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* Fireman (darkmyst@dm-25235.oak.mdsg-pacwest.com) has joined #Serenes_Forest

<Doom103> Hi Fire

* Fireman (darkmyst@dm-25235.oak.mdsg-pacwest.com) has left #Serenes_Forest

<Doom103> Gee fire would it kill you to say Hi

<emeraldfox_09> he probably got on only to go to the staff chat

<Doom103> yea don't they all

* Fireman (darkmyst@dm-25235.oak.mdsg-pacwest.com) has joined #Serenes_Emblem

<Arch> Ok now we can begin

<@Fireman> Sure

<Arch> ok now what's the status on the project

<Nightmarre> Well, It's all going as you planned but MaSu is defying Vincent.

<Arch> How annoying

<Lyle> Who knows maybe MaSu will get banned, better for us

<Arch> He's been getting in the way alot like Knife

<@Fireman> Yea, but we fixed that last problem

<Arch> what great timing too, with hurricane Ike and all

<@Ninji> It's like we weren't even there

<Arch> Yes. Well now to more important things, someone is trying to access the secret chat and forum, but I don't know


<Cymbeline> Maybe Smarty

<Fireman> Probably, but who knows

<Arch> Cym keep an eye on Smarty I don't want him in our system

<Cymbeline> Yes

<AngelOfDeath> So how much longer till we are done?

<Lyle> Shouldn't Arc be asking those questions?

=-= Lyle has been booted from #Serenes_Forest by Ninji (GTFO Lyle, WE DON'T WANT YOU HERE (Don't come back after this kick))

<Fireman> Damn ninji don't be so harsh

<@Ninji> meh

<Nightmarre> Maybe 2 days at most we will be finished

<Arch> Good in two days everyone will be dead

Part 1

<Doom103> Damn

<Emeraldfox_09> What?

<Doom103> Shawn Johnson isn't coming to Miami on her gymnastics tour

<Emeraldfox_09> What's with you and Shawn?

<Doom103> What isn't there to like, she's beautiful, talented and funny

<Emeraldfox_09> Yeah.....

<Doom103> What?

<Emeraldfox_09> Nothing, how come your typing with such good spelling

<Doom103> Whart can't I spell properly?

<Doom103> What**

<Emeraldfox_09> lol

* Cymbeline (darkmyst@dm-32463.wshosting.org) has joined #Serenes_Forest



<Emeraldfox_09> Hi Cym

<Cymbeline> Hi, well bye going to the staff chat

<Emeraldfox_09> Seeya

<Doom103> BAH, later

* Cymbeline (darkmyst@dm-32463.wshosting.org) has left #Serenes_Forest

* SmartRutter (darkmyst@dm-32463.wshosting.org) has joined #Serenes_Forest

<Doom103> SMARTY!

<@SmartRutter> Hia

<Emeraldfox_09> Hello there

<@SmartRutter> Vista fails

<Doom103> lol I still kind of want it

<@SmartRutter> No you don’t, you may like the inter face but it’s performance is’nt good at all

<@SmartRutter> It’s slow, glitchty and very prone to viruses

<@SmartRutter> The softwear has

<Doom103> Alright, we get it geez you ramble too much lol

<@SmartRutter> lol. Sorry I tend to go off sometimes

<@SmartRutter> I think I’m getting better though

<@SmartRutter> But sometimes I don’t think I do

<Emeraldfox_09> lol

<@SmartRutter> XD

<Doom103> Smarty could you hack into the secret chat and have us as invisible?

<@SmartRutter> In my sleep

<Doom103> Em you up for it?

<Emeraldfox_09> Sure why not

<@SmartRutter> Woah woah woah I never said I would

<Doom103> Awww come one your no fun

<Emeraldfox_09> yea don’t be boring, what else do we have to do, and besides we could find out wtf there really talking about, maybe there not even working or slacking off

<@SmartRutter> No. I’m head op and that would be abuse of my power.

<Hika> Yea Smurty DO IT

<@SmartRutter> Hi Hika, and no

<Hika> - Oi, -_-

<Doom103> WTH do we have to do to convince you

<@SmartRutter> If……. You could get …

<Doom103> Get what? GET WHAT!?

