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Will there be a spoiler/support/story translation thread?

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A "support thread" seems almost certain, given that A) people eat that up and B) supports come in nice, manageable chunks easy to distribute to groups of volunteers.

A "story translation" thread would require significantly more work and is not so easily distributed, so I don't know how that would go.

Spoilers will be everywhere. People will be lucky if they are contained in a "spoiler thread."

Edited by egobarrier
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I really, really, really would love to do this. But, at the same time, knowing the sheer amount of work that goes into something like that would definitely be a community effort. It would be hard enough to want to play the game to completion but also translate all the little things in between too. Recording the dialogue, then transcribing it to a transcript (harder without furigana too in case there comes kanji one may not recognize), etc.

However if a transcript is provided that cuts out a lot of time and effort for translation and such.

At most maybe story summaries and such would be easy to provide, and I'm sure eventually post-game (when all supports can be viewed and such) hopefully we can get to work on something like that.

I do however hope to get essentials like menus and the like done... and character profiles as they appear in the game as I get them on my playthroughs and such.

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Sure, that may work. Maybe space it chapter by chapter as I assume everyone will be playing at a different pace, wouldn't want any issues of one translator coming to post about Chapter 5 when another posted about Chapter 8 xD

Supports will probably be a priority thing, so we'll see how that goes! I hope the Japanese wikis upload information like they did for Awakening, as those save quite a few headaches. Eventually when the Japanese guides come out, they contain the support transcripts too, which would be very helpful.

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I'll be playing the Jp release immediately, so I'm hoping for this as well. It will help me enjoy character interactions.

A general story guide would be nice, maybe not exact translations, but general information chunks so players who don't know Japanese can just get the gist of it.

Everything else should be pretty easy to understand and get the hang of. My priority will be getting all the support info I can.

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