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Poison Jab over Double-Edge for my Rapidash?


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They're saying that a neutral Flare Blitz(with STAB) is stronger than a super effective poison jab, so the only pokemon that take more damage from Poison Jab are the ones that are weak to it, while also resisting fire.

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Fire isn't actually super-effective against Fairy types though...

Considering that Poison Jab only really hits Azumarill... (the Rock/Fairy types all are hit harder by Flare Blitz despite NVE)

Edited by Levant Caprice
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Fire isn't actually super-effective against Fairy types though...

Flare Blitz is the better move to attack them because of STAB and they are neutral to Fire.

Elaborating what Levant Caprice and Ether stated, Flare Blitz, even at not very effective, would still do more damage to Rock/Fairy (STAB Flare Blitz's 90 at not very effective vs. Poison Jab's neutral 80). It really wouldn't be a good coverage move if your concern is Fairy. Poison Jab would only be good against Marill-Azumarill for Fairy counter.

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