taking a serious injury! I really do not recommend rushing out into the middle of a group of enemies the way you’ve been doing.

Azura: Well, I’m still alive, aren’t I? I do know how to fight well, you know.

Leyon: I know, I’m not saying you’re not skilled! I’ve seen few people at your age with skills like yours.

Azura: Then why are you insisting on babying me?

Leyon: I’m not! I just want to be nearby so I can protect you should too many enemies target you.

Azura: When I want someone’s help, I’ll ask for it. Right now, I don’t need it! So go away and leave me to my training. I especially don’t want help from a man!

Leyon: Fine… Well, can I at least have a spar with you? Swords have the advantage against axes, so it would help me improve my chances when I’m forced to battle a sword wielder like yourself. Not to mention that any experience I get fighting on foot rather than on my horse like I normally do is valuable.

Azura: Hm, that’s a fair point. I suppose there’s no harm in doing a match or two. I can prove to you that I can do fine on my own anyway if I win.

Leyon: Ah, thank you! Just so you know, I won’t go easy on you!

Azura: Like I would ever want that?

B Support

Azura: Leyon! You idiot, I told you I didn’t want your help!

Leyon: Azura, be serious! You would’ve been seriously injured, maybe killed if I hadn’t jumped in and blocked that ballista bolt!

Azura: I would’ve been fine! I heard it coming, I would’ve jumped out of the way!

Leyon: I don’t know about that… I just really felt I needed to step in. I’m sorry.

Azura: Well, I’m not as weak as you think I am!

Leyon: Huh? But I don’t think you’re weak, honest! I’ve seen you fight, you’re very skilled! I just think you’re…a little overconfident at times.

Azura: Ugh, even when you’ve lost your memory, you’re still frustrating! You probably don’t remember since this was before you took that blow to the head, but I told you awhile back that if I need help, I’ll ask for it!

Leyon: Well…alright. And yeah, I don’t remember at all.

Azura: I thought not. But…speaking of which, have you remembered anything yet? We really need to jog your memory as soon as we can. His majesty was very upset with me and would’ve seriously punished me if we weren't at war. Mere days after I was first given a noble title too…

Leyon: It’s not just me that’s angering you, I guess, is it?

Azura: No, you’re not angering me, exactly. Just irritating most of the time. But I am angry, angry at myself for what happened to you. You might be bothersome, but you didn’t deserve to lose every piece of your past like that. Any fond memories you had of your family or friends or childhood…all gone now. Sniff… And it’s my fault because I didn’t think before I acted!

Leyon: It’s true, I don’t remember any of that anymore… But I’m sure we can get it all back! I mean, you said that we have to because I’m an important figure in Talgria’s military, didn’t you? And that I’m crucial to this war effort. We can’t give up.

Azura: You’re right… The guilt won’t go away unless we do this. It’s a good thing you at least remember how to fight, though. I don’t know where we’d be if we wound up short a warrior as seasoned as yourself on the battlefield.

Leyon: Agreed. These enemies we’ve been up against, they’re no pushover.

A Support

Leyon: Hey, Azura. I need to thank you again for helping to restore my memory. You don’t know how grateful I am for the efforts you went to.

Azura: Well, I had to. Although I would say Eliot deserves the credit. He was the one that actually jogged your memory in the first place, by bringing up your brother.

Leyon: True, but you helped him out by gathering all the information you could about my past to see if anything in it would help. Wasn’t he the one you talked with the most?

Azura: Yeah, but in the end, it was still him that did it. He’s honestly a much more honorable knight than he originally seemed to be. I was surprised, especially after hearing that he saved your life back in Fort Tehya!

Leyon: I know. I really underestimated him. He still has some things to work on, of course, but he’s every bit a good knight to me now.

Azura: That’s for sure. Well, I’ll see you in the morning, I suppose.

Leyon: Wait, hold on.

Azura: What?

Leyon: *blush* Um… Would you…still refuse if I asked to help you? I just feel that I owe you.

Azura: Sigh… To be honest, I still don’t really WANT it, but… I guess I accept this time. I’m not sure why, but I feel like it.

Leyon: Ha, it’s obvious: you’re warming up to me!

Azura: *blush* What?! I am not! Besides, you’re the one whose face went red!

Leyon: Then why are you red now?

