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windows vista


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I'm sorry I should have worded that better. You see they SELL computers with Linux on them, and designed for linux, and they had to take them off the shelves, because no one was buying them. Not the CD, the entire computer line, computers made just for linux, which were around 25% cheaper, and people STILL didn't want them.

Ah yes well i've heard of those. I think most people that have linux would probably be using both windows and linux, therefore they'd buy the windows computer and then install linux on it via the internet.

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I think if you gave Windows more time, you'd find it's really not as bad as people say, I have grown accustomed to it, and don't even see any of the "flaws" anymore. Fresh out of the box Vista is the only "dreadful," one.

After a period of use Vista becomes so much easier to use, and ends up working great. I prefer it over XP now, which I never thought would happen.

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Vista's alright... It hasn't given me any HUGE problems yet. I've noticed it's slower than XP, for whatever reason that may be. One thing that pissed me off for a while was the Vista version of Windows Movie Maker being unable to record video from an Analog device, whereas XP could do it just fine. I think Vista's just being a bit overprotective... I could potentially pirate movies with it. (Though I never would)

Other than those quirks, it's run fairly well for me. I'd still say XP anyday though.

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Vista's alright... It hasn't given me any HUGE problems yet. I've noticed it's slower than XP, for whatever reason that may be. One thing that pissed me off for a while was the Vista version of Windows Movie Maker being unable to record video from an Analog device, whereas XP could do it just fine. I think Vista's just being a bit overprotective... I could potentially pirate movies with it. (Though I never would)

Other than those quirks, it's run fairly well for me. I'd still say XP anyday though.

Try upgrading your RAM, to make it run faster.

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I think if you gave Windows more time, you'd find it's really not as bad as people say, I have grown accustomed to it, and don't even see any of the "flaws" anymore. Fresh out of the box Vista is the only "dreadful," one.

After a period of use Vista becomes so much easier to use, and ends up working great. I prefer it over XP now, which I never thought would happen.

I've used windows for practically all of my life. I've been using windows since freaking windows 95. Trust me, i see plenty of its flaws. My dad even had windows 3.1, i never actually used that however, i was too young at that point to use computers. :P

Vista's alright... It hasn't given me any HUGE problems yet. I've noticed it's slower than XP, for whatever reason that may be. One thing that pissed me off for a while was the Vista version of Windows Movie Maker being unable to record video from an Analog device, whereas XP could do it just fine. I think Vista's just being a bit overprotective... I could potentially pirate movies with it. (Though I never would)

Other than those quirks, it's run fairly well for me. I'd still say XP anyday though.

Yeah, perhaps try copying the version from xp to vista? doubt it'd work, but worth a try. Another thing i'd recommend is taking xp's sound recorder to vista since vista pretty much nuked quite a bit of functionality it had in xp.

I did back it up though, did you see my example of me and my brother's computer?

And yes I HAVE used Linux.

Nope, i don't see you mention any of that anywhere in this thread. May i ask which distro of linux you chose and a possible screenshot of the desktop? If you say vista isn't all that bad, perhaps you'd like to tell us how bad it was for you?

Also, give me a few reasons as to why you say vista is better. i'd love to hear them.

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Personally, I think you're taking this as if I'm defending Vista for the wrong reasons. I'll assure you, I'm not what is defined as a "Microsoft fan," I just give credit where it's due. You made a lot of statements about Vista that were false, and I wanted to inform you.

As for Linux, I've only merely touched it a few times at school, as they have Linux computers there that are on a separate network. Just because I don't say something doesn't mean it doesn't happen, I don't say almost anything about my personal life, and that doesn't mean I don't have one does it? I have used them probably about twenty minutes at a time tops. Which isn't enough to make an entire statement on how they operate, but the research I do outside of class on the comparison of the computer companies (as I am required to know a good deal for the classes I'm in.) tells me a lot about Linux.

However I will say it's a good operating system if you really don't want to deal with either of the companies, and don't have a lot of money to waste on rather expensive operating systems.

However just as much as I can not fully state how Linux operates entirely, you can not about Vista, as you've only used it for a short time as well.

