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Why does Aqua side with Kamui anyway?


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Hmm, I see three possibilities.

-Love at first sight, a la Eliwood/Ninian

-She can't think for herself, and decide to follow the MC because he had the balls to actually take a decision.

-Friendship is magic. Beurk.

Edited by B.Leu
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I believe it's something to do with your situations being similar, with her being from Nohr but kidnapped by Hoshido and you being kidnapped by Nohr but being from Hoshido.... I know it was stated somewhere but I forgot.

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Like attract like, similar background attracted Aqua to Kamui. It will probably developed into love with male Kamui if wanted by the player or close friend with female Kamui.

I wonder if IS is going to push this super hard like I think they will.

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I don't doubt Aqua will bond with Kamui over the course of the game, but I do hope she has a better reason for following you than your personality. Maybe it's because of your draconic powers, maybe it's because she feels you're in the best position to bring a swift end to the war, heck maybe she's bitter about everything and just wants to watch you suffer as you cut down your family. I don't know, but whatever the reason I hope it's more than "just because."

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I don't doubt Aqua will bond with Kamui over the course of the game, but I do hope she has a better reason for following you than your personality. Maybe it's because of your draconic powers, maybe it's because she feels you're in the best position to bring a swift end to the war, heck maybe she's bitter about everything and just wants to watch you suffer as you cut down your family. I don't know, but whatever the reason I hope it's more than "just because."

Aye, being mysterious doesn't really work if you've got nothing to hide or don't have any motivation of your own. Hopefully we don't get a shonen cliché like friendship being the solution to all her problems.

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She might just want to see you through this Journey to the bitter end whether it be cause she is in love with M!Kamui or wants to see if you can stop this hatred or it could be for other reasons. Suzukaze I can understand why he would follow you on both paths cause when a ninja finds a master he sticks with him to death.

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I seem to remember it being said somewhere that she follows Kamui because they have a similar past. (aka kidnapping subplots) She'll probably stick around because she initially agrees with Kamui until the point where things get so convoluted that something happens which leads to the scene where dragon!Kamui pounces on her. I'm wondering if Kamui's sword of darkness could be signs pointing to him becoming possessed or something not-good and the darkness is manifesting on the blade, while Aqua's pendant could be for "purifying" his soul maybe? (since we've had a lot of dark/light juxtapositioning going on in the promotional stuff?)

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You know, all this talk about Aqua's motivations makes me realize that we don't know anything at all about the story.

We know there'll be a war, some minor details about the two countries, that the Hoshidian king died to Garon somehow, that the royals have dragon blood in their veins and of course the choice between Nohr and Hoshido and...that's pretty much it, isn't it? We don't know about Aqua's water powers/wormhole thing, Kamui's transformation and why it goes berserk or anything about the war other than the fact that it's a war.

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I seem to remember it being said somewhere that she follows Kamui because they have a similar past. (aka kidnapping subplots) She'll probably stick around because she initially agrees with Kamui until the point where things get so convoluted that something happens which leads to the scene where dragon!Kamui pounces on her. I'm wondering if Kamui's sword of darkness could be signs pointing to him becoming possessed or something not-good and the darkness is manifesting on the blade, while Aqua's pendant could be for "purifying" his soul maybe? (since we've had a lot of dark/light juxtapositioning going on in the promotional stuff?)

I'm guessing its cause Kamui can change into the Dragon thing or in her song she talks about a golden sword like Kamui has.

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You know, all this talk about Aqua's motivations makes me realize that we don't know anything at all about the story.

We know there'll be a war, some minor details about the two countries, that the Hoshidian king died to Garon somehow, that the royals have dragon blood in their veins and of course the choice between Nohr and Hoshido and...that's pretty much it, isn't it? We don't know about Aqua's water powers/wormhole thing, Kamui's transformation and why it goes berserk or anything about the war other than the fact that it's a war.

IIRC, Awakening's story was kept pretty hush-hush before it came out too.

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IIRC, Awakening's story was kept pretty hush-hush before it came out too.

I wasn't around back then, so I wouldn't know. Still, it just suddenly hit me that we know very little. For instance, we know nothing about the Nosferatu and the things I mentioned earlier.

Oh well, I'm glad it hasn't been leaked at least. More to find out on my own! A bit worried about how many characters will be central to the plot, but hey, we've got three paths, so it should be alright.

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I wasn't around back then, so I wouldn't know. Still, it just suddenly hit me that we know very little. For instance, we know nothing about the Nosferatu and the things I mentioned earlier.

Oh well, I'm glad it hasn't been leaked at least. More to find out on my own! A bit worried about how many characters will be central to the plot, but hey, we've got three paths, so it should be alright.

We have each of our siblings on each side, our route-respective parental figures, and I think there's a good chance the Joker/Felicia/Gunther trio will be relevant for some time. That's already 8 significant characters per route. That's solid, I think, and I'm sure there ought to be at least a couple more.

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We have each of our siblings on each side, our route-respective parental figures, and I think there's a good chance the Joker/Felicia/Gunther trio will be relevant for some time. That's already 8 significant characters per route. That's solid, I think, and I'm sure there ought to be at least a couple more.

That's what I'm worried about, it will be difficult to characterize so many characters, and we more or less HAVE to feel something towards them or the choice will feel very hollow.

Imagine the Nohr route: we have to presumably fight against Garon together with our four adoptive sibilings and their subordinates (who admittedly might not take up any space after the chapter they've been introduced in), all while probably fending off attacks from Hoshido and our blood relatives.

And then there's Aqua, who's guaranteed to play a major part in at least one route, but more than likely all of them.

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That's what I'm worried about, it will be difficult to characterize so many characters, and we more or less HAVE to feel something towards them or the choice will feel very hollow.

Imagine the Nohr route: we have to presumably fight against Garon together with our four adoptive sibilings and their subordinates (who admittedly might not take up any space after the chapter they've been introduced in), all while probably fending off attacks from Hoshido and our blood relatives.

And then there's Aqua, who's guaranteed to play a major part in at least one route, but more than likely all of them.

She is going to play a large role she is the second lead character after all.

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