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Did Awakening tease any "confession" scenes prior to release?


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Because its 2 weeks before release and so far… no mention of support specifics. Awakening specifically discussed supports around 2 weeks prior to game's release. Do you guys remember if Awakening teased confession scenes at all?

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Yup it did. I say look forward to any trailers or news!

I think it is likely for there to be romantic supports for the avatar. Think about it. High chance that avatar can supply with EVERY character. And there's lots of fans of awakening who liked the romance mechanic.

The awakening confession trailer was shown 1 week before awakenings Jpn release. Save the best feature for last for max impact.

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Yup it did. I say look forward to any trailers or news!

I think it is likely for there to be romantic supports for the avatar. Think about it. High chance that avatar can supply with EVERY character. And there's lots of fans of awakening who liked the romance mechanic.

The awakening confession trailer was shown 1 week before awakenings Jpn release. Save the best feature for last for max impact.

most likely for Kamui yeah probably be last trailer before release.
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That TVCM was posted exactly a week before its release. If they are going to advertise romantic supports at all for IF, I'm guessing it'll be one of the last things they cover.

True, although if I'm not mistaken the existence of confession scenes had already been mentioned in an interview some time before the CM went on air. But yeah, I think you're right. With all the new features in If the support system probably isn't very high on their list of things to advertise anyway.

To be honest I don't think If will have Awakening-style confession/proposal-scenes though. I have no doubt that there will be romantic supports in the game, but in If's setting it would seem to make sense to leave anything related to marriages and kids and what not to the epilogue. But perhaps this is just wishful thinking on my part.

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They put face-groping in the game. I'll be seriously upset if they don't include some romance, even if they simplify it in comparison to awakening.

Edited by Lawful Angry
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In my honest opinion, i really hope this isn't the case...

Well that seems to be where the closeup CGs went, so they probably won't recycle those or make new similar-looking ones for confession cutscenes. That might be what he meant?

Edited by Bovinian
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Maybe face-rubbing is the new confessions?

Well that seems to be where the closeup CGs went, so they probably won't recycle those or make new similar-looking ones for confession cutscenes. That might be what he meant?

What if the confessions use the 3D models from the face rubbin'

Thinking on this line, that just might be the case.

Man, i'm getting old, my sight is narrowing.

Edited by Lawful Angry
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Maybe face-rubbing is the new confessions?

Well that seems to be where the closeup CGs went, so they probably won't recycle those or make new similar-looking ones for confession cutscenes. That might be what he meant?

Or it could the other way around: maybe they came up with face-rubbing to make up for no confessions? Either way, it would make sense. They probably wouldn't have gotten away with making confession scenes for the avatar's family members, but if it's just face-rubbing, it's still weird as heck more or less acceptable.

Edited by Icy Toast
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