I prefer Vista more for the reasons of, one I don't need to run emulators to tasks, which Linux you end up using quite often. Most software works on Vista without the hassle. I also prefer the layout, it's easier for me, even if you disagree, I think it's set up in a way that is convenient for me. I would also say that I never encounter these blue screens, and such that you have, so in my opinion, if it works for me, why should I change it?

I also like to state that XP was criticized a large deal on its release, as people had many issues with it., but still sold better, and after service pack 2 the complaints dropped a large deal.

I highly doubt that Microsoft, an industry worth billions is just going to ignore all the "major issues," that people report about Vista, as they offer a service that requires continual use of their products, and for that to happen they need to respond to customer feedback. So I highly doubt over time Vista isn't going to improve at all, even though I have no problem with it in its current state, others disagree, but it can only improve really, Microsoft isn't just going to abandon it and tell their customers to get over it, because that's not how Bill Gates made his $60 billion, he made it by Microsoft constantly working to meet what the consumer wanted so they would sell more than the other companies, and it's worked thus far, as Microsoft's success shows this.

Apple has had a large amount of success too, and their computers are great for graphics, and don't get viruses, however the major downside is the low computability ratio. Also their recent advertising campaign is almost as bad as the political mudslinging you see on television. I see so many Apple commercials stating that you should switch to an Macintosh because Windows Vista isn't that great, some of which I don't even see mention the capabilities of the Macintosh computer at all, just say that people are switching to Macintosh because of their dislike towards Vista. I find it a little disappointing that the Apple Corporation needs to take a stab at Vista, when in a few months or so, it'll more than likely end up like Windows XP. They update it, and fix a good portion of the bugs, and people will start using it like they did XP, because when XP was released, there were a lot of problems with it as well, but you can't expect them to have it flawless the first time it is released, I don't even expect that out of the Macintosh computers out there.

I will say Linux is stable, which is an advantage, but it just isn't in a stage yet where it is extremely useful yet. It has potential, but it needs to work on being compatible with more things without using emulators before it can reach its potential. The downside of it being free is that if you encounter problems and end up ruining your computer, (which you can not say is impossible, as it's possible with ANY operating system) you can't even get your money back. Not to mention now your computer warranty is now void because you installed an operating system onto it that is was not designed for, so now all repair fees come directly from your pocket, whereas if you paid for the operating system, and it came with the computer, (because when you buy a computer, you're buying the operating system as well) you get a warranty, and that helps you cover fees that you pay when a computer breaks or has problems beyond your knowledge of repair.

Linux isn't terrible, but I wouldn't say it's the greatest operating system available, and really I would recommend sticking with Vista, as you might find that like you can get used to it over time, even see some of the issues you encounter no longer persist. They don't for me, so that's proof that it IS possible.

Edited by Cynthia
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Personally, I think you're taking this as if I'm defending Vista for the wrong reasons. I'll assure you, I'm not what is defined as a "Microsoft fan," I just give credit where it's due. You made a lot of statements about Vista that were false, and I wanted to inform you.

As for Linux, I've only merely touched it a few times at school, as they have Linux computers there that are on a separate network. Just because I don't say something doesn't mean it doesn't happen, I don't say almost anything about my personal life, and that doesn't mean I don't have one does it? I have used them probably about twenty minutes at a time tops. Which isn't enough to make an entire statement on how they operate, but the research I do outside of class on the comparison of the computer companies (as I am required to know a good deal for the classes I'm in.) tells me a lot about Linux.

However I will say it's a good operating system if you really don't want to deal with either of the companies, and don't have a lot of money to waste on rather expensive operating systems.

However just as much as I can not fully state how Linux operates entirely, you can not about Vista, as you've only used it for a short time as well.

I prefer Vista more for the reasons of, one I don't need to run emulators to tasks, which Linux you end up using quite often. Most software works on Vista without the hassle. I also prefer the layout, it's easier for me, even if you disagree, I think it's set up in a way that is convenient for me. I would also say that I never encounter these blue screens, and such that you have, so in my opinion, if it works for me, why should I change it?

There is plenty of linux software you can use without much hassle as well. I barely ever use an emulator in linux. It's cause there are plenty of similar linux equivilents to program you'd use in windows.