Azura: I…I’m just getting chilly! Good night! *leaves*

Leyon: Heh, sure…

S Support

Leyon: Damn it, I have to tell her sooner or later. But will she accept me after how I’ve bothered her so much? Guess there’s only one way to find out. I saw her head for the lake nearby a little while ago, so I’ll go there too…

*screen changes*

Leyon: …Ah! Damn it! No! No, no, no, NO! Turn around, you fantastic idiot! She’s not wearing anything! …Argh!

Azura: *off screen* WHAT THE—?!

Leyon: …I am so screwed.

Azura: Oh… I guess we’re even then.

Leyon: Wait, what?

Azura: Fort Absolon.

Leyon: Azura, that wasn’t entirely your fault. Natalie didn’t need to snap at you like that and I should’ve been paying more attention.

Azura: But I was still acting out of turn and it led to you losing your memory for a while! I should’ve listened to you from the beginning. About accepting your help.

Leyon: Oh come now. I had begun to think that I really did underestimate you. I mostly backed off while having no memory, and you still triumphed over the enemy!

Azura: Maybe, but after helping you… I realized that sometimes even very skilled warriors need their allies every now and then. You were often clueless because you hadn’t any idea who a lot of people were or what was going on.

Leyon: Hm…

Azura: Hang on, let me get dressed… *back on screen* There.

Leyon: Well, you’re right. Though, truth be told, I used to think that all women would benefit more with a man by their side. You, though, you don’t need that kind of help often at all.

Azura: Heh… I do need help becoming a better leader though. The way I messed up was unacceptable. And ever since I learned the truth about my pendant and became an earl, I’ve been so anxious and nervous. I always wonder if I’m doing anything right.

Leyon: Hey, it’s alright, Azura. Even the finest leaders make mistakes. I did, my brother did, and we both know Bryan did given how he used to handle his platoon. I’m sure Ike did as well. Listen, the best leaders aren’t the ones who don’t make mistakes. Because that’s not possible. The best leaders are the ones who learn from their mistakes. You did that, better than that, by figuring out how to get my memory back. You took responsibility for what went wrong and put it to rights. That is what makes a leader.

Azura: *smiles* You can be real sweet sometimes. I can see why Natalie was so taken with you.

Leyon: I…beg your pardon?

Azura: While I had talked with Eliot, he told me Natalie used to have a crush on you. Quite an interesting deputy commander she’s turned out to be for you.

Leyon: Really? I hadn’t noticed… But it’s interesting you should bring that up though.

Azura: And why’s that?

Leyon: Well… *blush* I’m in love with someone myself. I never thought this would happen after losing my brother, but I’ve fallen in love with a beautiful girl that I’ve spent some time with during this war. She’s amazed me time and time again. I admire her courage and beauty. And how tough she is. Yet, I don’t think she’ll accept me since she hasn’t been very friendly with me.

Azura: Oh? Who… Who is she?

Leyon: Heh… I think you already know. But if not, this will tell you. I hope you have a good night, my lady. *leaves*

Azura: Ah! He…kissed my cheek. …Huh? What’s this? He slipped me a short poem too? …He…loves me… Oh, Leyon… Leyon, wait!

Leyon: *reappears* Hm?

Azura: *blush* I…I don’t hate you. I never did. My mind wanted to dislike you, but my heart told me otherwise. I…love you too.

Leyon: *smiles* And I love you. Shall we spend the rest of our days together?

Azura: Yes! We shall. …Heh, me loving a man. Who’d have thought? I guess some are really very amazing.


Lady of Light – Azura

Azura retained her title of ruler of the Elhorhi Earldom when the Shadow War ended and was proud to welcome Skye and Bryan's platoon into her service. Her love with Leyon led the two to marry soon after. In time, she gave birth to a daughter and dedicated herself to her upbringing. Her time as an earl suffered a rocky start, but soon enough, she brought an age of peace and prosperity to her people.

The Flaming Axe – Leyon

Once peace returned to Talgria, Leyon continued to serve the royal family as commander of the Royal Knights. He soon married his love, Azura and though he had to juggle duties in both Aracion and Elhorhi, he enjoyed his life with her, and was overjoyed when their daughter was born.

