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Sibling/Subordinate Relationship Thread


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I'm creating this just to get all the relationships straight. Please feel free to correct me when I make a mistake, or add stuff I'm missing.

Ok, so:


Mikoto (Queen?) Subordinates: Glasses Guy (Puppetteer?)

Ryouma (Trueblade) Subordinates: Saizou (Ninja), Kagerou (Ninja)

Takumi (Bowman) Subordinates: Hinata (Samurai), Oboro (Lancer)

Sakura (Miko) Subordinates: Kazahana (Samurai), Tsubaki (Pegasus Knight)

And Hinoka (Pegasus Knight) Subordinates: Setsuna (Archer), Asama (Priest)


Garon (Dark Emperor?) Subordinates: Sun crown guy (???)

Marx (Paladin) Subordinates: Pieri (Cavalier) Lazward (Mercenary)

Leon (Dark Knight) Subordinates: Zero (Thief) Odin (?)

Camilla (Revenant Knight) Subordinates: Belka (Wyvern Knight), Luna (Mercenary - yes, really.)

Avatar Subordinates: Felicia (Maid), Joker (Butler), Cyrus (Cavalier), Gunter (Great Knight)

Elise Subordinates: Elfie (Knight), Harold (Figher)

Aqua Subordinates: None Yet






Blue Haired Maid



Sigh... I suck at this. Vincent, any chance you could make a chart for us?

Edited by dragonlordsd
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Suzukaze doesn't serve Ryouma. At least not directly. Hinoka probably does have subordinates, we just don't know about them yet. Tsubaki may be one of Sakura's servants, I'm not sure. Otherwise I think you've got everything right.

Edited by capmalachi
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Suzukaze doesn't serve Ryouma. At least not directly. Hinoka probably does have subordinates, we just don't know about them yet. Tsubaki may be one of Sakura's servants, I'm not sure. Otherwise I think you've got everything right.


Yeah, I couldn't remember, I assumed he did because he and Saizou are brothers.

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Suzukaze's bio states that he, unlike Saizou, follows no distinct liege.

I imagine Tsubaki is Sakura's other retainer. Also, at this point, I think the blue-haired maid might be someone else's. If she was Kamui's, you'd think we would have some info on her by now.

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Suzukaze's bio states that he, unlike Saizou, follows no distinct liege.

I imagine Tsubaki is Sakura's other retainer. Also, at this point, I think the blue-haired maid might be someone else's. If she was Kamui's, you'd think we would have some info on her by now.

I believe it was stated that she followed you in both paths, which I take to mean that she, like the others, is the avatar's subordinate. I don't see who else she could serve, and in the original video, she is seen as helping Felicia wake the avatar up, implying they're both his servants.

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You have Oboro listed in "unassigned" and if you want to include all the characters, you should add not!Inigo, Nishiki, Crimson and Asama to the unassigned list.

Edited by NekoKnight
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First post is hard to follow in its current, lengthy format. Maybe do it like this (below) to make it easier?

Kamui - Joker, Felicia (Gunter?)

Aqua - ???

Ryouma - Saizou, Kagerou

Hinoka - We don't know yet

Takumi - Oboro, Hinata

Sakura - Kazahana, Tsubaki

Marx - We don't know yet

Camilla - Belka, Luna

Leon - We don't know yet

Elise - Elfie, Harold

I question Tsubaki being Sakura's because Famitsu said in Kazahana's blurb that she was a retainer of Sakura, whereas Tsubaki's made no mention of it from the translations I read (unlike every other one: Oboro+Hinata, Elfie+Harold, Saizou+Kagerou and Belka+Luna which had both blurbs say their position). But apparently something in an earlier trailer made people think he is, so I don't know, he's broken the tradition of Famitsu telling us if he is.

I don't think Linca, Tsukuyomi or Nishiki will be retainers. They seem to live outside of the royal family in their own respective clans judging by their descriptions and it's probable that they join as a form of recruiting outside aid against the invasion. Cyrus and Nyx can probably be written off too, as they weren't given roles in Famitsu.

I wonder if Aqua will have Hoshidan retainers like Kamui has the Nohrian ones? She's still royalty afterall.

Edited by Missiletainn
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First post is hard to follow in its current, lengthy format. Maybe do it like this (below) to make it easier?

Kamui - Joker, Felicia (Gunter?)

Aqua - ???

