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I'm Dronagon, I've been lurking around for months now and I've finally decided to make an account to join the fun! I've been trying to spread the Fire Emblem love around me in real life; it hasn't worked out well.

I don't have much to tell about my self, I speak French, Dutch and English fluently, I spend most of my time reading or playing video games and occasionally I like to draw aswell. (Even though I suck at it, but who cares?)

I learned about Fire Emblem when my parents came home one day from a garage sale with a game they discribed as "this medieval kind of game that seems like something you'd like", Shadow Dragon. (Which is up to date my favourite tied with Awakening.) Later, I got Fire Emblem BS and after that I got Sacred Stones aswell. (With the 3DS ambassador program though.) I also bought Radiant Dawn last year, but I still haven't played it as I would like to play Path of Radiance first (But that one costs even more so I'll probably end up playing RD first and hope to get my hands on a copy of PoR someday...) Also planning on doing a playthrough of Binding Blade and the Geneology games soon.

Beside FIre Emblem, I'm also a big Legend of Zelda fan! I also enjoy lots of other games, including Smash, Pokémon, Monster Hunter, and RPGs in general. I'm open to new things too! (I was going to say I hate anything shooters but now I'm addicted to Splatoon so I'll keep quiet about that.)

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Obviously you both are hoshidan, Hoshido is going for the female fanservice way like a truck

Edited by ENS
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Obviously you both are hoshidan, Hoshido is going for the female fanservice way like a truck

Might actually go male like I did on my first blind playthrough of Awakening because Male Kamui > Female Kamui though

Thanks for the welcome, guys!

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Hello there!

Shadow Dragon is the game I started with too, it's pretty cool!

Fire Emblem BS is an uncommon choice for one of your first FE games, but hey, that's just good Fire Emblem love!

And it's good that you're trying to spread the Fire Emblem love...

Anyway, enjoy your stay here in the forest.

Belgen zijn hier nogal zeldzaam.

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