Edited by Anacybele
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  • I have mixed feelings on this support overall. It has some good elements, but I'm not sure it works well as a contest entry here.
  • Azura's 'man-dislike' seems unnecessary and is a bit forced IMO- most girls are teased by boys. Most boys are teased by boys for that matter, it doesn't lead to misandry later in life.
  • There are a number of elements in this support that reference the canon that make it a little hard to read without context. Who's Eliot? Who's Natalie? What is Azura's pendant all about? What happened at Fort Absolon? This last one in particular is major- Azura feeling guilty over Leyon losing his memories forms a big part of the support here, but all we really get is a vague 'I messed up' from Azura. Considering Leyon has amnesia, you maybe could have had Azura retell the whole incident on one of the later support levels.
  • I got a good sense of the characters here and the support has smooth progression. The S support is pretty long though- I think it would qualify as the longest FE support level as is.
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Volug/Soren Support

[spoiler=Support C]

Volug: *sniff* *sniff*…(You are the tactician to the blue-haired one, right?)

Soren: Hmm? Pardon, I cannot understand your language.

Volug: You… are tactic to blue-head…

Soren: Blue-head? Oh…um yes I’m Captain Ike’s strategist. And you’re one of the Wolves from Hatari?

Volug: (Yes) …I mean…yes. I… Volug.

Soren: Volug. My name is Soren.

Volug: Soren…

Soren: Yes. Are we done here? You might need to practice your speech some more.

Soren turns to leave.

Volug: Wait...

Soren turns back.

Soren: What is it now?

Volug: You…(How do I say this right)…like Micaiah…

Soren: What?

Volug: You…half-Laguz?

Soren: I’m sorry, you are mistaken!

Volug: But you carry mark…

Soren: I’m not Branded…this is a Spirit Charmer’s mark.

Volug: Hah hah…(don’t think you can fool my nose.)

Soren: That’s enough. I don’t have time to idle away!

Soren Leaves

Volug: (Wait…is my Common really that bad?)

[spoiler=Support B]

Volug: Ah…Soren!

Soren: Hmm? You again?

Volug: I sorry.

Soren: What?

Volug: Nailah say Branded hated here…called parentless by Laguz…and must hide amongst Beorc.

Soren: …

Volug: (She said you’re scared of others knowing because they might shun or kill you).

Soren: The Goddess declared that such unions of Beorc and Laguz is an abomination, the Brand marks the offspring of such blasphemy. They embody the sins of their parents, so both Laguz and Beorc abhor them. Most often they are abandoned after they are born. In truth I find them pitiful.

Volug: (I never heard of such a thing…) In Hatari…Branded not hated.

Soren: …

Volug: Branded accepted …part of pack like Beorc and Laguz.

Soren: …Nonsense, you obviously don’t know the Common Tongue well enough to understand what you’re saying. Besides, this subject has nothing to do with me.

Soren Leaves

Volug: (What sort of barbaric country is this land? Beorc and Laguz fighting wars? Herons being massacred? Parents abandoning their children?)

[spoiler=Support A]

Soren: Volug…You said Branded were accepted in Hatari?

Volug: Yes…they sacred kin.

Soren: Sacred kin?

Volug: Children… parents sacrifice much to bring them to world. Brand seen as sign of true love, so must be honored.

Soren: Your country…sounds like a good place.

Volug: Not perfect…but home.

Soren: There is a green haired swordsman who is…like me.

Volug: Like you?

Soren: I should think he would like to speak to you of Hatari. You’d become friends.

Volug: Friends? (Are you and I friends?)

Soren: I guess we are…

Volug: !!!

Soren: …

Volug: You know…

Soren: A little…because you kept pestering me, I thought it might make things easier.

Volug: Hahahah…

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  • I have mixed feelings on this support overall. It has some good elements, but I'm not sure it works well as a contest entry here.
  • Azura's 'man-dislike' seems unnecessary and is a bit forced IMO- most girls are teased by boys. Most boys are teased by boys for that matter, it doesn't lead to misandry later in life.
  • There are a number of elements in this support that reference the canon that make it a little hard to read without context. Who's Eliot? Who's Natalie? What is Azura's pendant all about? What happened at Fort Absolon? This last one in particular is major- Azura feeling guilty over Leyon losing his memories forms a big part of the support here, but all we really get is a vague 'I messed up' from Azura. Considering Leyon has amnesia, you maybe could have had Azura retell the whole incident on one of the later support levels.
  • I got a good sense of the characters here and the support has smooth progression. The S support is pretty long though- I think it would qualify as the longest FE support level as is.