<@SmartRutter> Ah nothing lets just go

<Emeraldfox_09> Wahoo!

<Doom103> lol See now ypur a fun op

<Hika> Smarty what would happen if once were in we type something?

<@SmartRutter> only Doom, Emerald, you and I could read it.

<Doom103> Sounds good let’s go

<@SmartRutter> So were off

Doom103 (darkmyst@dm-25235.oak.mdsg-pacwest.com) has joined #Serenes_Emblem

@SmartRutter (darkmyst@dm-25235.oak.mdsg-pacwest.com) has joined #Serenes_Emblem

Emeraldfox_09 (darkmyst@dm-25235.oak.mdsg-pacwest.com) has joined #Serenes_Emblem

Hika (darkmyst@dm-25235.oak.mdsg-pacwest.com) has joined #Serenes_Emblem

<@Fireman> So, cym have you mugged anyone lately?

<Cymbeline> No, haven’t found the time really, too busy with other stuff

<Hika> Yea. Like talking to Zeph

<Doom103> lolhika. Smarty do you still have Op powers here?

<@SmartRutter> yea why?

<Doom103> Silence the fools

<@SmartRutter> XD

SmartRutter sets mode +m

Arch is now know as What_The_Fuck_Is_Going_On

<Doom103> lmfao

<Emeraldfox_09> De op fireman so he can’t fix it

SmartRutter sets mode –o Fireman

Fireman is now known as Who_is_doing_that

SmartRutter sets mode –m

SmartRutter sets mode +o Fireman

<@Fireman> What was that?

<Arch> Not too sure? Sevensins

<@Sevensins> What

<Arch> What just happened?

@Sevensins> Idk, I’m playing tales and I don’t particularly care

<Arch> Damnit Sevensins wtf is wrong with you just find out whats wrong

=-= Arch has been booted from #Serenes_Forest by Sevensins (STFU no one defies me)

Arch (darkmyst@dm-25235.oak.mdsg-pacwest.com) has joined #Serenes_Emblem

<@Sevensins> Ok now I’m gonna go play tales

<Doom103> lol sevensins is a grumpy sob

<Emeraldfox_09> sob?

<Doom103> Yea Son of a bitch, idk but shawn Johnson said it on letterman so I’m using it too


<@SmartRutter> lol

<Arch> Cym is Des going to join the staff as a mugger or not?

<Cymbeline> I think so, she mugged a guy yesterday and was pretty good at it

<@Ninji> lol she might be better than Fireman

<@Fireman> yea…… I sock it to them real good when I mug someone, when I mugged Knife he ran away

<Arch> Yea Yea don’t be a show off

<Doom103> ughhhhh did he just

<Hika> I don’t know if that was a joke or what

<@SmartRutter> idk. I think so

<Emeraldfox_09> Shhhhh

<Lyle> So Night we all set for tomorrow?

<Nightmaare> Yeah come tomorrow SE will be released for download

<Arch> Perfect, come tomorrow the most devastating virus ever will be released into the internet

<MaSu> So arch you’ve been ranting about this virus for days now wtf does it do.

<Arch> Sigh** you’ll find out tomorrow


<Hika> Ugh WTF is this some kind of sick joke

<AngelofDeath> lol and all those poor suckers think that they are gonna download a game

<@Fireman> We should charge like 10000 gold for it, and we could be rich

<@Ninji> lol

<Arch> Well I’m leaving now, so tomorrow at 5pm we meet here and put the download up, spread the word on the secret forum to come at that time, and fireman

<@Fireman> Yeah?

<Arch> Please, you know were everyone in the forest lives make sure to keep an eye on the ones I told you to

<@Fireman> You mean peeping on Fox?

<Arch> Ughhhhh… idk what your talking about you sick bastard

<MaSu> Arch, do you have pics

<Arch> No I DO NOT!

<Arch> MaSu?

