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Fire Emblem if multiple endings


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I was thinking in how far this "if" will go. When the game was officially announced in Nintendo Direct, they told us that the game will drastically change with our choices, but there will be only one big choice ?

Or we will have other key choices that will lead us to a different [route] ?

In shadowofchaos translations (ty for that man) we could see this line:

"Each of those stories will approach different endings, depending on you choises"

So maybe each story (Hoshido or Nohr) will have others key choices that will lead to different ending.
This kind of mechanics is very common in japan, like visual novels, that you choices will lead to many routes and many endings. And as this game is based on this kind of choices. Maybe (just maybe) we will have variable endings to Hoshido and Nohr.
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Yeah, I think there will be multiple endings. Maybe to get the best ending, there are certain actions you have to refrain from doing etc., and will probably invovlve keeping the siblings on the opposite side alive, imo.

Hopefully there will be some depth to this...

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Hmm, there is a thread for this discussion point already.

But I'll say it here too:

In the first trailer, you are right that Iwata said "choices" (or last I remember anyway), but I wouldn't read too much into it.

In Japanese, most of the time there isn't always a difference between singular and plural terms. So Iwata may have said "choices", but he could've been translating from Japanese where it was "choice(s)" and he just went with one form over the other.

You can tell the presenters are all running off the same script at times, especially when you see Shibata in the European Direct saying the exact same lines as the rep in the North American Direct.

(Plus I'm pretty sure Iwata was simply foreshadowing the separate campaigns, as from that point on, the promo materials only refer to "choices" when talking about the campaigns.)

Same deal with SoC's translation. It could be multiple endings per path or multiple endings because of each path--it's too vague to tell from the little context.

Really, it could go either way, but I'm just saying not to use those quotes as the gospel.

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