I said who those people were. Eliot is stated to be one of the knights, Natalie is stated to be the deputy commander of the knights, Bryan is a platoon captain, and so on. I also said what happened at Fort Absolon. Leyon took a blow to the head and it caused him to suffer memory loss. I don't know how you missed all of this, it's there. If you wanted more details, then I hate to disappoint you, but I don't feel that that matters when the support isn't about them.

As for the rest of it, I guess I should've explained WHY Azura was teased by boys. They thought she was silly to attempt to become a solitary mercenary and take on a lot of bandits to earn some gold and such. They basically teased her for her life goals and what she wanted to do and thought she would be too weak. Also, people will react differently to bullying/teasing. Some people will shrug it off, others will take it more personally. I myself had become somewhat racist after how many times I was bullied by black boys growing up. I didn't want anything to do with them. But I had a change of heart after I finally met some mature, nice black guys. I realized I was wrong to have that mindset. What I'm doing with Azura is meant to be similar, except it's guys in general in her case. Sorry for not clarifying here.

Also, a little tidbit that may be relevant to all this: Azura was created from the tough female side of my character. Bryan is my more sensitive, softer side, and the result of my childhood experiences (such as a victim of a lot of bullying. Bryan is the same, only to a much greater extent than even I was, poor guy). Leyon is my...pairing nut side, as he likes trying to get his allies to go on dates with each other. XD So yeah, these three came about from different parts of my own character.

Edited by Anacybele
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Um... I don't think it's too late?
Re-using Chigai... for the third time.
Chigai x Sen
Chigai, if you've read my other supports, is a shy male manakete thief.
Sen is a young archer with a kind heart who strives to bring the morality of the soldiers in her army up.

SBs8qNd.png<-- Sen.

C Support

Chigai: Hm... Why were all of the enemies carrying all of this jewelry, anyways? It's pretty valuable...
Sen: Hey, there... What are you doing?
Chigai: Oh, um... I was just reviewing over everything I stole from the enemy... Almost all of them were wearing rings with these brilliant golden jewels.
Sen: Were you going out to sell them just now?
Chigai: Yes, actually... Then, I was going to get some supplies for the army and bring them back.
Sen: The... Entire army? But that'd be...
Chigai: A lot, yes. I could probably haul it back in dragon form.
Sen: Wouldn't that shock everybody in town, though? They could think you're a real dragon.
Chigai: Y-you're right... Would you mind coming with me, then?
Sen: Sure... I'll get a few of the others and we can get ready.
Chigai: All right...

B Support

Chigai: *Sigh*...
Sen: Are you still upset about what happened?
Chigai: We bought all of that food, and... It fell down that hill, and all of the packages just kept... Rolling.
Sen: Well, it could have gone better, but... At least we saved some money, right?
Chigai: We came back with a 2 gold pieces.
Sen: Well, yeah... You said almost all of those enemies had gold gems, right? The next enemies we face are bound to have more.
Chigai: I think I'll just give them to our leader next time...
Sen: Well, that'd probably be safer.
Chigai: If we keep selling those rings, won't they drop in value? Maybe we should keep a bank of them.
Sen: Hm... You're right. Say, you're pretty smart... But do we really have the space to keep a bank of them?
Chigai: Maybe we should go ask...
Sen: Yeah! Let's go!

A Support

Chigai: *sigh*... The enemy didn't even have any this time... I checked each and every single one of them.
Sen: Really? All of them? ... Was that where you were after the battle?
Chigai: Yes. I looked at each fallen corpse of those guys, and... *sigh*...
Sen: Well, cheer up. We didn't lose too many of our soldiers in that battle, either.
Chigai: I guess that's pretty good... We're good on our supplies, too.
Sen: Yeah! Maybe we should cook dinner tonight ourselves. We'll have plenty to work with.
Chigai: I can't really cook that well... Or at all.
Sen: I could teach you. I'm a really good teacher!
Chigai: Really? You'd teach me to cook...?
Sen: Yeah. We're friends, right?
Chigai: Yeah... Friends... Heheh.

