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Roy and Hector

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Also Roy promotes AT THE END OF THE DAMN GAME!

As does Hector, in his respective mode.

A lot of this thread has given me a lot of valuable insight on WHY people hate Roy so much, but I still disagree. He fails to the engine of SoS more than the fact he is a terrible unit. He has better growth than most of the cast, it's just that late promotion that holds him back.

Hector has the same problem in my eyes - although he has good HP/DEF over SPD/LUCK, so he's more tolerable.

Roy has issues for sure, but I DO think they are vastly overblown.

MCProductions, on 02 Jul 2015 - 8:01 PM, said:snapback.png

Watch me be flamed for thinking Roy is only the second worst Lord in the series

I am curious who you think is the worst. The Roy hate is real, but I'm used to having unpopular opinions

I REALLY like Gaiden of all games

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I am curious who you think is the worst. The Roy hate is real, but I'm used to having unpopular opinions

When people talk about the 2 worst Lords, they generally refer to Leaf and Roy, so I assume he means Leaf.

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When people talk about the 2 worst Lords, they generally refer to Leaf and Roy, so I assume he means Leaf.

I could assume that, but I made a topic where I put the Roy blame on Hector who is a hero to most. There are also different criteria for not liking or liking a lord, too.

Strictly speaking, OP lords like Alm/Sigurd/Ike can be disliked because they can break the strategy part of a strategy game, and in their own way be seen as the worst lords because they are literally "spam and win". For the record, I like all 3, but who knows the criteria for worst are? Some people also live and die by personality.

Erika is worst for me, seeing as I have played SS several times and just can't bring myself to take her path over Ephraim's. I just don't know or care to find out.

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Micaiah has pretty much the same problem Roy has (as well as Eliwood and Hector in their respective tales): A very late promotion, and only the last five maps to take advantage of it.

Well, that number is different for each lord: four maps for Roy, six for Eliwood, seven for Hector.

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Micaiah has pretty much the same problem Roy has (as well as Eliwood and Hector in their respective tales): A very late promotion, and only the last five maps to take advantage of it.

Well, that number is different for each lord: four maps for Roy, six for Eliwood, seven for Hector.

Unlike the other Lords, though, their game itself isn't broken up. That's an argument both for and against Miciah, and honestly, pretty much all of her units get screwed.

Which is a shame, because I absolutely adore everything about RD up until they say, "You like the Dawn Brigade? Having fun with the new cast of characters you have grown to love? Here. Play Elincia. You'll really love that!"

Pacing in RD is absolutely terrible and I hope we never see it again.

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Micaiah has pretty much the same problem Roy has (as well as Eliwood and Hector in their respective tales): A very late promotion, and only the last five maps to take advantage of it.

Well, that number is different for each lord: four maps for Roy, six for Eliwood, seven for Hector.

Micaiah can at least do a shit ton of damage with Thani to those god damn armors and mounts

Roy at best could like... poke a hole in a turkey for whatever reason with Rapier

Edited by Lord Raven
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Serious question, what does Roy ever do that's as good as Hector wrecking early game knight bosses should you decide to not have Marcus handle them?

As people have said, Roy's never particularly useful. Hector, provided you're not playing quickly, can actually remain quite good until other units start getting some levels after promotion, so like chapter 22-25 or so from my experience. That gives Hector 12-15 chapters of being a very good unit to Roy's 0 (key here is very good). After promotion, Hector has a chapter to himself and, at most, two other units (very possibly one thief) to get some experience. Again, a lot of this is moot if you're LTCing or even trying to play particularly quickly, but even then not dying to a stiff breeze and dishing out a lot of damage is way more than Roy ever does.

It's like asking why people like Oswin but not Bors.

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Yes, Leif is my least favorite lord if stats and usefulness are the topic of the discussion. Personality is a different list altogether tho

I seriously wonder if I'm just the most RNG blessed son of a gun around, because Roy was pretty useful for me until around chapter 14x, at which point he became decent, not good or bad, just decent.

I've heard all these horror stories about how bad Roy is, and have seen entire fan hacks devoted to fixing his promotion time, while I'm relying on him as a heavy hitter early game.

Hector is more useful tho, since his growths actually seem designed with his late promo in mind tho. Unlike Roy's, which are very balanced growths that would benefit most from a chapter 16 promotion.

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After playing H5 I could honestly say that SD!Marth is by far the worst lord in the series. At least Roy could dodge axes... :dry:

I don't think anyone would need to play FE11 H5 to come to that conclusion, though. :/:

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I think Hector having Axes makes him leagues better than Roy because he gets access to a very powerful weapon: Swordslayer. Of course there is the more accessible Swordslayer little brother called Swordreaver (but that is in both games so Roy can use Lancereaver). These weapons allows Hector to fight off any potential dangers from speed sword wielders, especially if he gets some grade A supports. Throw in really high base stats and growths, you don't have to worry about Hector too much and when he promotes he gets a level dedicated to him and 2 allies (I don't remember if a thief is needed in that level... if a thief isn't needed then Hector + the two units he supported with).

I guess Roy can infinitely kite Hector across a wall with SoS...

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