Ryouma - Saizou, Kagerou

Hinoka - We don't know yet

Takumi - Oboro, Hinata

Sakura - Kazahana, Tsubaki

Marx - We don't know yet

Camilla - Belka, Luna

Leon - We don't know yet

Elise - Elfie, Harold

I question Tsubaki being Sakura's because Famitsu said in Kazahana's blurb that she was a retainer of Sakura, whereas Tsubaki's made no mention of it from the translations I read (unlike every other one: Oboro+Hinata, Elfie+Harold, Saizou+Kagerou and Belka+Luna which had both blurbs say their position). But apparently something in an earlier trailer made people think he is, so I don't know, he's broken the tradition of Famitsu telling us if he is.

I don't think Linca, Tsukuyomi or Nishiki will be retainers. They seem to live outside of the royal family in their own respective clans judging by their descriptions and it's probable that they join as a form of recruiting outside aid against the invasion. Cyrus and Nyx can probably be written off too, as they weren't given roles in Famitsu.

I wonder if Aqua will have Hoshidan retainers like Kamui has the Nohrian ones? She's still royalty afterall.

Kazahana said that she was Sakura's "finest" retainer, while Tsubaki questioned that claim.

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Ok, I'll add them. Who are Crimson and Asama? Can you post a picture?

Crimson is thought to be a Hoshido alligned (or shared) Dragon Knight


Asama is another Hoshido character who showed up on a character list. He appears to be a cleric/priest, like Sakura.

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Crimson is thought to be a Hoshido alligned (or shared) Dragon Knight


Asama is another Hoshido character who showed up on a character list. He appears to be a cleric/priest, like Sakura.

That's odd. She doesn't look Hoshidan to me.

Adding that Belka is a Wyvern Rider and is Nohr-exclusive (and Crimson's armor shares similarities with Nohr characters), I'd imagine she's either Nohr-exclusive, or both routes.

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That's odd. She doesn't look Hoshidan to me.

Adding that Belka is a Wyvern Rider and is Nohr-exclusive (and Crimson's armor shares similarities with Nohr characters), I'd imagine she's either Nohr-exclusive, or both routes.

Yeah, she looks nothing like Hoshido. And Wyvern Knights usually group together. Probably both routes, although I imagine she's someone's subordinate.

I believe all subordinates are route exclusive?

Three wyvern knights is getting me really excited. It's my favorite class, and they all look awesome.

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That's odd. She doesn't look Hoshidan to me.

Adding that Belka is a Wyvern Rider and is Nohr-exclusive (and Crimson's armor shares similarities with Nohr characters), I'd imagine she's either Nohr-exclusive, or both routes.

Yeah, she looks nothing like Hoshido. And Wyvern Knights usually group together. Probably both routes, although I imagine she's someone's subordinate

You can see a Pegasus Warrior (Tsubaki, I think) also on the map while talking to Crimson (watch the My Castle video at 6:49) so methinks she's a shared character from Nohr, like Cyrus.

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BTW Luna is a confirmed mercenary, if you want to add that. But you guys are right there is no true confirmation Tsubaki serves under Sakura. Damn son, 2 months of debating your gender and now this?

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I really think Crimson could be a character shared with both routes (being from Nohr initially) as it makes sense for Hoshido to have access to one wyvern rider at least (suposing, by the moment, it is a Nohr exclusive class), the same way I think there's gonna be a pegassus rider which will be in both routes too (being from Hoshido initially). It sounds likely to me!

Edited by Kyan Surr
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I doubt Nyx is anyone's subordinate, since she's mentioned to "live quiet life as a fortune teller".

Similarly, Rinka is said to join as some sort of representative of her clan, so she is unlikely to be one either. (I would guess this applies to Tsukuyomi too)

I find Cyrus and Gunther unlikely subordinates too, since all subordinates until now are exclusive to their liege's nation. Also, Cyrus as "fledling knight" sounds like pretty unreliable subordinate.

Not?Inigo (Oh god, please don't also be a mercenary)

I'm pretty sure he had a mercenary sprite.

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I think the blue haired maid might be Aqua retainer and the scene where both maids appear takes place at the choice map, both of them waking you up at once and telling you to go to Aqua just before the cinematic.

On the other hand, I think Gunter has a fatherly attitude towards Kamui, like if he had been neglected by the king of Nohr, being that the reason to stick to him afterwards.

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I doubt Nyx is anyone's subordinate, since she's mentioned to "live quiet life as a fortune teller".

Similarly, Rinka is said to join as some sort of representative of her clan, so she is unlikely to be one either. (I would guess this applies to Tsukuyomi too)

I find Cyrus and Gunther unlikely subordinates too, since all subordinates until now are exclusive to their liege's nation. Also, Cyrus as "fledling knight" sounds like pretty unreliable subordinate.

I'm pretty sure he had a mercenary sprite.

right here I took a clearer image for those who said he was "Kamui"


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