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Casting berserker: could it work?

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After reading through the crack pairing thread I thought, hey what about a crack pot character? Thinking it over the most "crack pot" character possible would be a casting berserker and the only character able to pull that off is an Aversa mothered Morgan. So then I started thinking about what skills would be best to use and came up with these:

Shadow gift (obviously)

Ignis, to make use of the berserkers high strength

Hit +20, to offset the low accuracy of dark magic

Anathema, same as above

Tomefaire to boost magic.

Would use items/grind to Max out stats, question that still remains is to use a +str or skill avatar, which would give the better result (also I have read somewhere, don't remember where maybe gamefaqs, that classes/character stats of the parents at the "time of birth" affect the boosts the child receives to it's stats so a myrmidon would boost speed of the child is this true?).

And obviously would this be viable? I mean it would probably be amusing in spotpass, just throwing this contradictory class at someone and cause them a whole lot of confusion.

This actually sounds like a really fun idea.... Maybe I should just give it a shot anyway, shame that don't get shadow gift till end of the game though.... Maybe I should buy some dlcs.....

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Shadowgift has no effect on classes that can't already use tomes (i.e. it only lets sages, tacticians, etc. use dark magic)

Also an Aversa mothered Morgan would be female and wouldn't have access to Berserker in the first place.

Edited by Bovinian
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You can put a Bolt Axe on a Berserker, but it'll be extremely weak. I'd strongly recommend some Atk boosting skill over AT since you can just buy more Bolt Axes (spotpass FE8->L'Arachel).

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