<Doom103> are we in a pm

<@SmartRutter> I believe so

<MaSu> yesir

<Arch> I’ll pm you the ics later

<MaSu>lol awesome

<Hika> Lyle just moved down a teir

<Emeraldfox_09> lol and CGV too

<Doom103> LMAO

<Cymbeline>-_o can I look yet

<@Fireman> lol well I’m locking the room so see yea guys

<@Ninji> Later guys

Doom103 (darkmyst@dm-25235.oak.mdsg-pacwest.com) has joined #Serenes_Forest

@SmartRutter (darkmyst@dm-25235.oak.mdsg-pacwest.com) has joined #Serenes_Forest

Emeraldfox_09 (darkmyst@dm-25235.oak.mdsg-pacwest.com) has joined #Serenes_Forest

Hika (darkmyst@dm-25235.oak.mdsg-pacwest.com) has joined #Serenes_Forest

<Doom103> ummmmmmmmm

<Hika> …..

<@SmartRutter> How do you “lock” a chat I need to learn

<Emeraldfox_09> **Facepalm

Part Two coming Soon

Edited by Doom103
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Part 1

<Doom103> Damn

<Emeraldfox_09> What?

<Doom103> Shawn Johnson isn't coming to Miami on her gymnastics tour

<Emeraldfox_09> What's with you and Shawn?

<Doom103> What isn't there to like, she's beautiful, talented and funny

<Emeraldfox_09> Yeah.....

<Doom103> What?

<Emeraldfox_09> Nothing, how come your typing with such good spelling

<Doom103> Whart can't I spell properly?

<Doom103> What**

<Emeraldfox_09> lol

* Cymbeline (darkmyst@dm-32463.wshosting.org) has joined #Serenes_Forest



<Emeraldfox_09> Hi Cym

<Cymbeline> Hi, well bye going to the staff chat

<Emeraldfox_09> Seeya

<Doom103> BAH, later

* Cymbeline (darkmyst@dm-32463.wshosting.org) has left #Serenes_Forest

* SmartRutter (darkmyst@dm-32463.wshosting.org) has joined #Serenes_Forest

<Doom103> SMARTY!

<@SmartRutter> Hia

<Emeraldfox_09> Hello there

<@SmartRutter> Vista fails

<Doom103> lol I still kind of want it

<@SmartRutter> No you don’t, you may like the inter face but it’s performance is’nt good at all

<@SmartRutter> It’s slow, glitchty and very prone to viruses

<@SmartRutter> The softwear has

<Doom103> Alright, we get it geez you ramble too much lol

<@SmartRutter> lol. Sorry I tend to go off sometimes

<@SmartRutter> I think I’m getting better though

<@SmartRutter> But sometimes I don’t think I do

<Emeraldfox_09> lol

<@SmartRutter> XD

<Doom103> Smarty could you hack into the secret chat and have us as invisible?

<@SmartRutter> In my sleep

<Doom103> Em you up for it?

<Emeraldfox_09> Sure why not

<@SmartRutter> Woah woah woah I never said I would

<Doom103> Awww come one your no fun

<Emeraldfox_09> yea don’t be boring, what else do we have to do, and besides we could find out wtf there really talking about, maybe there not even working or slacking off

<@SmartRutter> No. I’m head op and that would be abuse of my power.

<Hika> Yea Smurty DO IT

<@SmartRutter> Hi Hika, and no

<Hika> - Oi, -_-

<Doom103> WTH do we have to do to convince you

<@SmartRutter> If……. You could get …

<Doom103> Get what? GET WHAT!?

<@SmartRutter> Ah nothing lets just go

<Emeraldfox_09> Wahoo!

<Doom103> lol See now ypur a fun op

<Hika> Smarty what would happen if once were in we type something?

<@SmartRutter> only Doom, Emerald, you and I could read it.

<Doom103> Sounds good let’s go

<@SmartRutter> So were off

Doom103 (darkmyst@dm-25235.oak.mdsg-pacwest.com) has joined #Serenes_Emblem

@SmartRutter (darkmyst@dm-25235.oak.mdsg-pacwest.com) has joined #Serenes_Emblem

Emeraldfox_09 (darkmyst@dm-25235.oak.mdsg-pacwest.com) has joined #Serenes_Emblem

Hika (darkmyst@dm-25235.oak.mdsg-pacwest.com) has joined #Serenes_Emblem

<@Fireman> So, cym have you mugged anyone lately?

