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War turns us all into Racists

Not Changed by VASM :(

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I really have no further opinion on Lyle's statement, so I'll return to the original thread and say that was has indeed encouraged racism, however it's not where racism started, but it's one hell of a contributor.

No the Ottoman Empire was an empire that tried to become unified by nationalism like they saw their neighbors doing, however the problem was that people were from too many diverse backgrounds, and didn't share a common language, so it failed and just caused all of them to push against each other, thus ending the empire violently.

The other nations at the time referred to the Ottoman Empire as "The Powder Keg of Europe," because they were a nation waiting to explode into violence.

Edited by Cynthia
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I really have no further opinion on Lyle's statement, so I'll return to the original thread and say that was has indeed encouraged racism, however it's not where racism started, but it's one hell of a contributor.

No the Ottoman Empire was an empire that tried to become unified by nationalism like they saw their neighbors doing, however the problem was that people were from too many diverse backgrounds, and didn't share a common language, so it failed and just caused all of them to push against each other, thus ending the empire violently.

The other nations at the time referred to the Ottoman Empire as "The Powder Keg of Europe," because they were a nation waiting to explode into violence.

Damn it, the one time I actually payed attention in Genocide Class it was wrong. DAMN IT

Yeah I agree, racism is a main started to about everywar that the United States has been in.

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I really have no further opinion on Lyle's statement, so I'll return to the original thread and say that was has indeed encouraged racism, however it's not where racism started, but it's one hell of a contributer.

Well generally racism begins when uneducated people have lack of knowedge between different races and culture. This difference can mean people from different races and cultures have different views. Different views can usually result in disagrements. Differences and disagreements can result in racism.

Sometimes, people can't respect or accept someone's believe or values.

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Well generally racism begins when uneducated people have lack of knowedge between different races and culture. This difference can mean people from different races and cultures have different views. Different views can usually result in disagrements. Differences and disagreements can result in racism.

Sometimes, people can't respect or accept someone's believe or values.

I'd have to say that sometimes happens more and more often in this day and age, and not to single anyone out, but a lot of it also comes from pushing one's beliefs onto others. This is just plain wrong.

A good example would be (And of course I am not persecuting them as not all of them do this) the "born again" or fundamental Christians. A lot of people don't see this as wrong, but in my opinion it's just plain wrong. I wrote a story based loosely on a real incident that happened in a friend of mine's local town that involves what happens to people who have beliefs pushed on them. However the only part that comes from the real story is the part that there was 1 murder, and it was similarly violent to one of the deaths in the story, the story of course exaggerates, but gets the point across, just in a rather graphic way.

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Yes, few people I met are like that.

Its immature and stupid, and I don't respect anyone when they try to force someone's opinion on another person.

Agreed. I know a friend like that how thinks that my hair is to long. And that nintendo sucks

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Yes, few people I met are like that.

Its immature and stupid, and I don't respect anyone when they try to force someone's opinion on another person.

But what if the other person's wrong? What if their opinions are hurting people?

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But what if the other person's wrong? What if their opinions are hurting people?

Your right....

But is depends on the situation. What your talking about it insulting someone elses opinon.

If your opinion is not disrespecting someone elses believes and values, then it is alright.

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It's my opinion that animal sacrificing is wrong, yet this will insult a voodoo priest (probably not good example....).

Should I risk his getting insulted, to fight for my beleifs, and perhaps save a few animals?

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It's my opinion that animal sacrificing is wrong, yet this will insult a voodoo priest (probably not good example....).

Should I risk his getting insulted, to fight for my beleifs, and perhaps save a few animals?

It all depends on values, if there is physical harm being done to something, and it's unlawful then yes, report it, but don't push your beliefs onto the person.

As long as they are not pushing their beliefs, and not doing anything unlawful, then just ignore them. That's why law exists, to deem what is ethical, and what isn't. It helps us to define the line between what is okay to do, and what isn't.

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It's my opinion that animal sacrificing is wrong, yet this will insult a voodoo priest (probably not good example....).

Should I risk his getting insulted, to fight for my beleifs, and perhaps save a few animals?

Good point....

This is when opinions clash. In that example, there shall always a disagreement between the two you have stated.

But I think where these types of disagrements takes place, people should come together and try to neogiate there problems with a mediator.

Edited by Dark Sage
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His Dad wanted to kill Sadam in the Gulf War.

So I think he wanted to kill Sadam in his war.

So it must run in the family then.....

I wonder how George Bush daughters might turn out......probably power hungary witches

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So it must run in the family then.....

I wonder how George Bush daughters might turn out......probably power hungary witches

I swear the older one and her young Republican husband are going to get elcted and invade ****ing Canada.

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Well it's arguable, but supposedly when gas prices went up due to oil prices, Bush didn't try and stop this because his father owns an oil company.

It's hard to believe that man got 2 degrees from Yale.

Yeah his father does own an oil company and he used to, then he moved to owning the Rangers. Then he sold them for millions. Bush (though incredibly dumb) knows alot about making good business decisions

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Well it's arguable, but supposedly when gas prices went up due to oil prices, Bush didn't try and stop this because his father owns an oil company.

It's hard to believe that man got 2 degrees from Yale.

Last in his class btw

and i read what you said earlier and I would have to agree you basically elaborated what I said

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