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The Fire Emblem Amiibo


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Marth: Was looking for him for weeks, two days before leaving my home state I just checked the local stock of Targets near where I lived at the time, it said they had Marth in stock. Call them, they held it for me, the lady thought I was weird for being so excited since they had four or five of them back in electronics at the time.

Ike: Unless if I stumble upon him at some point for retail value, probably won't get unless if his amiibo has some huge effect on FEif.

Robin&Lucina: Was on the same plaza as two gamestops and a Toys R Us the day before they released, decided to inquire on how many each had in stock. Toys R Us said they had gotten 4 each of Robin and Lucina, and the guy working that night was an amiibo fan and tipped me off that the local Target would be the one hit with the majority of the amiibo crowd so if I arrived early enough in the morning I should be able to net both. Ended up camping outside Target for close to four hours, but met a group of guys who worked at Gamestop on the other side of the timezone line that decided to try and get the Splatoon packs. Ended up asking for their Facebooks and hopefully be able to hang out again with them soon.

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Marth- I got willingly scalped for him for his first run but it wasn't worth it. If I could go back in time I'd wait for the restock. Currently I'm searching for a restock because his entire head was fixed and I want it.

Ike- I preordered him with Little Mac back in what, December? November? It was when their initial preorders went up. Due to stock mishaps, I didn't get him until about 3 weeks ago or whenever his restock came in. The wait was sheer agony.

Lucina- I preordered her from Best Buy and as I was preordering her, Robin went up and out. To this day I'm still pissed about it.

Robin- I didn't learn my lesson from Marth's amiibo, and I willingly got scalped from someone in Japan to get him. He's currently in transit, but SAL shipping is like, 2-5 weeks so I'm not gonna see him for a while.

If Roy or any other FE character is confirmed for DLC, I'm going to bring a sword to gamestop and fight everyone in the line until I can get to the counter probably take my tent and camp outside of gamestop and wait for preorders to open. It may sound a bit silly, but I'm tired of getting scalped and missing out on blink-and-you'll-miss-it stock on all the online stores, even when I have an auto-refreshing script refreshing my page every 3 seconds.

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You think it was EASY for many of us? Well guess what, it wasn't. The only one that was "easy" for me to get was Robin and that was due to luck. I'm lucky I don't give a damn about Lucina.

False. Very false. You must've gotten really lucky, because all I ever see on eBay are scumbag scalpers charging really high prices for Amiibo.

It's not a matter of luck, IF(and that's a big if) you know how to use Ebay, you can find ANYTHING for a low price on Ebay. For example, I purchased a mint condition PS1 complete in the original box for $20 last week, because I know to stick to buy it nows from sellers with high feedback. There's more to it than that, but my pro tips for Ebay would require a seperate thread cause there's so many of them.

Sides, is it really luck when I pulled it off 3 seperate times. 4 if you count me netting Marth from gamestop

My grandad makes his living off Ebay, so he taught me how to use it to net ANYTHING for a low price on there.

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Ike: Walked into GameStop two weeks ago looking for GameCube controller adapter. Walked out with spare Ike amiibo

Robin and Lucina: was 3rd in line at Best Buy and didn't even have to camp out as everyone was at Toys R Us, Target, or Gamestop instead. Got the 2nd of each one remaining, and there was still one more of each remaining for the only guy behind me.

Marth:......will likely have to import.

All in all, I've gotten really really really lucky so far.

Edited by Bullwine85
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I'm jealous of anyone who got Lucina and Robin, those were the ones I really wanted from the new wave. With Marth I had a chance to get him as I worked in Target's electronics department at the time and happened to see our last one there. I had gone for the Link though so I didn't get it, because at the time I didn't know how impossible it would be to find them. Ike was one that I have never seen despite how long he's been out. Lucina and Robin I tried to pre-order at Gamestop, but I was told all the pre-orders were used up. In fact, the only rare amiibo I have is Little Mac because I happened to work the day we got him in and I put one aside for myself. It really makes me with Nintendo would just produce enough of them so they could actually make all the money that's out there for them.

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Apologies in advance... don't hate me too much...

Marth - Pre-ordered at GameStop in September with the rest of Wave 1, but then TRU had a 3-for-30 sale on Day 1, so I ended up getting all 12 there and canceling 11/12 of my GameStop orders. Kept the extra Marth since I knew he'd be rare, figuring I'd keep one boxed for my collection, and one to open and use.

Ike - Pre-ordered at GameStop in November. But when I went to grab the Lucario pre-order card at TRU in early December, it felt weird pre-ordering just one amiibo on a transaction, so I grabbed the Ike card as well. Again, kept one with the intention of keeping it boxed, and kept the other intending to open and use it. Pre-ordered a third Ike (second at GameStop) in late December hoping to cancel at TRU (and save myself a dollar), but this was delayed until last month.

Lucina & Robin - Pre-ordered the bundle of six at GameStop after being first in line on April 2; figuring I'd get one each to open and one each to keep boxed, I pre-ordered both at Walmart as well (I forget when, probably mid-April).


Now, I'm not a scalper getting all these for profit or anything; like I said, I'd been intending to keep a FE set boxed, and open a set. But I had three Ikes, and I had no need for three. So I decided to do an Ike giveaway on my site. The giveaway is about to end, but after realizing how successfully it was going, I wanted to give away a full FE set. Picked up a Lucina at Target the other Friday while I was getting a Jigglypuff at launch. Two hours later at TRU, when I was lining up to pick up my Greninja pre-order, I picked up another Robin & Lucina. Probably should've grabbed Marth, but I wasn't really thinking. Traded the Target Lucina to a friend of mine who had an extra Ike. Picked up another Marth at Best Buy on Thursday.

So now, besides my own two sets, and the standalone Ike I'm currently running a giveaway for, I have an additional, full, third set that I intend to give away together. I don't know exactly when that will be yet, since I'm hoping to find partners/co-sponsors to toss in more Fire Emblem goodies and sweeten the giveaway.

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