<Cymbeline> No, haven’t found the time really, too busy with other stuff

<Hika> Yea. Like talking to Zeph

<Doom103> lolhika. Smarty do you still have Op powers here?

<@SmartRutter> yea why?

<Doom103> Silence the fools

<@SmartRutter> XD

SmartRutter sets mode +m

Arch is now know as What_The_Fuck_Is_Going_On

<Doom103> lmfao

<Emeraldfox_09> De op fireman so he can’t fix it

SmartRutter sets mode –o Fireman

Fireman is now known as Who_is_doing_that

SmartRutter sets mode –m

SmartRutter sets mode +o Fireman

<@Fireman> What was that?

<Arch> Not too sure? Sevensins

<@Sevensins> What

<Arch> What just happened?

@Sevensins> Idk, I’m playing tales and I don’t particularly care

<Arch> Damnit Sevensins wtf is wrong with you just find out whats wrong

=-= Arch has been booted from #Serenes_Forest by Sevensins (STFU no one defies me)

Arch (darkmyst@dm-25235.oak.mdsg-pacwest.com) has joined #Serenes_Emblem

<@Sevensins> Ok now I’m gonna go play tales

<Doom103> lol sevensins is a grumpy sob

<Emeraldfox_09> sob?

<Doom103> Yea Son of a bitch, idk but shawn Johnson said it on letterman so I’m using it too


<@SmartRutter> lol

<Arch> Cym is Des going to join the staff as a mugger or not?

<Cymbeline> I think so, she mugged a guy yesterday and was pretty good at it

<@Ninji> lol she might be better than Fireman

<@Fireman> yea…… I sock it to them real good when I mug someone, when I mugged Knife he ran away

<Arch> Yea Yea don’t be a show off

<Doom103> ughhhhh did he just

<Hika> I don’t know if that was a joke or what

<@SmartRutter> idk. I think so

<Emeraldfox_09> Shhhhh

<Lyle> So Night we all set for tomorrow?

<Nightmaare> Yeah come tomorrow SE will be released for download

<Arch> Perfect, come tomorrow the most devastating virus ever will be released into the internet

<MaSu> So arch you’ve been ranting about this virus for days now wtf does it do.

<Arch> Sigh** you’ll find out tomorrow


<Hika> Ugh WTF is this some kind of sick joke

<AngelofDeath> lol and all those poor suckers think that they are gonna download a game

<@Fireman> We should charge like 10000 gold for it, and we could be rich

<@Ninji> lol

<Arch> Well I’m leaving now, so tomorrow at 5pm we meet here and put the download up, spread the word on the secret forum to come at that time, and fireman

<@Fireman> Yeah?

<Arch> Please, you know were everyone in the forest lives make sure to keep an eye on the ones I told you to

<@Fireman> You mean peeping on Fox?

<Arch> Ughhhhh… idk what your talking about you sick bastard

<MaSu> Arch, do you have pics

<Arch> No I DO NOT!

<Arch> MaSu?

<Doom103> are we in a pm

<@SmartRutter> I believe so

<MaSu> yesir

<Arch> I’ll pm you the ics later

<MaSu>lol awesome

<Hika> Lyle just moved down a teir

<Emeraldfox_09> lol and CGV too

<Doom103> LMAO

<Cymbeline>-_o can I look yet

<@Fireman> lol well I’m locking the room so see yea guys

<@Ninji> Later guys

Doom103 (darkmyst@dm-25235.oak.mdsg-pacwest.com) has joined #Serenes_Forest

@SmartRutter (darkmyst@dm-25235.oak.mdsg-pacwest.com) has joined #Serenes_Forest

Emeraldfox_09 (darkmyst@dm-25235.oak.mdsg-pacwest.com) has joined #Serenes_Forest

Hika (darkmyst@dm-25235.oak.mdsg-pacwest.com) has joined #Serenes_Forest

<Doom103> ummmmmmmmm

<Hika> …..

<@SmartRutter> How do you “lock” a chat I need to learn

<Emeraldfox_09> **Facepalm

Part Two coming Soon

I updated the op too

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It may be unlike the real chat, because some people might've posted before you, Smarty, Hika, or EF made comments, but it is a story and it would probably get too confusing otherwise.

Nice job Doom! You earn a :) and a ;)

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