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Dragons Vein


Dragons Vein  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think Dragons Vein will change the story?

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So I had this topic in mind for a while and it doesn't look like anyone has made it. I could be completely wrong but YOLO. This topic came to mind when I heard you could Terraform stuff with dragons vein. So what do you guys think?

Edit: As most have seen in the Japanese FE If intro video Camilla could dry up a lake so do you think that Dragons Vein will be plot relevant during chapters that you may use it.

Edited by ZomBurt
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It's hard to say, I would think that the ability 'Dragons Vein' in and of itself is more a gameplay mechanic and won't really affect the story much in any way (i.e. royals using it in cutscenes and the like to defeat another main character). But I could be wrong, for all we know that tree magic Leon used could've been his 'Dragons Vein' ability.

I'm pretty certain though that the royals having dragon's blood in them will play a major role in the story, like 99.99999999999999~% sure.

Edit: If I could I would vote 'Not Sure' or something along those lines but seeing as that's not an option and I'm uncertain of the answer I voted 'No'. Thank you! <3

Edited by Kyza
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I don't think that using it during a given chapter as opposed to not using it in a given chapter will affect the story in any significant way, if that answers your question. I will be happily surprised if I am wrong however. It would be really cool if, for example, you dry up a river (like Camilia does in the trailer) and because of that some villagers lose their water supply and the consequences affect the story in some way later on. I don't think anything like that is going to happen, but ill admit that the idea excites me regardless.

Edited by BluCommander
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You know, if they can terraform with Dragon's Vein why don't they just use that to fix their crop issues?

Hmm... We don't know too much about Dragons Vein and its full potential. But I'm pretty sure Garon has something to do with that.
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You know, if they can terraform with Dragon's Vein why don't they just use that to fix their crop issues?

It could probably have a negative effect on something like that, Or maybe you can't bring life to something with the Dragon's Vein. Correct me if I'm wrong but I haven't seen the Dragon's Vein bring anything to life in the trailers.

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You know, if they can terraform with Dragon's Vein why don't they just use that to fix their crop issues?

Maybe that's why Nohr is having the crop issues? What if Hoshido and Nohr originally started out the same, but Nohr wanted to get more crops than Hoshido, so they tried using Dragon's Vein in order to boost the crops. This worked, but only for a short time. The effects then began to reverse and killed most of the plant life.

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You know, if they can terraform with Dragon's Vein why don't they just use that to fix their crop issues?

Terraforming is described as changing the shape of the landscape. So, regardless of what they do with Dragon's Vein, they can't make something from nothing, only change the shape of what's there. And apparently the temperature with the freezing and evaporating of water in the new video. Basically, if their soil is no good to begin with, changing the shape of the soil won't change the quality.

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I might be a bit off on this, but does it seem like each sibling can only control a certain element with the Dragon's Vein? We haven't seen much, but the few times I've seen Kamui use it, it controls rocks or some solid form of earth, and with Camilla there's a fire ball that dries the river, so fire(?) Then there's Leon with the trees if that is the Vein, so possibly plant life...does that count? And I'm speculating Hinoka could be wind because of her flying spear twirling...thing. Hinokopter? Then again I might've missed something about how each sibling controls it or how it works in general besides the terraforming.

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I might be a bit off on this, but does it seem like each sibling can only control a certain element with the Dragon's Vein? We haven't seen much, but the few times I've seen Kamui use it, it controls rocks or some solid form of earth,

Actually, near the end of the latest intro video Kamui is seen manipulating Ice so I think they can manipulate terrain no matter what element. But if a certain terrain needs a certain element, they'll use it like how Camilla used fire on the water.

Edited by DualMix
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I kinda figured it would be more of a way to end battles in easier/different ways by getting by landmarks that would otherwise prevent you from getting forward. I kinda doubt anything other than the main characters dragonness will be plot relevent.

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