I also like to state that XP was criticized a large deal on its release, as people had many issues with it., but still sold better, and after service pack 2 the complaints dropped a large deal.

I highly doubt that Microsoft, an industry worth billions is just going to ignore all the "major issues," that people report about Vista, as they offer a service that requires continual use of their products, and for that to happen they need to respond to customer feedback. So I highly doubt over time Vista isn't going to improve at all, even though I have no problem with it in its current state, others disagree, but it can only improve really, Microsoft isn't just going to abandon it and tell their customers to get over it, because that's not how Bill Gates made his $60 billion, he made it by Microsoft constantly working to meet what the consumer wanted so they would sell more than the other companies, and it's worked thus far, as Microsoft's success shows this.

Apple has had a large amount of success too, and their computers are great for graphics, and don't get viruses, however the major downside is the low computability ratio. Also their recent advertising campaign is almost as bad as the political mudslinging you see on television. I see so many Apple commercials stating that you should switch to an Macintosh because Windows Vista isn't that great, some of which I don't even see mention the capabilities of the Macintosh computer at all, just say that people are switching to Macintosh because of their dislike towards Vista. I find it a little disappointing that the Apple Corporation needs to take a stab at Vista, when in a few months or so, it'll more than likely end up like Windows XP. They update it, and fix a good portion of the bugs, and people will start using it like they did XP, because when XP was released, there were a lot of problems with it as well, but you can't expect them to have it flawless the first time it is released, I don't even expect that out of the Macintosh computers out there.

Well compatability only really matters if you're planning on using a computer for gaming. Like linux, mac has plenty of equivilents to windows software. I can't say as much for macs having not used them as much.

I will say Linux is stable, which is an advantage, but it just isn't in a stage yet where it is extremely useful yet. It has potential, but it needs to work on being compatible with more things without using emulators before it can reach its potential. The downside of it being free is that if you encounter problems and end up ruining your computer, (which you can not say is impossible, as it's possible with ANY operating system) you can't even get your money back. Not to mention now your computer warranty is now void because you installed an operating system onto it that is was not designed for, so now all repair fees come directly from your pocket, whereas if you paid for the operating system, and it came with the computer, (because when you buy a computer, you're buying the operating system as well) you get a warranty, and that helps you cover fees that you pay when a computer breaks or has problems beyond your knowledge of repair.

I'd certainly say linux is pretty useful actually. Even i can see that it has potential for more, but you can't expect it to be perfectly compabitible with windows programs. In fact, the compatibility of windows programs depends on the emulator itself, and NOT linux.

Linux isn't terrible, but I wouldn't say it's the greatest operating system available, and really I would recommend sticking with Vista, as you might find that like you can get used to it over time, even see some of the issues you encounter no longer persist. They don't for me, so that's proof that it IS possible.

Well of course i'm going to stick with vista, no way i'm getting rid of it.

Anyway, linux itself has gotten better just in the last few years. In fact, the linux distro i use only was created about 4 years ago. I've had it for about 1 and a half years now, and i've already seen improvments on it. Of course, thats only one type of linux. Again, i'd like to know what type of linux you're using, since every single one is different and suited for different things. I use Ubuntu linux. A few other common ones i know of are: Gentoo, Mandrake, Knoppix, Fedora...

Even in every single one of those, the desktop can look completely different and work different. In Ubuntu, theres about 3 common desktop environments you can use, as well as quite a few more ones that are less commonly used. I've used two that falls under the less commonly used category.

I'm probably always am going to use windows, unless sometime a different os becomes more popular. Still, linux is pretty useful for a number tasks. I find it a lot easier to compile and install programs. For example, in windows, you go ahead, to some site, and download it. Linux, you open up a command line, and type: sudo apt-get install program. No mucking around in random 3rd party web sites with ads and crap. For compiling, you have to download some other program in windows. In linux, it'd go something like this in a command line:

./configure && make && make install

Might i also add linux is pretty good dealing with problems if you cannot boot, you can easily go ahead and start up in a command line to fix any problems. If you have further problems, just boot from a linux cd and you can access and files you need to. This helped be a LOT when i accidentally borked windows. It allowed me toretrieve my files before i reformated and reinstalled XP.

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