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All of the entries that have been posted should be on the OP. Nobody's late until midnight tonight!

Here's my non-romantic OC x OC entry. I wanted to have a Canon x Canon entry as well, but oh well. As for the characters:

Gerard is a swordsman from the countryside who joins as a sellsword alongside his friend, Jeremiah, who is also mentioned in the support. He has long brown hair tied into a ponytail, dark brown eyes, tan skin, and a plain green shirt.

Arella is a light mage and is referred to as the "Oracle," supposedly a prophetic immortal who has existed since the beginning of civilization. Taking the form of the young girl, her reappearance after centuries of absence adds a new level of tension to an ongoing war. She is the same Oracle mentioned in my entry for the last contest (Max/Benjamin), and Max is mentioned in the support as well. She has long white hair, sky blue eyes, and a simple brown robe.

Gerard x Arella (OC x OC)

[spoiler=C Rank]Gerard: Hmm? Someone there?

Arella: Gerard.

Gerard: Oh, the lil' Oracle. Come to read my palm or tell my lucky number?

Arella: No, I have not. I only wanted to share a warning with you.

Gerard: Look, Max is a good guy, but he'd believe anything with a pretty face. Me, I know that if ya get bit by a fox that talks nonsense, you start talkin' it too. So let's not bother with all that.

Arella: I do not know of any foxes that speak, but I assure you I am not one.

Gerard: Gah, it's an expression. Lighten up, would ya?

Arella: My studies of light magic are going well.

Gerard: ...Forget about it. What great warnin' did ya want to share?

Arella: A great blackness is approaching you -- the kind that can only be a painful loss.

Gerard: I know this game. Ya say that so when someone falls in this battle, I can think ya foretold it and then ya have someone else to add to yer flock.

Arella: But your family--

Gerard: Ah, so you heard about all that? Probably from Jeremiah. The man's lips are as loose as his gut. Anyways, there's nothin' for ya to surprise me with. They hate me and that's all they'll ever do.

Arella: I assure you--

Gerard: Assure yerself, 'cause I don't believe in any Goddess, and I sure as heck don't believe in ya livin' forever and seein' the future. Now, stay close. The only thing I believe is that Max'll have my head if I let ya get hurt out here.

Arella: ...Very well.

[spoiler=B Rank]Gerard: Oracle.

Arella: Gerard. I sense--

Gerard: How did you know?

Arella: I know only what the Goddess shows me.

Gerard: You saw it?

Arella: I did.

Gerard: Then tell me. I wanna hear it.

Arella: The Pickaxe Brigands were remnants of a failed attempt to reform criminals by forcing them to work the mines. You thought you killed them all before you left.

Gerard: ...

Arella: They held a grudge, a grudge that drove them to regain their numbers. A grudge that led them to your village.

Gerard: ...

Arella: There were not enough guards to answer their cries. The farmers died with pitchforks and axes in their hands. A man resembling you but with wrinkles and short hair gasped your name as he fell. His wife stabbed the invaders with a kitchen knife before she could be dragged out into the streets, and was cut down on top of her husband.

Gerard: ...

Arella: In but a few hours, the entire village is razed. Only one managed to flee and survive: a young woman with child, who wrote a letter to her cousin fighting far away. In her words are blame--

Gerard: Stop. I don't need to hear anymore.

(Gerard leaves)

Arella: Is it more painful to be believed or disbelieved? Still I do not know.

[spoiler=A Rank]Gerard: Oracle.

Arella: Gerard. I held counsel with Max on your behalf...

Gerard: Yeah, I heard. But I already told him I'm not goin' anywhere.

Arella: Is that so?

Gerard: If ya can see everything ya shouldn't act surprised. The only family I have to return to wishes I'd die out here, so it isn't much different than before.

Arella: I see...

Gerard: Tell me somethin', Oracle. What happens to her and the kid?

Arella: Such a distant future is impossible to foresee.

Gerard: Of course.

Arella: But inside her, I feel a great strength. One that will find few equals in this world.

Gerard: Heh...

Arella: As for the father--

Gerard: Don't worry about that. I know what happens to him.

Arella: You do?

Gerard: Yep. He dies with his hands grippin' tight the throats of the bastards who took his kid's village away from him.

Arella: Mmm.

