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Who is loyal only to Garon?


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Garon needs to have a decent force backing only him if he's the leader of an imperialistic ("glory-seeking") country and it's suppose to be a challenge in order to revolutionize Nohr. Of every character shown so far, the most likely to be loyal only to Garon (and likely not a recruitable character) would be Gans, the neutral unit that appears in what seems to be an early-game Nohr map and calls Kamui a "foolish prince". If only because looks are how the series distinguishes who's good and who isn't.

I am expecting more than just Gans though.

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We'll probably get the usual FE villain tropes again. All of them will be deathly loyal to Garon because reasons. I think a character similar to Valter would be the most likely candidate for Garon's Best Evil Henchman award.

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If only you could, like, join Garon, then betray him at the very last moment.
It would be epic.

Or join him until with no betraying, and him actually not betraying you or some stuff, if you want that kind of thing.

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I suppose it depends. A lot of people are probably loyal to the Nohr throne so if you can get his own biological children against him you'll probably get those people on your side (after all his kids are next in line)

Maybe he'll have forces from a house he promises to make his heir once his rebellious children are killed?

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