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War turns us all into Racists

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We do. Oil. America needs it, Iraq has a lot of it, but with an anti-American government. America goes in, disposes the despot (lol) , puts in power a person friendly to America, and has a constant supply until it runs out......in about 20 years.

None of their supposed "justifications" they gave the public holds up and a " secret conspiracy reason we'll never know" is just silly

actually it's about Iran, Iran is very hostile with us and with isreal, and Iraq just puts iran even closer to isreal, also the center of the muslim caliphate was in iraq, and some of the radical islamists want that caliphate back (long term nostilogia[sp?] here)

Well what about the civil war? That whole war was about fighting racism.

not really, it wasn't about slaves at all until lincoln made it so, in fact it wasn't the south who really started it in the first place, the south gave the north a warning "you can keep your fort here so long as you don't bring reinforcements" lincoln did and hushed what he did, hence fort sumter, now I'm not saying slavery or what happened after to the black community was right, I'm just saying that it wasn't the crusade against slavery that everyone thinks it was.

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actually it's about Iran, Iran is very hostile with us and with isreal, and Iraq just puts iran even closer to isreal, also the center of the muslim caliphate was in iraq, and some of the radical islamists want that caliphate back (long term nostilogia[sp?] here)
Erh....so you want to continue this? Expand plz.
not really, it wasn't about slaves at all until lincoln made it so, in fact it wasn't the south who really started it in the first place, the south gave the north a warning "you can keep your fort here so long as you don't bring reinforcements" lincoln did and hushed what he did, hence fort sumter, now I'm not saying slavery or what happened after to the black community was right, I'm just saying that it wasn't the crusade against slavery that everyone thinks it was.
Erh..the majority of slaves were what color? Black. Making the Civil War a war on racism.
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actually it's about Iran, Iran is very hostile with us and with isreal, and Iraq just puts iran even closer to isreal, also the center of the muslim caliphate was in iraq, and some of the radical islamists want that caliphate back (long term nostilogia[sp?] here)

again Wrong thats not why were there

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Lincoln didn't like slavery, but he offered to keep it in if the South agreed not to secede, but they were afraid of him being in power and did it anyway. The South seceded, and the North fought to bring it back into the union. The country then realized slavery was just way too divisive an issue to be left as is and pretty much got rid of it.

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Lincoln didn't like slavery, but he offered to keep it in if the South agreed not to secede, but they were afraid of him being in power and did it anyway. The South seceded, and the North fought to bring it back into the union. The country then realized slavery was just way too divisive an issue to be left as is and pretty much got rid of it.
Thnx for doing my job. ^_^
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Lincoln didn't like slavery, but he offered to keep it in if the South agreed not to secede, but they were afraid of him being in power and did it anyway. The South seceded, and the North fought to bring it back into the union. The country then realized slavery was just way too divisive an issue to be left as is and pretty much got rid of it.

Thank for the infor ;)

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I will say that the war between America and Iraq, and the war in Afghanistan, have inspired a lot of aggressive nationalism, which isn't uncommon, as it's happened with many wars.

Nationalism can help a country by unifying it, or it can break one apart, like it did with the Ottoman Empire.

This form of nationalism is something that sprouts from people in America listening to everything their government tells them, and also from ignorance.

That's just what it is really, people are ignorant. They refuse to learn, or be told they are wrong, it's sad too because they have got people across the world thinking their same ignorant thoughts and ideas.

Ironically if you think about it logically, terrorism is using fear and violence to get what you want, and Americans do that in pretty much every war we ever fight in, everyone does it. I agree that the twin towers being knocked down as indeed sad, and an act of violence, but are 2 towers worth 2 countries?

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Oh, I didn't mean it that way, I just meant you showed some great maturity.especially for being on SF

I wouldn't give myself that much credit, I always act like this. I didn't really accomplish anything outside of just doing what I always do, which also isn't gaining much.

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I will say that the war between America and Iraq, and the war in Afghanistan, have inspired a lot of aggressive nationalism, which isn't uncommon, as it's happened with many wars.

Nationalism can help a country by unifying it, or it can break one apart, like it did with the Ottoman Empire.

This form of nationalism is something that sprouts from people in America listening to everything their government tells them, and also from ignorance.

That's just what it is really, people are ignorant. They refuse to learn, or be told they are wrong, it's sad too because they have got people across the world thinking their same ignorant thoughts and ideas.

Ironically if you think about it logically, terrorism is using fear and violence to get what you want, and Americans do that in pretty much every war we ever fight in, everyone does it. I agree that the twin towers being knocked down as indeed sad, and an act of violence, but are 2 towers worth 2 countries?

Wow, it's awesome the way you explained that.

Here in the UK, the BNP take Nationalism way to seriously, to the extent where they dislike any difference from different races.

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