Gerard: ...Oracle?

Arella: Yes?

Gerard: Supposin' you do see all these...prophecies. How do ya go on livin', knowin' all yer gonna see is pain and death ya can't do anything about?

Arella: I do it because I must, because the Goddess gave me this foresight in hopes that it would help her people. That is what I have come to accept. Also...not all of my visions are as you describe.

Gerard: Oh?

Arella: Sometimes I see families who are very happy. Little girls like me with fathers and mothers who love them very much, and so many other children with them...

Gerard: ...I think I see where Max is comin' from. If there is a Goddess, kid, I'm knockin' her lights out for me and for you.

Arella: As heretical as that is...I thank you, Gerard.

Gerard: Thank nothin', fox. Let's get movin'.

[spoiler=Ending]Despite Arella's last words of peace before her sacrifice, Gerard cannot quell the vengeance inside him. As soon as he bids farewell to the army, he returns to his homeland and falls after laying waste to a fortress of brigands singlehandedly. Years later, a gigantic man resembling him returns to that ruined fortress to start a new band of criminals fighting against their tyrannical rulers, only to be turned from his violent path by a young girl with sky blue eyes.

As always, I love to hear any kind of feedback or criticism.

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I'm surprised no one asked where Kelly got the table from.

Why? Tables existed back then...you do mean the kind with chairs around it, right?

Edited by Dragoncat
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All right, giving feedback on the last 3 because might as well:


  • Overall, I liked this support quite a bit. Volug and Soren were characterized well, the support had a consistent theme and good progression. I could imagine this as a FE support.
  • Volug is a difficult character to write for given his language issues. I like that you had both his subpar Common and have him be more eloquent in parentheses.
  • The bit about Branded living in harmony in Hatari is pretty deep within the game script, kudos for including that lore tidbit.


  • Overall, this support was all right. It's rather 'fluffy'- it doesn't deal much with the characters' past or emotions or anything so it's a bit hard to get a sense of the characters from this.
  • The support feels short- it's actually in a pretty normal range for a lot of GBA or Awakening conversations, but it doesn't seem like characters said much for whatever reason. Maybe it's not the number of lines but how much they say? It just seems a bit too basic as it is.


  • Overall, I liked this support quite a bit. I got a strong sense of the personalities of the characters and the support really tells a story.
  • The ending was a bit mysterious- I had to piece together that it was Gerard's nephew who becomes a criminal (well I think so anyway). I kind of liked it being hinted at rather than just having it thrown out there. Despite Arella sacrificing herself, I think she still might be the girl with sky blue eyes as the support mentions her 'living forever' previously.

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Submissions are now closed! The opening post has been edited to reflect the changes, and the poll has been added. If you see any errors, let me know!


  • Overall, I liked this support quite a bit. I got a strong sense of the personalities of the characters and the support really tells a story.
  • The ending was a bit mysterious- I had to piece together that it was Gerard's nephew who becomes a criminal (well I think so anyway). I kind of liked it being hinted at rather than just having it thrown out there. Despite Arella sacrificing herself, I think she still might be the girl with sky blue eyes as the support mentions her 'living forever' previously.

Thanks for the feedback, and I'm glad you enjoyed it! I like writing hints because I think (I hope, rather) it adds to the reader's experience by having another level to think through and interpret, though I know there's a fine line between being subtle and annoyingly vague that I hopefully stay on the right side of.

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Oh crap, it says vote only 3 runner ups. I didn't see that at first. I have to delete my vote and revote.

And once again, my entries are apparently bad compared to the others. I don't understand why, I tried to fix issues people pointed out in the last contest. I guess I just can't write supports at all and should just stick to regular stories.

Edited by Anacybele
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Why are people voting for the same Runners Up as they voted their favorites?

I kind of liked some of the supports, so if they don't win, I want them at least to be runners up.

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And once again, my entries are apparently bad compared to the others. I don't understand why, I tried to fix issues people pointed out in the last contest. I guess I just can't write supports at all and should just stick to regular stories.

You kidding? I loved your entries! Mine are terrible compared to yours.

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But you didn't vote for them and hardly anyone else did. I'm not trying to win or anything, it's just that I feel bad/mediocre compared to everyone else when I get few to no votes. :( And that's not fun...

Thanks, though.

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